26 - 50 of 107
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26 Capecchi, Mario R.Male fertility is dependent on dipeptidase activity of testis ACE.Testis angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) is an isozyme exclusively expressed by developing sperm. This protein has only a single catalytic domain containing the HEXXH consensus-site motif typical of zinc metallopeptidases. The exact role of testis ACE is unknown, but male mice lacking the protein ...Amino Acid Motifs; Blotting, Western; Catalytic Domain; Comparative Study; Isoenzymes; Protein Structure, Tertiary2005-11-11
27 Capecchi, Mario R.Choose your target.The technology of modifying endogenous genes has recently been extended from mice to Drosophila and sheep. Concurrently, genomic sequencing is uncovering thousands of previously uncharacterized genes. Armed with today's technologies, what are our best options for delineating the functions of these n...Animals; Mice; Sheep2000-09-13
28 Thomas, Kirk R.; Capecchi, Mario R.Maintenance of functional equivalence during paralogous Hox gene evolution.Biological diversity is driven mainly by gene duplication followed by mutation and selection. This divergence in either regulatory or protein-coding sequences can result in quite different biological functions for even closely related genes. This concept is exemplified by the mammalian Hox gene comp...Alleles; Animals; Cervical Vertebrae; Embryo; Genetic Complementation Test; Homeodomain Proteins; Homozygote; Mice2000-02-10
29 Capecchi, Mario R.Characterization of three proteins involved in polypeptide chain termination.At each stage of elongation, the growing polypeptide chain is bound to the ribosome-messenger RNA complex through the transfer RNA of the most recently incorporated amino acid residue. When the chain is complete, the last polypeptide-transfer RNA (tuna) ester linkage is cleaved, releasing the chain ...Anti-Bacterial Agents; Phenylalanine; Stimulation, Chemical1969
30 Thomas, Kirk R.; Capecchi, Mario R.High-fidelity gene targeting in embryonic stem cells by using sequence replacement vectors.Mutations were targeted to the Hprt locus in murine embryonic stem cells by using sequence replacement vectors. When the vector was designed such that the mutated sequences were flanked on both sides by several kilobases of DNA homologous to the target locus, replacement of chromosomal sequences wit...Drug Resistance; Gene Rearrangement; Gentamicins1992-07
31 Capecchi, Mario R.Expression of a microinjected porcine class I major histocompatibility complex gene in transgenic mice.A porcine class I major histocompatibility complex (SLA) gene has been introduced into the genome of a C57BL/10 mouse. This transgenic mouse expressed SLA antigen on its cell surfaces and transmitted the gene to offspring, in which the gene is also expressed. Skin grafts of such transgenic mice were...Genetic Engineering; Graft Rejection; Mice, Inbred C57BL1985-05-03
32 Capecchi, Mario R.Patterns of integration of DNA microinjected into cultured mammalian cells: evidence for homologous recombination between injected plasmid DNA molecules.We examined the fate of DNA microinjected into nuclei of cultured mammalian cells. The sequence composition and the physical form of the vector carrying the selectable gene affected the efficiency of DNA-mediated transformation. Introduction of sequences near the simian virus 40 origin of DNA replic...Base Sequence; Cell Line; Genes, Viral; Genetic Vectors; Mice; Microinjections1982-11
33 Capecchi, Mario R.Critical role of tissue angiotensin-converting enzyme as revealed by gene targeting in miceAngiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) generates the vasoconstrictor angiotensin II, which plays a critical role in maintenance of blood pressure in mammals. Although significant ACE activity is found in plasma, the majority of the enzyme is bound to tissues such as the vascular endothelium. We used ta...Blood pressure; ACE activity; Enzyme1997-03-06
34 Capecchi, Mario R.N-formylmethionyl-sRNA as the initiator of protein synthesis.A bizarre fast about Nterminal groups of bacterial proteins. Instead of a random mixture, that the great majority of N-terminal groups were either methionine or alanine. This finding suggested that methionine and alanine constituted start signals for the initiation of polypeptide chains. Alternative...Electrophoresis; Formates; In Vitro; Methionine1966-01-01
