351 - 375 of 577
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351 Mastrangelo, Carlos H.; Tabib-Azar, MassoodMicrofabrication of plasma nanotorch tips for localized etching and depositionAbstract-We present the microfabrication and initial testing of an AFM-tip like device, or nanotorch, that is capable of generating a very localized microplasma at its tip. The submicron region near its tip provides a unique manufacturing environment where new methods for controlled direct-write mic...2010
352 Mastrangelo, Carlos H.Microfluidic device for triggered chip transienceThis paper presents the fabrication and testing of a microfluidic device for the triggered destruction (transience) of microchips. The device consists of a thin film array of sealed reservoirs patterned on a polymer film. Each reservoir encloses a corrosive chemical agent which upon release dissolve...2013-01-01
353 Harrison, Reid R.Micropower circuits for bidirectional wireless telemetry in neural recording applicationsState-of-the art neural recording systems require electronics allowing for transcutaneous, bidirectional data transfer. As these circuits will be implanted near the brain, they must be small and low power. We have developed micropower integrated circuits for recovering clock and data signals over ...Micropower circuits; Neural recording systems; Low-power CMOS circuits, RF telemetry; Transcutaneous data link; Transmitter2005-01-01
354 Furse, Cynthia M.Microstrip antennas for dielectric property measurementThe measurement of the dielectric properties of materials is of great interest in a variety of applications including measurement of the moisture, fat, salt, or sugar content of grains and food products, measurement of human tissues or artificial phantom materials used to simulate them, and many oth...Moisture content; Grain; Measurement1999
355 Furse, Cynthia M.Miniaturized biocompatible microstrip antenna using genetic algorithmBiocompatible antennas are an area of recent research that can facilitate remote communication with medical implants. This paper shows several possible designs of a "waffle-type" antenna created using genetic algorithms (GAs) that are of a size potentially suitable for cardiac pacemakers in 402-405 ...2005
356 Furse, Cynthia M.Miniaturized biocompatible microstrip antenna using genetic algorithmBiocompatible antennas are an area of recent research that can facilitate remote communication with medical implants. This paper shows several possible designs of a "waffle-type" antenna created using genetic algorithms (GAs) that are of a size potentially suitable for cardiac pacemakers in the 40...Biocompatible antennas; Pacemaker antenna; Medical telemetry devices2005-06
357 Stringfellow, Gerald B.Miscibility gaps and spinodal decomposition in III/V quaternary alloys of the type AxByC1−x−yDThermodynamic concepts have been developed for the calculation of solid-phase miscibility gaps and spinodal decomposition in quaternary alloys of the type AxByC1−x−yD. These concepts have been applied to the analysis of III/V quaternary alloys using the delta-lattice-parameter (DLP) solution mod...Thermodynamics; Quartenary alloys; Coherent decomposition1983-01
358 Furse, Cynthia M.Mixed-signal reflectometer for location of faults on aging wiringLocation of faults on aging cables is of great interest to maintainers of aircraft, cars, power distribution systems, communication systems, etc. One class of methods for locating faults is frequency domain reflectometry (FDR), using sine waves as the forcing function. A new frequency domain method...Mixed signal reflectometer; Fault location; Aging wiring; Nondestructive evaluation; Reflectometry2005-12
359 Harrison, Reid R.Mobile robot navigation in enclosed large-scale spaceIn a large-scale s ace, navigation may occur among very dispersed landmarks, further apart than the range of sensing of an autonomous vehicle. In this work we investigate the feasibility of construction of a landmark-based cognitive map, whose elements are the obstacles perceived by a robotic vehicl...1994-01-01
360 Tasdizen, Tolga; Awate, Suyash P.; Whitaker, Ross T.Model-based image reconstruction for dynamic cardiac perfusion MRI from sparse dataThe paper presents a novel approach for dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) cardiac perfusion image reconstruction from sparse k-space data. It formulates the reconstruction problem in an inverse-methods setting. Relevant prior information is incorporated via a parametric model for the perfusi...2006
361 Furse, Cynthia M.Modeling and simulation of branched wiring networkThe impact of antenna polarization on channel capacity is explored in multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) systems. An idealized polarization model involving branch power rations (BPR's) and channel cross-coupling is incorporated into channel-specific capacity calculations. Results are compared f...2006-01-01
362 Stevens, KennethModeling and verifying circuits using generalized relative timingWe propose a novel technique for modeling and verifying timed circuits based on the notion of generalized relative timing. Generalized relative timing constraints can express not just a relative ordering between events, but also some forms of metric timing constraints. Circuits modeled using gener...2005
