251 - 275 of 7,209
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251 Chamberlin, Ralph V.A summary of the known North American AmaurobiidaeA recent survey o f the spiders o f the family Amaurobiidae, sens, str., in the collection o f the University o f Utah made it evident that a number o f species and also generic groups occurring more especially in the western states had heretofore escaped detection and naming. It also seemed evident...1947-10-12
252 Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; Kirby, Robert Michael IIA survey of MPI related debuggers and toolsMessage Passing Interface is a widely used standard in the High Performance and Scienti c Computing Community for writing programs that can exploit the capability of parallel platforms. However, the inherent complexity and the size of the communication standard have made it difficult for programm...Message Passing Interface; MPI; Debuggers2007
253 Ricci, RobertA survey of computing migration2010-02-26
254 Henderson, Thomas C.A survey of dextrous manipulationThe development of mechanical end effectors capable of dextrous manipulation is a rapidly growing and quite successful field of research. It has in some sense put the focus on control issues, in particular, how to control these remarkably humanlike manipulators to perform the deft movement that we t...Dextrous manipulation1986
255 Berzins, MartinA survey of high level frameworks in block-structured adaptive mesh refinement packagesOver the last decade block-structured adaptive mesh refinement (SAMR) has found increasing use in large, publicly available codes and frameworks. SAMR frameworks have evolved along different paths. Some have stayed focused on specific domain areas, others have pursued a more general functionality, p...2014-01-01
256 Sobh, Tarek M.A survey on sensor classifications for industrial applicationsThe importance of sensors in industrial applications is a result of the introduction of many robotics, automation, and intelligent control techniques into factory floors. Research and improvements need to be continuously performed to meet the challenges in automation and manufacturing applications i...Sensor classifications; Industrial applications; Sensors1995
257 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshA symbolic partial order reduction algorithm for rule based transition systemsPartial order reductions are a class of methods that attempt to reduce the state space that must be explored to verify systems by explicit state enumeration. Partial order reduction algorithms have been successfully incorporated into tools such as Spin and VFSM-valid. However, current partial ord...Partial order reductions; Partial order reduction algorithms; SAT solver; Rule based transition systems2003-12-01
258 Whitty, Kevin J.A system for measuring bubble voidage and frequency around tubes immersed in a fluidized bed of particlesGas-solid fluidized beds are common in chemical processing and energy production industries. These types of reactors frequently have banks of tubes immersed within the bed to provide heating or cooling, and it is important that the fluid dynamics within these bundles is efficient and uniform. This p...2010
259 Henderson, Thomas C.A systolic array implementation of discrete relaxation algorithmDiscrete Relaxation techniques have proven useful in solving a wide range of problems in digital signal processing, artificial intelligence, machine vision, and VLSI engineering, etc. A conventional hardware design for an 8-label 8-object Discrete Relaxation Algorithm (DRA) requires three 4K memory...Discrete Relaxation algorithm; Systolic array1986
260 Liu, FengA three-layer-mesh bridging domain for coupled atomistic-continuum simulations at finite temperature: formulation and testingAlthough concurrent multiscale methods have been well developed for zero-temperature simulations, improvements are needed to meet challenges pertaining to finite-temperature simulations. Bridging domain method (BDM) is one of the most efficient and widely-used multiscale atomistic-continuum techniqu...2014-01-01
261 Ameel, Timothy A; Gale, Bruce K.; Harvey, Ian R.A three-semester interdisciplinary educational program in microsystems engineeringMotivated by an NSF IGERT grant in the general area of microfluidics, a sequence of three interdisciplinary technical courses has been developed in the emerging area of microsystems engineering. Designed to be taken in series, these courses take students, both graduate and upper-level undergraduates...2004
262 Adler, Frederick R.A time since recovery model with varying rates of loss of immunityFor many infectious diseases, immunity wanes over time. The majority of SIRS models assume that this loss of immunity takes place at a constant rate. We study temporary immunity within a SIRS model structure if the rate of loss of immunity can depend on the time since recovery from disease.We determ...2012-01-01
