326 - 350 of 856
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326 F202 Optic Nerve Sheath MeningiomaOptic nerve sheath meningioma. Note optociliary vein at 3:00. The disc is atrophic. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Chronic optic disc swelling caused by optic nerve sheath meningioma. Disease/ Diagnosis: Chronic optic disc swelling caused by optic nerve sheath meningioma.Image
327 F2b11 Optic Disc Swelling from Optic GliomaOptic disc swelling from optic glioma. Note the signs of vein occlusion and the optociliary bypass vien at 4:00. Left eye. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Optic nerve glioma. Disease/ Diagnosis: Optic nerve swelling secondary to retrobulbar optic glioma.Image
328 F108 Acute Disc SwellingChinese man with acute disc swelling. Blind in both eyes. Had large thalamic mass. (Lymphoma). Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Lymphoma. Disease/ Diagnosis: Lymphoma.Image
329 F206 Intracavernous Meningioma Extending Into the OrbitIntracavernous meningioma extending into the orbit. Female patient. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Intracavernous meningioma. Disease/ Diagnosis: Neoplastic papillopathy.Image
330 F204 Optic Nerve Sheath MeningiomaOptic disc swelling due to meningioma. Notice choroidal folds through the macula of left eye. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Chronic optic disc swelling caused by optic nerve sheath meningioma. Disease/ Diagnosis: Chronic optic disc swelling caused by optic nerve sheath meningioma.Image
331 A302b Disc Swelling, Chorioretinal DiseaseBad chorioretinal scars with disc swelling. Temporal extent of chorioretinal scarring. A and B are the same eye. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unknown.Image
332 A303 Disc Swelling, Chorioretinal DiseaseNeovascular net. Disc swelling with peripapillary neo-vascularization with subretinal hemorrhage. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina.Image
333 A301a Disc Swelling, Chorioretinal Diseasea and b same eye. Bad chorioretinal scars with disc swelling. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unknown.Image
334 F2b10 Malignant Optic Nerve Glioma, Gross Pathologic SpecimenPathologic specimen of optic nerve glioma shown in slide F2b_09. White material on top of swollen disc is myelin. Reference: Hoyt WF, Meshel LG, Lessell S, Schatz NJ, Suckling RD. Malignant optic glioma of adulthood. Brain. 1973;96(1):121-32. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Optic nerve glioma. Disea...Image
335 Bilateral Papilledema with Exudative RetinopathyBilateral Papilledema with exudative retinopathy from vitamin A toxicity. Young boy. Near blind. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina. Pathology: Bilateral papilledema; exudative retinopathy. Disease/Diagnosis: Hypervitaminosis A causing blindness. Clinical notes: Nearly blind; Headache.Image
336 Bilateral Papilledema with Exudative RetinopathyLeft eye. Bilateral Papilledema with exudative retinopathy from vitamin A toxicity. Young boy. Near blind. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina. Pathology: Bilateral papilledema; exudative retinopathy. Disease/Diagnosis: Hypervitaminosis A causing blindness. Clinical notes: Nearly blind; Headache.Image
337 E02 Disc Swelling with Central Vein Occlusion37 year old black male with sickle cell C causing unilateral central retinal vien occlusion. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina. Pathology: Occlusion of the central retinal vein. Disease/ Diagnosis: Disc swelling due to central retial vein occlusion. Clinical: Visual blurring.Image
338 E10 Disc Swelling with Central Vein OcclusionCilioretinal artery infarction after a central retinal vein occlusion. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina. Pathology: Central retinal vein occlusion. Disease/ Diagnosis: Disc swelling due to central retinal vein occlusion.Image
339 E04 Disc Swelling with Central Retinal Vein OcclusionAcute CRVO, right eye with disc swelling. Male patient. Same patient as E05. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina. Pathology: Central retinal vein occlusion. Disease/ Diagnosis: Disc swelling due to central retinal vein occlusion. Clinical: Visual blurring.Image
340 E05 Disc Swelling with Central Retinal Vein OcclusionResolving CVRO, right eye. Two months following slide E04. Male patient. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina. Pathology: Central retinal vein occlusion. Disease/ Diagnosis: Resolved disc swelling after central retinal vein occlusion. Clinical: No symptoms.Image
341 D201 Disc Edema with Systemic HypertensionLeft eye. Note generalized arterial narrowing. Low grade disc edema and multiple splinter hemorrhages. The patient had severe hypertension from kidney failure. Additional yellow intraretinal exudate at the macula. 20 year old male patient. Right eye. Pair with D2_02. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina; Ret...Image
342 E03 Disc Swelling with Central Retinal Vein Occlusion36 year old woman with visual obscurations of right eye. Early CRVO, papillophlebitis. Steroid responsive. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina. Pathology: Central retinal vein occlusion. Disease/ Diagnosis: Disc swelling due to central retinal vein occlusion. Clinical: Decreased vision in right eye. Acuity ...Image
343 E08 Disc Swelling with Central Vein OcclusionPituitary adenoma with right chronic CRVO with optociliary bypass vessels. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina. Pathology: Central retinal vein occlusion. Disease/ Diagnosis: Disc swelling due to central retinal vein occlusion.Image
344 E09 Disc Swelling with Central Vein OcclusionChronic disc swelling due to CRVO. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina. Pathology: Central retinal vein occlusion. Disease/ Diagnosis: Disc swelling due to central retinal vein occlusion.Image
345 E11 Disc Swelling with Central Vein OcclusionOld retinal vein occlusion with optociliary bypass vessel at 3:00. Right eye. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina. Pathology: Central retinal vein occlusion. Disease/ Diagnosis: Disc swelling due to central retinal vein occlusion.Image
346 E12 Disc Swelling with Central Vein Occlusion2nd attack of papillophlebitis. There is an optociliary bypass vessel at 4:00. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina. Pathology: Central retinal vein occlusion. Disease/ Diagnosis: Disc swelling due to central retinal vein occlusion.Image
347 E07 Disc Swelling with Central Vein Occlusion24 year old male. Papillophlebitis (CRVO) with optic disc edema. Right eye. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina. Pathology: Central retinal vein occlusion. Disease/ Diagnosis: Disc swelling due to central retinal vein occlusion. Clinical: ??Branch retinal artery occlusion [sic].Image
348 E06 Disc Swelling with Central Retinal Vein OcclusionAcute disc swelling one week after onset of symptoms. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina. Pathology: Central retinal vein occlusion. Disease/ Diagnosis: Disc swelling due to central retinal vein occlusion. Clinical: Visual blurring.Image
349 C402 Luetic Papillopathy (Gumma of the Optic Disc)November 2001. Same eye as C4_01 after treatment with penicillin. Disc swelling went away and good visual function returned. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Axoplasmic stasis due to syphillitic infection. Disease/ Diagnosis: Luetic papillopathy (Syphillis). Clinical: Improving visual loss.Image
350 C401 Luetic Papillopathy (Gumma of the Optic Disc)Diffuse optic disc swelling with tortuous capillary dilations indicating inflammatory cellular infiltration. October 2001. Same eye as C4_02. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Axoplasmic stasis due to syphillitic infection. Luetic papillopathy (Syphyllis). Clinical: Visual loss.Image
326 - 350 of 856