226 - 250 of 244
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TitleDescriptionRelation Is Part Of
226 Ueber eine Affection der Varolschen Bruecke mit Bilateraler Laehmung der Willkuerlichen Augenbewegungen, Zwangslachen und Zwangsweinen, Sowie Fruehzeitiger Atrophie der Rechtsseitigen Unterschenkelmuskeln (Annotations)Eye movements upon stimulation of cortical areas (pupils up or down).Card Catalog Index Cards
227 Ueber die Elektrische Erregbarkeit des Grosshirns (Annotations)Autonomic and motor responses upon cerebral stimulation.Card Catalog Index Cards
228 Ueber die Functionen der Grosshirnrinde. Gesammelte Mittheilungen (Annotations)Extensive monograph, some from earlier papers; describes pupillary dilation upon cortical stimulation; hemianopsia in monkeys with unilateral occipital lesions and blind dogs and rabbits with bilateral lesions; pupils remained reactive; eye and head movements upon cortical stimulation (pupil dilatio...Card Catalog Index Cards
229 Ueber Objective Symptome Localer Hyperaesthesie und Anaesthesie bei den sog. Traumatischen Neurosen und bei Hysterie (Annotations)Eye movements upon stimulation of cortical areas (pupils up or down).Card Catalog Index Cards
230 Ueber die Elektrische Behandlung des Tic Douloureux und der Hemicranie (Annotations)Study of Hemicrania Sympathico-Spastica.Card Catalog Index Cards
231 Ueber die Beziehungen Zwischen Grosshirnrinde und Pupille (Annotations)Cortical stimulation generalized with strong and localized with weak stimuli (pupil dilation).Card Catalog Index Cards
232 Variation of Pupil Size with Change in the Angle at Which the Light Stimulus Strikes the Retina (Illustrations and Annotations)Study of the possibility of a variation in pupil size depending on the part of the natural pupil through which the light from the external field enters the eye. Measurements of the pupil made under conditions specially arranged to reveal any change of size with change in the point of entry of the li...Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
233 Untersuchungen zur Funktionellen Morphologie der Endstrombahn. Technik der Vitalmikroskopischen Beobachtung und Ergebnisse Experimenteller Studien am Iriskreislauf der Albinoratte (Annotations)Experimental studies on the "iris cycle."Card Catalog Index Cards
234 Vitalmikroskopische Untersuchungen am Vorderen Bulbusabschnitt Kleiner Albinotischer Nager. Grundlagen der Methode und Beschreibung der Apparativen Anordnung (Annotations)Microscopic examinations of the anterior of eyeball. Fundamentals of the method and description of the apparatus arrangement.Card Catalog Index Cards
235 Vasodilating Headache: A Suggested Classification and Results of Prophylactic Rreatment with UML 491 (Methylsergide) (Annotations)Study of the vasodilating headache, terms used include migraine, histaminic cephalgia, Horton's, cluster headache, ciliary neuralgia, etc.Card Catalog Index Cards
236 Wie Beeninflusst die Pupillenweite die Innen und Aussenzonen der Iris (Annotations)Study of the effects of the width of the pupil on the inner and outer zones of the iris.Card Catalog Index Cards
237 Zur Anatomischen und Funktionellen Struktur der Iris des Hundes (Annotations)Study of the anatomical and functional structure of the iris.Card Catalog Index Cards
238 Warum Blutet die Iris Nicht? Bemerkungen zur Struktur der Menschlichen Irisgefasse (Annotations)Study of iris structure.Card Catalog Index Cards
239 Zur Feinstruktur der Melanocyten in der Menschlichen Iris (Annotations)Study of the structure of melanocytes in the iris.Card Catalog Index Cards
240 Zur Naheren Kenntnis des Verlaufes der Postganglionaren Sympathicusbahnen fur Pupillenerweiterung, Lidspaltenoffnung und Nickhautretraktion bei der Katze (Illustrations and Annotations)Study of the course of the postganglionic sympathetic pathways for pupil dilation, eyelid opening and nictiteal retraction.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
241 Der Hund ohne Grosshirn (Annotations)Reduced rage threshold in dog; motor and autonomic functions in a dog without forebrain.Card Catalog Index Cards
242 Zur Vegetativen Innervation von Pupille und Netzhautgefassen (Illustrations and Annotations)Study of "vegetative innervation" of the pupil and retinal vessels.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
243 Zur Beurteilung der Iriskrypten Beim Menschen und bei Anderen Primaten (Annotations)Study of iris structure.Card Catalog Index Cards
244 Zur Physiologie der Stirnlappen (Annotations)Found little effect of frontal lobectomy.Card Catalog Index Cards
226 - 250 of 244