301 - 325 of 361
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301 Ocular Manifestations of Systemic DisordersMitchell J. Wolin, MDThyroid eye disease is the most common cause of unilateral or bilateral proptosis in the adult patient. Other signs of thyroid eye disease should be sought, including lid retraction, inferior scleral show, and lid lag. Patients with markedly asymmetric or strictly unilateral proptosis should probabl...
302 Isolated Congenital Optic Disc AnomaliesWilliam Fletcher Hoyt, MDThis patient demonstrates bilateral tilted optic discs. Patients with this congenital optic disc anomaly may be asymptomatic or have bitemporal visual field defects that do not respect the vertical midline. Disease/Diagnosis: Tilted Discs.
303 Systemic Disorders With Optic Nerve and Retinal FindingsLarry P. Frohman, MDA 42-year old woman presented with a history of severe brow pain and 4 days of progressive visual loss OD. There was no increased pain on ocular rotation. Aside from heavy menses, she denied any significant past medical history. Her examination revealed acuity NLP OD, 20/25 OS; color vision 9/10 OS;...
304 Systemic Disorders With Optic Nerve and Retinal FindingsLarry P. Frohman, MDA 42-year old woman presented with a history of severe brow pain and 4 days of progressive visual loss OD. There was no increased pain on ocular rotation. Aside from heavy menses, she denied any significant past medical history. Her examination revealed acuity NLP OD, 20/25 OS; color vision 9/10 OS;...
305 Systemic Disorders With Optic Nerve and Retinal FindingsLarry P. Frohman, MDThis is a 32-year-old HIV-positive man with anterior uveitis, vitritis, and bilateral papillitis from syphilis. With intravenous penicillin treatment, the optic discs and vision returned to normal.
306 Chiasmal SyndromesLarry P. Frohman, MDThis 39-year-old HIV-positive man presented in 1982 with 1 month of bilateral vision loss. His prior evaluation had included 2 CT scans, which suggested a fullness to the chiasm, and a spinal tap that showed 6 monocytes, 14 red cells, a protein of 81 mg/dl, and a glucose of 56 mg/dl, with a negative...
307 Systemic Disorders With Optic Nerve and Retinal FindingsLarry P. Frohman, MDThis 25-year-old man presented to the eye service with a history of 3 days of decreased vision OD. His past medical history was unremarkable. His examination showed acuities of 20/25 OU, with intact color plates, a 0.3 log unit of RAPD OD, and an inferior arcuate scotoma. The photos (Images 95_42, 9...
308 Ocular Manifestations of Systemic DisordersRosa A. Tang, MDThyroid eye disease may result in proptosis and restrictive external ophthalmoplegia. The extracoular muscles are often diffusely enlarged with sparing of the tendons.
309 Ocular Manifestations of Systemic DisordersRosa A. Tang, MDThyroid eye disease may cause proptosis and extraocular muscle enlargement that may be seen on orbital imaging studies. In general, coronal images allow the best visualization of the extraocular muscle enlargement. Pair with 94_45 and 94_46.
310 Ocular Manifestations of Systemic DisordersRosa A. Tang, MDThyroid eye disease can result in significant upper eyelid retraction and axial proptosis resulting in exposure keratopathy.
311 Optic NeuropathiesMichael Wall, MDOptic disc edema with a macular star figure may occur in infectious diseases (eg, cat-scratch disease, syphilis, tuberculosis, Lyme disease), inflammatory diseases (eg, sarcoid), ischemic diseases (anterior ischemic optic neuropathy), and in papilledema. Infectious causes should be sought in patient...
312 Systemic Disorders With Optic Nerve and Retinal FindingsJoel M. Weinstein, MDThis 46-year-old woman noted progressive bilateral visual loss over a 10-month period. She had a malignant melanoma removed from her right thigh 2 years ago and excisional biopsy of an inguinal node metastasis 8 months ago. She also complained of poor night vision and rare intermittent ""sparkles"" ...
313 Systemic Disorders With Optic Nerve and Retinal FindingsJoel M. Weinstein, MDThis 46-year-old woman noted progressive bilateral visual loss over a 10-month period. She had a malignant melanoma removed from her right thigh 2 years ago and excisional biopsy of an inguinal node metastasis 8 months ago. She also complained of poor night vision and rare intermittent ""sparkles"" ...
314 Systemic Disorders With Optic Nerve and Retinal FindingsJoel M. Weinstein, MDThis 46-year-old woman noted progressive bilateral visual loss over a 10-month period. She had a malignant melanoma removed from her right thigh 2 years ago and excisional biopsy of an inguinal node metastasis 8 months ago. She also complained of poor night vision and rare intermittent ""sparkles"" ...
315 Systemic Disorders With Optic Nerve and Retinal FindingsJoel M. Weinstein, MDThis 46-year-old woman noted progressive bilateral visual loss over a 10-month period. She had a malignant melanoma removed from her right thigh 2 years ago and excisional biopsy of an inguinal node metastasis 8 months ago. She also complained of poor night vision and rare intermittent ""sparkles"" ...
316 Optic NeuropathiesRalph A. Sawyer, MDOptic disc edema with a macular star figure has been referred to as neuroretinitis.
317 Retinal Coloboma Underneath a Relatively Normal Optic NerveThomas R. Wolf, MDOptic nerve colobomas appear as enlarged, white optic discs that are deeply excavated, often with some sapring of the superior rim. They result from an abnormal fusion of the proximal embryonic fissure. Optic nerve colobomas occur unilaterally or bilaterally with a similar frequency and can result i...
318 Isolated Congenital Optic Disc AnomaliesThomas R. Wolf, MDPatients with midline closure defects may exhibit abnormalities in the optic nerve, choroid, retinal pigment epithelium or retina. Anterior closure defects may result in colobomas of the structures of the anterior segment, such as the iris. Disease/Diagnosis: Coloboma.
319 Isolated Congenital Optic Disc AnomaliesAnthony C. Arnold, MDA 10-year-old girl had central visual loss due to this optic pit. Disease/Diagnosis: Optic Pit.
320 Isolated Congenital Optic Disc AnomaliesAnthony C. Arnold, MDThis is a photograph of peripheral drusen. The paired image 92_69 demonstrates the typical autofluorescence.
321 Optic Disc Drusen AutofluorescenceAnthony C. Arnold, MDThis case of optic disc drusen demonstrates the typical autofluorescence. Pair with 92_68. Imaging: Autoflourescence?
322 Isolated Congenital Optic Disc AnomaliesRosa A. Tang, MDNormally, there is no visible myelination of the nerve fiber layer in the retina. Occasionally, visible myelination occurs that takes on a characteristic white, arcuate, feathery appearance that follows the contour of the nerve fiber layer. Disease/Diagnosis: Myelinated Nerve Fiber.
323 Peripapillary StaphylomaThomas R. Wolf, MDPatients with ectasia of the outer layers of the eye may exhibit a posterior protrusion that appears on funduscopy as an area of deep excavation of the retina (posterior staphyloma). When it occurs around the optic disc, as in this case, it is termed a peripapillary staphyloma. This may occur in ass...
324 Migraine SyndromeMitchell J. Wolin, MDThe image shows a patient with cluster headache and eye displaying Horner's syndrome.
325 Acquired Disc ChangesRosa A. Tang, MDAlthough optociliary shunt vessels are venous collaterals that form in response to chronic venous obstruction, they may occur in patients with chronic open-angle glaucoma.
301 - 325 of 361