251 - 275 of 2,337
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251 Oil sands: Resource, recovery, and industry1980oil sands; tar sand; bituminous sandstone; oil impregnated sandstone; bituminous sand; synthetic fuelsOil sand, tar sand, bituminous sandstone, oil impregnated sandstone, or bituminous sand, by one name or another, have been identified in almost every country of the world and in almost every state in the United States. By far the largest and most commercially attractive deposits are in Alberta, Cana...
252 Oil shale and tar sands1976oil shale; tar sands; United States; alternative fuels; in situ processing; fractuing testsTo continue its growth or even its existence, the United States must find new energy supplies to replace the petroleum we are rapidly depleting. No fossil energy form can offer a long-range solution, but coal offers a mid-range solution. Unfortunately we're not geared to use it, and learning to appl...
253 Constraints on the commercialization of oil shale1978oil shale; commercialization of oil shale; constraints of commercialization; economic problems; institutional problems; surface oil shale technologiesBeyond supporting reseearch, development, and demonstration projects, government energy policy is directed toward introducing new energy technologies into commercial use. Considerable policy attention has been focused on the commercialization of energy process plants that produce substitutes for imp...
254 Sources and deposition of organic matter in the Monterey Formation, South-Central Coastal basins of California1987-11-02organic matter; Monterey Formation; Californial ; marine algal debrisThe abundant organic matter in the Monterey Formation is commonly considered to be derived from marine algal debris rapidly deposited in anoxic bottom water during a period of high surface plankton productivity. However, many aspects of the distribution of organic matter in the Monterey of the south...
255 Surface tar-sand deposits in California1987surface tar-sand deposits; tar sand; surface tar sand; California; oil seeps; stratigraphy; tar sand deposit structureTar sand deposits and oil seeps have been known in California for more than a century and were used in the exploration for many of California's largest oil fields. Sixty deposits visited by this writer yielded 24 deposits totaling 5.27 billion barrels of oil in place and another 36 estimated at 1-2 ...
256 The bitumen-bearing Paleozoic carbonate trend of northern Alberta1987Paleozoic carbonate trend; northern Alberta; bitumen; Cretaceous oil sands; Canada; crude oil; nonconventional oil resourcesHuge quantities of bitumen are contained within the Devonian and Mississippian carbonate horizons that subcrop beneath the Cretaceous oil sands of northern Alberta. To date, however, a detailed evaluation of the economic potential of this resource has been confined primarily to the Upper Devonian Gr...
257 Modeling of asphaltenes: Assessment of sensitivity of 13C SSNMR to molecular structure2012asphaltenes; heavy oil; liquid hydrocarbon fuels; 13C SSNMR; molecular structure; refinery processAsphaltenes are an important constituent of many oils and one of the major components in heavy oils sources for liquid hydrocarbon fuels. With light oil sources rapidly depleting, it is necessary to use alternative sources from heavy oil reservoirs. Refining these heavy oil resources presents new ch...
258 The search for a source rock for the giant Tar Sand Triangle accumulation, southeastern Utah1999-03source rock; giant Tar Sand Triangle; southeastern Utah; oil resource; heavy oil and tar; oil; Tar Sand Triangle accumulation; thermal modelingA large proportion (about 36%) of the world's oil resource is contained in accumulations of heavy oil or tar. In these large deposits of degraded oil, the oil in place represents only a fraction of what was present at the time of accumulation. In many of these deposits, the source of the oil is unkn...
259 Accelerating deployment of retrofitable CO2 capture technologies through predictivity: (Simulation, verification, validation / uncertainty quantification) - 2010 Annual report (for year 1 of 3) to DOE NNSA from The University of Utah2011CO2; CO2 capture technologies; predictivity; fossil-fuel utilizationThere is an ever increasing national awareness that an effective, sustainable energy future must include fossil-fuel utilization that deploys cost-efficient technologies (both new and retrofit) that significantly improve energy efficiencies and reduce CO2 emissions over existing electric power and t...
260 National Strategic Unconventional Resource Model- A decision support system2005National Strategic Unconventional Resource model; unconventional resources; DOE; process economics; oil; heavy oil; oil sands; oil shaleSupporting documentation for a model produced by DOE to assess the requirements, process economics, and potential benefits of producing oil from heavy oil, oil sands, and oil shale under a variety of resource and market conditions.
261 Preliminary geologic analysis of the tar sands near Sunnyside, Utah1987-11-02geologic analysis; tar sands; Sunnyside, Utah; sandstones; Roan Cliffs; bitumenSandstones that crop out along the Roan Cliffs near Sunnyside, Utah, are estimated to contain approximately 6 billion barrels of bitumen, making it one of the largest deposits in the United States. Little is known of the geologic aspects, particularly sedimentology, mineralogy (especially clays), an...
262 Porosity of unconsolidated sand, diatomite, and fractured shale reservoirs, South Belridge and West Cat Canyon oil fields, California1987-11-02porosity; unconsolidated sand; diatomite; fractured shale reservoirs; South Belridge oil field; West Cat Canyon oil fieldPorosity analysis based on conventional core samples, gamma-gamma logs, and borehole gravity (BHG) surveys is presented for a Pleistocene unconsolidated sand reservoir and for Miocene diatomaceous, porcelaneous, and fractured shale reservoirs of the Monterey Formation in the South Belridge oil field...
263 Resource evaluation of selected tar-sand deposits in southern Oklahoma1987-11-02resource evaluation; tar-sand deposits; southern Oklahoma; sulphur deposit; bitumen contentThe cooperative program between the Oklahoma Geological Survey and the U.S. Department of Energy has permitted evaluation of specific tar-sand deposits in Carter and Murray counties, Oklahoma. The Sulphur deposit was evaluated by a combination of industry and DOE-OGS boreholes. Bitumen content of th...