35 Capecchi, Mario R.Introduction: the molecular genetic analysis of mouse developmentThis paper is an introduction of seven different papers presented in "Seminars in developmental biology" on Molecular Genetic Analysis of Mouse Development . The first paper, by Janet Rossant, describes very early mouse development. The second paper, by Frank Conlon and Rosa Beddington provide an i...Embryo Culture Techniques; Genes1995-04
36 Capecchi, Mario R.Detection of targeted GFP-Hox gene fuogenesissions during mouse embry.The ability to use a vital cell marker to study mouse embryogenesis will open new avenues of experimental research. Recently, the use of transgenic mice, containing multiple copies of the jellyfish gene encoding the green fluorescent protein (GFP), has begun to realize this potential. Here, we show ...Chimera; Crosses, Genetic; Gestational Age; Green Fluorescent Proteins; Mice, Inbred C57BL; Phenotype1998-10-27
37 Capecchi, Mario R.; Mansour, Suzanne L.; Thomas, Kirk R.Disruption of the proto-oncogene int-2 in mouse embryo-derived stem cells: a general strategy for targeting mutations to non-selectable genes.Gene targeting--homologous recombination of DNA sequences residing in the chromosome with newly introduced DNA sequences--in mouse embryo-derived stem cells promises to provide a means to generate mice of any desired genotype. We describe a positive nd negative selection procedure that enriches 2,00...Animals; Clone Cells; Restriction Mapping; Stem Cells1988-11-24
38 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Weiss, Robert B.Efficient shine- Dalgarno sequence but not translation is necessary for LacZ mRNA stability in Escherichia coliThe 5' ends of many bacterial transcripts are important in determining mRNA stability. A series of Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence changes showed that the complementarity of the SD sequence to the anti-SD sequence of 16S rRNA correlates with lacZ mRNA stability in Escherichia coli. Several initiation c...Protein Biosynthesis; Ribosomes; Escherichia coli; Shine-Dalgarno Sequence1994
39 Capecchi, Mario R.; Bernstein, Kenneth E.; Thomas, Kirk R.Targeting genes for self-excision in the germ lineA procedure is described that directs the self-induced deletion of DNA sequences as they pass through the male germ line of mice. The testes-specific promoter from the angiotensin-converting enzyme gene was used to drive expression of the Cre-recombinase gene. Cre was linked to the selectable marker...Cre-recombinase; Hoxa3; Chimeric mice1999-06-15
40 Capecchi, Mario R.Polypeptide chain termination in vitro: isolation of a release factor.The growing polypeptide chain remains bound to the ribosome-messenger RNA complex through the sRNA carrying the last amino acid incorporated into the polypeptide chain.' On completion of the polypeptide chain a mechanism must exist for releasing it from the protein-synthesizing machinery. To date, m...Carbon Isotopes; Phenylalanine; Proteins1967-09-01
41 Capecchi, Mario R.Yeast super-suppressors are altered tRNAs capable of translating a nonsense codon in vitro.tRNA isolated from two different yeast super-suppressor strains translates a known nonsense mutation in vitro, whereas tRNA from a closely related nonsuppressing strain does not. Suppression was assayed by translation of RNA isolated from an amber coat mutant of bacteriophage Qbeta (GB11) in a prote...Codon; Escherichia coli; Protein Biosynthesis1975-11
42 Hansen, Mark S.; Healy, Lindsey J.; Johnson, Christopher R.; Capecchi, Mario R.; Keller, Charles; Jones, Greg M.Virtual histology of transgenic mouse embryos for high-throughput phenotyping.A bold new effort to disrupt every gene in the mouse genome necessitates systematic, interdisciplinary approaches to analyzing patterning defects in the mouse embryo. We present a novel, rapid, and inexpensive method for obtaining high-resolution virtual histology for phenotypic assessment of mouse ...Forkhead Transcription Factors; Paired Box Transcription Factors2006
