276 - 300 of 10,888
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276 Parkinson, John StansfieldMutational analysis of the P1 phosphorylation domain in E. coli CheA, the signaling kinase for chemotaxisThe histidine autokinase CheA functions as the central processing unit in the Escherichia coli chemotaxis signaling machinery. CheA receives autophosphorylation control inputs from chemoreceptors and in turn regulates the flux of signaling phosphates to the CheY and CheB response regulator proteins...2014-01-01
277 Gerig, GuidoMultivariate longitudinal statistics for neonatal-pediatric brain tissue developmentThe topic of studying the growth of human brain development has become of increasing interest in the neuroimaging community. Cross-sectional studies may allow comparisons between means of different age groups, but they do not provide a growth model that integrates the continuum of time, nor do they ...2008-01-01
278 Jorgensen, ErikNano-fEM: Protein localization using photo-activated localization microscopy and electron microscopyMapping the distribution of proteins is essential for understanding the function of proteins in a cell. Fluorescence microscopy is extensively used for protein localization, but subcellular context is often absent in fluorescence images. Immuno-electron microscopy, on the other hand, can localize pr...2012-01-01
279 Gerig, GuidoMultivariate Modeling of longitudinal MRI in early brain development with confidence measuresThe human brain undergoes rapid organization and structuring early in life. Longitudinal imaging enables the study of these changes over a developmental period within individuals through estimation of population growth trajectory and its variability. In this paper, we focus on maturation of white an...2013-01-01
280 Ostafin, AgnesNanomedicine making headway across the blood brain barrierNanotechnological advances implemented by nanomedicine have allowed significant development of imaging strategies, therapeutics and theranostics for many severe and life threatening diseases such as brain tumors, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and other neurological disorders. The Blood-Br...2012-01-01
281 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshOvis: A framework for visual analysis of ocean forecast ensemblesWe present a novel integrated visualization system that enables interactive visual analysis of ensemble simulations of the sea surface height that is used in ocean forecasting. The position of eddies can be derived directly from the sea surface height and our visualization approach enables their int...2014-01-01
282 Sudan, KshitijOptimizing datacenter power with memory system levers for guaranteed quality-of-serviceCo-location of applications is a proven technique to improve hardware utilization. Recent advances in virtualization have made co-location of independent applications on shared hardware a common scenario in datacenters. Colocation, while maintaining Quality-of-Service (QoS) for each application is a...2012-01-01
283 Berzins, MartinParallel breadth first search on GPU clustersFast, scalable, low-cost, and low-power execution of parallel graph algorithms is important for a wide variety of commercial and public sector applications. Breadth First Search (BFS) imposes an extreme burden on memory bandwidth and network communications and has been proposed as a benchmark that m...2014-01-01
284 Farrell, Timothy W.Organizational culture associated with provider satisfactionBackground: Organizational culture is key to the successful implementation of major improvement strategies. Transformation to a patient-centered medical home (PCHM) is such an improvement strategy, requiring a shift from provider-centric care to team-based care. Because this shift may impact provide...2014-01-01
285 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshOvercoming extreme-scale reproducibility challenges through a unified, targeted, and multilevel toolsetReproducibility, the ability to repeat program executions with the same numerical result or code behavior, is crucial for computational science and engineering applications. However, non-determinism in concurrency scheduling often hampers achieving this ability on high performance computing (HPC) sy...2013-01-01
286 Tiwari, AshutoshOxides for spintronics: a review of engineered materials for spin injectionIn this article we have reviewed the role of oxides in spintronics research, and specifically how these materials stand to further improve the efficiencies and capabilities of spin injection for active spintronic device development. The use of oxides in spintronics is advantageous in that they are s...2014-01-01
287 Liu, FengOrbit- and atom-resolved spin textures of intrinsic, extrinsic, and hybridized Dirac cone statesCombining first-principles calculations and spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements, we identify the helical spin textures for three different Dirac cone states in the interfaced systems of a two-dimensional (2D) topological insulator (TI) of a Bi(111) bilayer and a three-di...2014-01-01