263 Seeley, DonnA tour of the wormOn the evening of November 2, 1988, a self-replicating program was released upon the Internet 1. This program (a worm) invaded VAX and Sun-3 computers running versions of Berkeley UNIX, and used their sources to attack still more computers2. Within the space of hours this program had spread aacross ...Computer worm1989
264 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshA transformational approach to asynchronous high-level synthesisAsynchronous high-level synthesis is aimed at transforming high level descriptions of algorithms into efficient asynchronous circuit implementations. This approach is attractive from the point of view of the flexibility it affords in performing high level program transformations on users' initial d...High level synthesis tool; SHILPA1993
265 Cohen, ElaineA triangulation-invariant method for anisotropic geodesic map computation on surface meshesThis paper addresses the problem of computing the geodesic distance map from a given set of source vertices to all other vertices on a surface mesh using an anisotropic distance metric. Formulating this problem as an equivalent control theoretic problem with Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman partial different...2012-01-01
266 Furse, Cynthia M.A tutorial on Stochastic FDTDThe Stochastic FDTD (S-FDTD) method provides a way to determine the mean and variance of the electric and magnetic fields in a model where the electrical properties (conductivity and permittivity) vary stochastically, from a single S-FDTD simulation. This method is a realistic and more efficient alt...2014-01-01
267 Mathews, V. JohnA unified approach to nonparametric spectrum estimation algorithmsAbstract-Different approaches to spectrum estimation can be broadly classified as parametric and nonparametric methods. In the parametric techniques, an underlying model is assumed in the formulation of the spectrum estimation problem and one estimates the parameters of the model. For nonparametric...1987
268 Sutherland, James Clayton; Kerstein, Alan R.A unified approach to the various formulations of the one-dimensional-turbulence modelThe One-Dimensional Turbulence (ODT) model has been successfully applied as a stand-alone model for predicting turbulence statistics in both nonreacting and reacting flows. There are several formulations of the model in the literature, and most of the variable-density formulations do not clearly dis...2010
269 Hibler, Michael J.A unified storage and deployment model for the emulab network testbed2010-02-26
270 Sobh, Tarek M.; Henderson, Thomas C.A unifying framework for tolerance analysis in sensing, design, and manufacturingIn this work we address the problem of tolerance representation and analysis across the domains of industrial inspection using sensed data, CAD design, and manufacturing. Instead of using geometric primitives in CAD models to define and represent tolerances, we propose the use of stronger methods t...Tolerance representation; Tolerance analysis; Industrial inspection; Sensed data; CAD design1994
271 Mastrangelo, Carlos H.A very high density floating electrode flexible sensor array for high-resolution measurements of contact forcesWe present the development, fabrication and testing results of a new high-density flexible sensor array (HDFA) suitable of recording three-axis stresses with high spatial resolution. The new HDFA consists of 676 (26×26) sensing cells fabricated on top of a high-density flex circuit substrate. Each ...2013-01-01
272 Huang, Ruihong; Riloff, Ellen MA weakly-supervised learning approach to domain-specific semantic tagging2010-02-26
273 Seyedhosseini Tarzjani, Seyed MojtabaA workflow for the automatic segmentation of organelles in electron microscopy image stacksElectron microscopy(EM) facilitates analysis of the form,distribution, and functional status of key organelle systems in various pathological processes,including those associated with neurodegenerative disease.Such EM data often provide important new in sights into the underlying disease mechanisms....2014-01-01
274 Beazley, David. M.A wrapper generation tool for the creation of scriptable scientific applicationsIn recent years, there has been considerable interest in the use of scripting languages as a mechanism for controlling and developing scientific software. Scripting languages allow scientific applications to be encapsulated in an interpreted environment similar to that found in commercial scientific...1998
275 Francis, LeslieA wrongful case for parental tort liabilityMalek and Daar [M&D] argue that parents have a duty to employ prenatal genetic diagnosis (PGD) if they undergo IVF knowing they are at risk of transmitting a serious genetic condition. Although M&D limit their analysis to parents already undergoing PGD, in which they say the parental obligation is s...2012-01-01
251 - 275 of 7,209