43 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Atkins, John F.; Felden, Brice; McCutcheon, John P.Probing the structure of the Escherichia coli 10Sa RNA (tmRNA)The conformation of the Escherichia coli 10Sa RNA (tmRNA) in solution was investigated using chemical and enzymatic probes. Single- and double-stranded domains were identified by hydrolysis of tmRNA in imidazole buffer and by lead(II)-induced cleavages. Ribonucleases T1 and S1 were used to map unpai...Covariation; Pseudoknot; Structural Probing; 10Sa RNA; tmRNA1997
44 Capecchi, Mario R.Xanthine oxidoreductase is central to the evolution and function of the innate immune system.The housekeeping enzyme xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) has been studied intensively over the past 100 years, yet the complexity of its in vivo function is still poorly understood. A large body of literature focuses on the different catalyltic forms of XOR and their importance in the synthesis of reac...Animals; Gene Expression Regulation, Enzymologic; Humans; Immune System; Models, Biological2003-09-01
45 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Atkins, John F.Frameshifting in gene 10 of bacteriophage T7Gene 10 of bacteriophage T7, which encodes the most abundant capsid protein, has two products: a major product, 10A (36 kDa), and a minor product, 10B (41 kDa). 10B is produced by frameshifting into the -1 frame near the end of the 10A coding frame and is incorporated into the capsid. The frameshift...Frameshifting; Bacteriophage T7; RNA, Viral; Gene Expression1991
46 Capecchi, Mario R.Isolation and characterization of Caenorhabditis elegans DNA sequences homologous to the v-abl oncogene.DNA sequences homologous to the v-abl oncogene were isolated from a Caenorhabditis elegans genomic library by their ability to hybridize with a v-src probe. The DNA sequence of 2465 nucleotides of one clone was determined. This region corresponds to the 5' protein kinase domain of v-abl plus approxi...Amino Acid Sequence; Animals; Base Sequence; Gene Expression Regulation; Transcription, Genetic1986-04
47 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Ives, Jeffrey T.; Stockham, Thomas G.Automated film reader for DNA sequencing based on homomorphic deconvolutionAn automated reader for electrophoresis based DNA sequencing methods is described that provides fast and accurate sequence determination. Digitized sequencing lanes are processed with homomorphic blind deconvolution in preparation for peak detection, interlane alignment, peak refinement and base cal...Sequence Analysis; Electrophoresis; Automated Film Reader; Homomorphic Deconvolution1994
48 Capecchi, Mario R.Removing the vertebrate-specific TBP N terminus disrupts placental beta2m-dependent interactions with the maternal immune systemMammalian TBP consists of a 180 amino acid core that is common to all eukaryotes, fused to a vertebrate-specific N-terminal domain. We generated mice having a modified tbp allele, tbp(DeltaN), that produces a version of TBP lacking 111 of the 135 vertebrate-specific amino acids. Most tbp(DeltaN/Delt...Alleles; Animals, Genetically Modified; Binding Sites; Embryonic and Fetal Development; Evolution, Molecular; Female; Fetus; Immune Tolerance; Male; Mice; Mutation; ATA-Box Binding Protein2002-07-12
49 Capecchi, Mario R.How close are we to implementing gene targeting in animals other than the mouse?Describes several significant contributions that bring us much closer to extending ‘‘gene targeting'' to mammalian species other than the mouse. Gene targeting now provides the means for creating new strains of mice with mutations in virtually any gene. First, the desired mutation is introduced ...Cattle; Mutagenesis; Mice; Humans; Ethics, Medical2000-02-01
50 Capecchi, Mario R.Mice with targeted disruptions in the paralogous genes hoxa-3 and hoxd-3 reveal synergistic interactions.The Hox genes encode transcription factors which mediate the formation of the mammalian body plan along the anteroposterior and appendicular axes. Paralogous Hox genes within the separate linkage groups are closely related with respect to DNA sequence and expression, suggesting that they could have ...Animals; Atlas; Homozygote; Mice; Models, Genetic1994-07-28
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