363 Stevens, KennethModelling mixed 4phase pipelines: structures and patternsThis paper presents an exploration of the design space for homogeneous and mixed 4phase asynchronous linear pipelines. We extend previously published results by uncovering their complete ordered design space, demonstrate relationships between the latter's governing lattice structures, tabulating the...2014-01-01
364 Stringfellow, Gerald B.Modulated contrast and associated diffracted intensity of GaPySb1-y layers grown using organometallic vapor phase epitaxyWe have investigated the modulated structures and its associated diffracted diff_x000B_use intensity, of organometallic vapor phase epitaxially grown GaPSb (001) layers by using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and transmission electron diff_x000B_raction (TED). The TEM results reveal the co-e...Organometallic vapor phase epitaxy; GaPySb1-y layers; Modulated contrast; Diffracted intensity2008
365 Furse, Cynthia M.Multicarrier reflectometryA new reflectometry method called multicarrier reflectometry (MCR) for fault location in cables is proposed. MCR combines a weighted set of sinusoidal excitations into a signal that is sent down the wire. The reflected signal from the cable under test is analyzed in order to determine the length of ...Multicarrier reflectometry; MCR; Fault location2006-06
366 Khan, Faisal HabibMultilevel modular capacitor clamped DC-DC converterA novel topology of multilevel modular capacitor clamped dc-dc converter (MMCCC) will be presented in this paper. In contrast to the conventional flying capacitor multilevel dc-dc converter (FCMDC), this new topology is completely modular and requires a simpler gate drive circuit. Moreover, the new ...Capacitor-clamped converter; DC-DC converter; MMCCC; Multilevel modular capacitor2006-12
367 Khan, Faisal HabibMultiple load-source integration in a multilevel modular capacitor clamped DC-DC converter featuring fault tolerant capabilityAbstract-A multilevel modular capacitor clamped dc-dc converter (MMCCC) will be presented in this paper with some of its advantageous features. By virtue of the modular nature of the converter, it is possible to integrate multiple loads and sources to the converter at the same time. The modular con...2007
368 Khan, Faisal HabibMultiple-load-source integration in a multilevel modular capacitor-clamped DC-DC converter featuring fault tolerant capabilityA multilevel modular capacitor-clamped dc-dc converter (MMCCC) will be presented in this paper with some of its advantageous features. By virtue of the modular nature of the converter, it is possible to integrate multiple loads and sources with the converter at the same time. The modular construct...DC-DC power conversion; Power capacitors; Power conversion; Power MOSFETs; Capacitor-clamped converter2009-01
369 Mathews, V. JohnMultiplication free vector quantization using the L 1 distortion measure and its variantsVector quantization is a very powerful technique for data compression and consequently, it has attracted a lot for attention lately. One major drawback associated with this approach is its extreme computational complexity. This paper fist considers vector quantization that uses the L1 distortion mea...1992
370 Mathews, V. JohnMultiplication-free vector quantization using the L l distortion measure and its variantsVector quantization is a very powerful technique for data compression and consequently, it has attracted a lot of attention lately. One major drawback associated with this approach is its extreme computational complexity. This paper first considers vector quantization that uses the L1 distortion mea...1989
371 Stevens, KennethMultirate as a hardware paradigmArchitecture and circuit design are the two most effective means of reducing power in CMOS VLSI. Mathematical manipulations, based on applying ideas from multirate signal processing have been applied to create high performance, low power architectures. To illustrate this approach, two case studies...1999
372 Stevens, KennethNetwork simplicity for latency insensitive coresIn this paper we examine a latency insensitive net- work composed of very fast and simple circuits that connects SoC cores that are also latency insensitive, de-synchronized, or asynchronous. These types of cores provide native flow control that is compatible with this network, thus reducing ad...2008
373 Mathews, V. JohnNeural decoding using a nonlinear generative model for brain-computer interfaceKalman filters have been used to decode neural signals and estimate hand kinematics in many studies. However, most prior work assumes a linear system model, an assumption that is almost certainly violated by neural systems. In this paper, we show that adding nonlinearities to the decoding algorithm ...2014-01-01
374 Furse, Cynthia M.New IEEE AP-S education web site: course/lab notes, scholarships, K-12 outreachGreetings from the Snowy West! This month I am pleased to announce a new effort on the part of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Education Committee to collect course and laboratory links relevant to the AP-S community, and compile them in a central location where they can be easily accessed...IEEE AP-S; Education web site; Course notes; Lab notes; K-12 outreach2004
375 Myers, Chris J.; Jones, KevinNew verification method for embedded systemsAbstract-Verification of embedded systems is complicated by the fact that they are composed of digital hardware, analog sensors and actuators, and low level software. In order to verify the interaction of these heterogeneous components, it would be beneficial to have a single modeling formalism that...2009
351 - 375 of 577