264 Integrated sedimentary and geochemical investigation of core form the upper Green River Formation lacustrine deposits, Uinta Basin, Utah2010-04-12upper Green River formation; lacustrine deposits; geochemical investigation; lithofacies; faciesDescription of the upper Green River Formation has been largely based on outcrop exposures, but this core-based investigation provides newly detailed subsurface data that can be used to examine basin-wide lithologic and geochemical variability of he Parachute Creek Member of the upper Green River Fo...
265 SO3 formation during oxy-coal combustion2010-06-10oxy-coal combustion; SO3 formation; formation of sulfur compounds; sulfurIn oxy-coal combustion, an oxygen and carbon dioxide mixture, rather than air, is used to burn the coal. Many studies to date have focused on the formation of NOx under oxy-coal combustion conditions; however, the formation of sulfur species, particularly sulfur trioxide, is currently not a well und...
266 Structural characterization of Green River oil shale core segments and the kerogen isolated from these segments2011-09-18structural characterization; Green River oil shale; oil shale core segments; kerogen; chemical structure of oil shale and kerogen; QEMScanThe goal is to obtain information about chemical structure of oil shale and its kerogen. This includes chemical characterization of the shale, the isolated kerogen, and the products of pyrolysis of both the shale and kerogen, and provides data for validation of modeling component of the project (lat...
267 Virtual Radiometers for Parallel Architectures2012parallel architectures; virtual radiometers; a parallel ray tracing scheme; ray tracing algorithms; radiation; ray tracing; monte carlo; combustion; radiometer; parallelBackground: Parallelization of traditional ray tracing algorithms for radiation applications in participating media suffers from the large amount of inter-processor communication required to hand off rays between processors. As a result, strong scaling of these algorithms falls short of the required...
268 Sulphur isotope abundances in petroleum and associated materials1958-11sulphur isotope; petroleum; isotopes of sulphur; sulphur isotope abundances; treatment of oil samplesA study has been made of the sulphur isotope ratios for petroleum from many different oil fields in the United States and Canada. The S34/S32 ratio for petroleum varies by about 4.5 per cent as compared with a total spread of about 9 per cent for terrestrial sulphur. The single large oil pools appea...
269 Utah's tar sand resource: Geology, politics, and economics1976Utah tar sand; tar sand resource; geology; politics; economics; oil-impregnated rock deposits; oil shale; tar sandsTwelve of fifty deposits of oil-impregnated rock in Utah contain 98 percent of the 26 billion barrels estimated in place. This is about 90 to 95 percent of the total mapped U.S. resource. Several deposits have been and are mined for paving material. Extraction of oil from three deposits is beginning...
270 Oxy-coal combustion studies - Task 3 topical report, Utah Clean Coal Program.2014-08oxy-coal combustion; Utah Clean Coal Program; oxy-coal; large eddy simulations; near-flame aerodynamics; pilot-scale oxy-CFB; single-particle oxy char oxidation; ash partitioning; carbon capture; pulverized coal-fired power plantsThe objective of this task is to move toward the development of a predictive capability with quantified uncertainty bounds for pilot-scale, single-burner, oxy-coal operation. This validation research brings together multi-scale experimental measurements and computer simulations. The combination of s...
271 Clean and Secure Energy from Coal - Final report, Utah Clean Coal Program2015-02coal; Utah Clean Coal Program; domestic coal resources; CO2 capture; CO2 combustion; stationary power generation; V/UQ; oxy-coal combustion; high-pressure, entrained-flow coal gasification; chemical looping combustion; underground coal thermal treatment; mercury control; environmental issues; legal ...The University of Utah, through their Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE), performed research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and to do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research was organized around t...
272 Carbon capture and sequestration: A regulatory gap assessment - Topical report2012-04carbon capture and sequestration; gap assessment; CCS; climate changeThough a potentially significant climate change mitigation strategy, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) remains mired in demonstration and development rather than proceeding to full-scale commercialization. Prior studies have suggested numerous reasons for this stagnation. This Report seeks to e...
273 Oxy-coal Combustion Studies Task 3 Topical Report, Utah Clean Coal Program2012-01-06oxy-coal combustion; Utah Clean Coal Program; carbon capture; large eddy simulations; near-field aerodynamics of oxy-coal flames; single-particle oxy-CO2 combustion; ash partitioningThe objective of this project is to move toward the development of a predictive capability with quantified uncertainty bounds for pilot-scale, single-burner, oxy-coal operation. This validation research brings together multi-scale experimental measurements and computer simulations. The combination o...
274 Regulatory promotion of emergent CCS technology - Topical report2014-01CCS technology; climate change; mitigation strategies; carbon capture and sequestrationDespite the growing inevitability of climate change and the attendant need for mitigation strategies, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) has yet to gain much traction in the United States. Recent regulatory proposals by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), limited in scope to new-buil...
275 Validation/Uncertainty Quantification for Large Eddy Simulations of the heat flux in the Tangentially Fired Oxy-Coal Alstom Boiler Simulation Facility - Task 9 Topical Report, Utah Clean Coal Program2014-10large eddy simulations; Utah Clean Coal Program; heat flux; Tangenitally Fired Oxy-coal Alstom Boiler Simulation Facility; task 9; oxy-coal boilers; BSF; coalThe objective of this task is to produce predictive capability with quantified uncertainty bounds for the heat flux in commercial-scale, tangentially fired, oxy-coal boilers. Validation data came from the Alstom Boiler Simulation Facility (BSF) for tangentially fired, oxy-coal operation. This task b...
251 - 275 of 2,337