301 - 325 of 2,479
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301 Instrumental analysis of tars and their correlations in oil-impregnated sandstone beds, Uintah and Grand Counties, Utah1971-10tar analysis; oil-impregnated sandstone beds; sandstone.The Wasatch, Green River and Uinta formations, in ascending order make up the normal sequence of exposed Eocene rocks in the southeast Uinta Basin, Uintah and Grand counties, Utah. They dip northward towards the center of the basin, relatively undisturbed by faulting, and exhibit a system of promine...
302 Oil-impregnated sandstone mapping project Nine Mile Canyon area Carbon and Duchesne Counties, Utah: A field examination for the Utah Geological Survey1971-10-04Tributaries; Nine Mile canyon; Argyle canyon; Uinta Basin; Deltaic facies; Green River Formation; Parachute CreekA reconnaissance survey of tributaries to Nine Mile and Argyle canyons in the southern Uinta Basin showed widespread but erratic distribution of oil-impregnated sandstones. The occurrences are mainly in the Deltaic facies of the Green River formation. The bituminous material is believed to have been...
303 The implementation of composite computer mapping for the four corners regional commission 19711971-12Composite computer mapping (CCM) is the name assigned to a recently developed technique to enhance the quality of decision making in the administration of aid to economic development. The name accurately implies a combination of two techniques which have been used with varying effectiveness for m...
304 Oil-impregnated sandstones in Utah and Wayne Counties, Utah1972Thistle; Utah County; Jurassic sandstone; Thousand Lake Mountain; Wayne County; Oil-impregnated sediments; Asphalt-bearing Tertiary bedsTwo little known occurrences of oil-impregnated sediments are discussed briefly. One is a fairly extensive area of asphalt-bearing Tertiary beds in the vicinity of Thistle, Utah County. The other is a very limited exposure of Jurassic sandstone permeated with dead oil on Thousand Lake Mountain in Wa...
305 Oil-impregnated sandstones of Raven Ridge, Vernal, Utah1972Oil-impregnated sandstone; Raven Ridge; Vernal, Utah; Uinta Basin; Utah; Colorado; Wasatch Formation; Green River Formation; Uinta FormationThe area of this report is in the northeastern part of the Uinta Basin of northeastern Utah and northwestern Colorado. The area covers approximately 52 square miles of what is regionally called Raven Ridge. Raven Ridge, a series of hogback ridges, trends northwest-southeast, and includes three Eocen...
306 The implementation of composite computer mapping 19721972Composite computer mapping (CCM) is the name assigned to a recently developed technique to enhance the quality of decision making in the administration of aid to economic development. The name accurately implies a combination of two techniques (composite mapping and computer mapping) which have be...
307 Analyses of oil extracted from oil-impregnated sandstone deposits in Utah1972-01This study, in progress from 1967 to 1970, is part of a systematic effort to find, map and sample Utah's oil-impregnated rock deposits. Samples were collected by ten individuals in field parties who examined oil-impregnated rock occurrences throughout the state. Samples 68-3A and 68-4A are from aban...
308 The Utah process phase II report: preparation for analysis of the alternative futures: development of tools and concepts1972-04This report presents the final specification of the five Alternative Futures and the method of dealing with the social and political events to the Utah Systems Planning Group and the Utah Systems Work Committee. Both elements are of central importance to the Utah Process since they present the possi...
309 Oil impregnated sandstone study near Bruin Point and Range Creek--Sunnyside Quadrangle1972-06Book Cliffs; Sunnyside, Utah; Oil impregnated sandstons; Bruin Point; Range Creek; Dry Creek; Carbon County; Lower Green RiverAn investigation into the oil sandstones in the Book Cliffs area northest of Sunnyside, Utah, showed an eastward continuation of the oil impregnated sandstones (oiss) previously mapped (USGS, OM 86, 1948). The survey was conducted from June 19 through 21, 1972 by Sam Quigley and D. Craig Mann. The a...
310 Tar sandstone investigation in southwestern Uinta Basin1972-07oil impregnated sandstone deposits; tar sandstone; oil impregnated sandstoneDuring the month of July 1972, the author assisted by Jonathan Mann studied the oil impregnated sandstone (hereafter OISS) deposits in the Lower Unit of the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation on the southwestern edge of the Uinta Basin, along the Roan Cliffs and within the Roan Plat...