288 Khan, Faisal HabibOutput impedance modeling of a multilevel modular switched-capacitor converter to achieve continuously variable conversion ratioThe multilevel modular capacitor clamped dc-to-dc converter (MMCCC) topology is completely modular and belongs to two-phase switched capacitor converter group. The conversion ratio of an ideal MMCCC converter in step-up mode is an integer and depends on the number of modules used. For a k-module MMC...2012-01-01
289 Poulter, Charles DalePredicting the functions and specificity of triterpenoid synthases: a mechanism-based multi-intermediate docking approachTerpenoid synthases construct the carbon skeletons of tens of thousands of natural products. To predict functions and specificity of triterpenoid synthases, a mechanism-based, multi-intermediate docking approach is proposed. In addition to enzyme function prediction, other potential applications of ...2014-01-01
290 Gerig, GuidoPrenatal mild ventriculomegaly predicts abnormal development of the neonatal brainBackground: Many psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders are associated with mild enlargement of the lateral ventricles thought to have origins in prenatal brain development. Little is known about development of the lateral ventricles and the relationship of prenatal lateral ventricle enlargeme...2008-01-01
291 Frederick, Jeanne M.The prenyl-binding protein PrBP/δ: A chaperone participating in intracellular traffickingExpressed ubiquitously, PrBP/d functions as chaperone/co-factor in the transport of a subset of prenylated proteins. PrBP/d features an immunoglobulin-like b-sandwich fold for lipid binding, and interacts with diverse partners. PrBP/d binds both C-terminal C15 and C20 prenyl side chains of phototran...2012-01-01
292 Sutherland, James ClaytonPrediction of oxy-coal flame stand-off using high-fidelity thermochemical models and the one-dimensional turbulence modelAn Eulerian one-dimensional turbulence (ODT) model is applied to simulate oxy-coal combustion, with specific aim at predicting flame stand-o distances. Detailed gas-phase chemical kinetics based on the GRI3.0 mechanism are utilized. A high-fidelity model for devolatilization is considered that predi...2014-01-01
293 Mitchell, Joyce A.Predicting phenotypic severity of uncertain gene variants in the RET Proto-OncogeneAlthough reported gene variants in the RET oncogene have been directly associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 and hereditary medullary thyroid carcinoma, other mutations are classified as variants of uncertain significance (VUS) until the associated clinical phenotype is made clear. Cur...2011-01-01
294 Mitchell, Joyce A.Preliminary evaluation of learning via the AI/LEARN/Rheumatology interactive videodisc systemAI/LEARN/Rheumatology is a level three videodisc system to teach clinical observational skills in three important diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis. The AI/LEARN software was developed on an independent authoring system called GALE designed for MS-DOS based c...1992-01-01
295 Liu, FengPrediction of a Dirac state in monolayer TiB2We predict the existence of a Dirac state in a monolayer TiB2 sheet (m-TiB2), a two-dimensionalmetal diboride, based on first-principles calculations. The band structure of m-TiB2 is found to be characterized with anisotropic Dirac cones with the largest Fermi velocity of 0.57 × 106 m/s, which is a...2014-01-01
296 Mattis, Daniel C.PrefaceIt was the early 1960s. Elliott H. Lieb and the present author were colleagues at the IBM Research Laboratories in Yorktown Heights, occupying neighboring cubicles. We collaborated in the study, creation and solution of mathematical models of many-body phenomena. In the course of this work we ultima...2012-01-01
297 Downes, Stephen M.PrefaceThis volume contains the collection of symposium papers presented at the Philosophy of Science Association Meeting in Montreal, November 4-6, 2010, selected for publication. The volume also contains Nancy Cartwright's presidential address at the 2010 PSA. The huge amount of work required to referee ...2012-01-01
298 Balasubramonian, RajeevQuantifying the relationship between the power delivery network and architectural policies in a 3D-stacked memory deviceMany of the pins on a modern chip are used for power delivery. If fewer pins were used to supply the same current, the wires and pins used for power delivery would have to carry larger currents over longer distances. This results in an "IR-drop" problem, where some of the voltage is dropped across t...2013-01-01
299 Khan, Faisal HabibQuantifying device degradation in live power converters using SSTDR assisted impedance MatrixA noninterfering measurement technique designed around spread spectrum time domain reflectometry (SSTDR) has been proposed in this paper to identify the level of aging associated with power semiconductor switches inside a live converter circuit. Power MOSFETs are one of the most age-sensitive compon...2014-01-01
300 Von Arnim, Rudiger LennartRebalancing through expenditure and price changesThis paper puts forth a Neo-Kaleckian open economy model of two countries in order to investigate adjustment of US-China external imbalances. First, a stylized fixed mark-up model is presented, and discussed based on graphical analysis. Second, we present estimates of bilateral income and price elas...2012-12-01
276 - 300 of 10,888