311 Phase III report: population and employment implications of the alternative futures1972-08This report summarizes the third phase activities of the Utah Process. These third phase activities have resulted in two principal accomplishments. First, the Economic and Demographic Impact Model has been used to analyze the Alternative Futures. Initial runs have been made based upon certain initi...
312 Report on the development of the Utah process: a procedure for planning coordination through forecasting and evaluating alternative state futures1972-09
313 Report on the development of the Utah process: a procedure for planning coordination through forecasting and evaluating alternative state futures1972-09The Utah process development project was funded jointly by the four Corners Regional commission and the Office of Regional Economic Coordination, Department of Commerce. The request for proposal, delivered verbally by George Pantos, special Assistant to the Secretary for Regional economic coordinati...
314 Summary report and recommendations the Utah process: a procedure for planning coordination through forecasting and evaluating alternative state futures1972-11This is a summary report about decision making in state government. Specifically, it is a report about the Utah Process, a project funded by the Four Corners Regional Commission and the Office of Regional Economic Coordination, U.S. Department of Commerce and undertaken in the Office of the Utah Sta...
315 An analysis of land use in the Salt Lake, Ogden and Utah Valley Area transportation studies 1960 1970, and 19951972-12In early 1971, the Center for Business and Economic Research contracted with the Utah State Department of Highways to develop and apply a methodology for forecasting employment, population, dwelling units and various land use categories for the Salt Lake Area Transportation Study (SLATS), the Ogden ...
316 Geology of the Mill Fork Area, Utah1972-12geology; Mill Fork area; geologic structure; Green River formationThe Mill Fork area comprises about 70 square miles of Cretaceous ( ? ) and Tertiary sediments at the northern end of the Wasatch Plateau in Utah County, Utah. Over 9000 feet of nonmarine sediments are present and belong to the North Horn, Flagstaff, and Green River formations. These sediments record...
317 A sulfur isotopic study of Uinta Basin hydrocarbons1973Sulfur isotope analyses of tar from oilimpregnated sandstones, crude oils and solid hydrocarbons from the Uinta Basin (Tertiary), Utah, show wide variations, but all are heavier than the troilite sulfur isotopic standard. The data range from +2.7 to 30.3 permil and sulfur contents are low, usually l...
318 1973-74 General Catalog1973University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)General Catalog 1973-74 Bulletin of University of Utah
319 Stratigraphy and origin of the Moenkopi Formation (Triassic) of southeastern Utah1973-01Moenkopi Formation; stratigraphy; regional stratigraphy of southeastern UtahIn southeastern Utah, the Triassic Moenkopi Formation is composed mainly of red and yellowish-gray siltstone, sandstone, mudstone, and limestone. Continuity of individual units is one of the characteristics of this formation and provides a basic for regional correlation. For the purpose of this stud...
320 Statistical Abstract of Utah 19731973-02The Bureau of Economic and Business Research presents the sixth edition of the Statistical Abstract of Utah, 1973. The basic goal of this document is to bring together under one cover the data most often requested in a readily available format. During an average year, government agencies, business f...
321 Planning, programming, budgeting system and alternative futures contingency budgets: a comparative theoretical analysis1973-12I am delighted to express my appreciation for the assistance in the completion of this study provided by many individuals. A very large debt of gratitude is owed to Professor Frank C. Hachman and Mr. Craig Bigler, Associate Utah State Planning Coordinator, in that they are responsible for the origin...
322 Properties of Utah tar sands--Three Mile Canyon area, P. R. Spring deposit1974Threemile Canyon area; P. R. Spring tar sand deposit; oil zone; oil extraction; tar sandsResults of detailed analyses of four cores from the Threemile Canyon area in the P. R. Spring tar sand deposit in Utah are reported by the Bureau of Mines. The cores were obtained by the Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey as part of a 17-corehole evaluation program in the P. R. Spring, Hill Cr...
323 Report of oil-impregnated sandstone in the Hoskinnini of the White Canyon area, Utah1974oil-impregnated sandstone; Hoskinnini
324 Review of the world's major oil sand deposits1974oil sand deposits; major oil sand deposits; oil reserves; non-conventional oil; oil sands; oil shale; coal; syncrude production; review; types of oil depositsThe solution of today's energy equation lies in crash programmes for the development of alternative fuels to supplement dwindling conventional oil reserves. Conse quently, sources of non-conventional oil such as oil sands, oil-shale and coal are being given greater consid eration. The production of ...
325 1974-75 General Catalog1974University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Bulletin of the University of Utah General Catalog 1974-75
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