226 - 250 of 10,887
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226 Hawkes, KristenOn life history evolution (a comment on Chisholm)Chisholm (CA 34:I-24) is right that the theory, models, and data of evolutionary biology apply to questions asked by social scientists. Work in life-history theory (Stearns 1992, Roff 1992, Charnov 1993) has especially provocative implications for the understanding of human development (see review i...1994-01-01
227 Hawkes, KristenOn optimal foraging models and subsistence transitionsLayton, Foley, and Williams are right: "progress" doesn't explain transitions from hunting and gathering to agriculture, by theory and models from behavioral ecology might.1992-01-01
228 Hawkes, KristenOn sharing and work (a comment on Bird-David)Bird-David (CA 33:25-47) discusses reasons for the persistent vitality and wide appeal of Sahlins's influential characterization of hunter-gatherers as representatives of 'original affluence."1992-01-01
229 Minteer, Shelley D.Photobioelectrochemistry: Solar energy conversion and biofuel production with photosynthetic catalystsPhotobioelectrochemical cells are devices which have been developed over the past few decades and use photosynthetic catalysts for solar energy conversion or biofuel production. In this paper, a critical review of reported photobioelectrochemical systems is presented. The systems discussed include s...2014-01-01
230 Bohs, Lynn A.Phylogeny of the carolinense clade of solanum (Solanaceae) inferred from nuclear and plastid DNA sequencesThe large and economically important genus Solanum contains ca. 1,400 species distributed worldwide. One of the 12-14 major clades identified in the genus is the Leptostemonum clade, or the "spiny solanums." Previous molecular phylogenetic studies have identified 14 major clades in the spiny solanum...2014-01-01
231 Wen, MingPhysical activity and mortality among middle-aged and older adults in the United StatesBackground-Physical activity (PA) has been routinely linked to lower all-cause mortality, yet extant research in the United States is primarily based on non-representative samples. Evidence is scant on the relative and independent merits of leisure-time (LTPA) versus non-leisure-time (NLTPA) activit...2014-01-01
232 Saam, BrianPhase relationship between the long-time beats of free induction decays and spin echoes in solidsRecent theoretical work on the role of microscopic chaos in the dynamics and relaxation of many-body quantum systems has made several experimentally confirmed predictions about the systems of interacting nuclear spins in solids, focusing in particular on the shapes of spin echo responses measured by...2012-01-01
233 Regehr, JohnPh.D. Proposal: hierarchical loadable schedulersThe processors in workstations, personal computers, and servers are becoming increasingly powerful, enabling them to run new kinds of applications, and to simultaneously run combinations of applications that were previously infeasible. However, fast hardware is not enough-the operating system must e...1999-01-01
234 Vardeny, Zeev ValentinePhotoexcitation dynamics in polythiophene/fullerene blends for photovoltaic applicationsWe used the transient and steady state photomodulation spectroscopies for studying the photoexcitations dynamics in blends of regio-regular poly(3-hexylthiophene) (RR-P3HT) and fullerene in a broad spectral range from 0.15 to 2.25 eV. We found that both localized polarons and singlet excitons are in...2012-01-01
235 Kuhlman, BrianPHD EntrepreneurThe idea for this speech began when my friends and family started asking what I would do after graduating with my PhD in psychology. Folks tended to get a bit confused when I replied that my plan is to start a business. You don't need a PhD to do that! It's true. The path leading from PhD to Entrepr...entrepreneur; PhD; doctoral; industry; academia2013-05-03
236 Mitchell, Joyce A.Personalized medicineWith the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003, the world's attention has focused on converting this vast storehouse of information into innovative health care solutions. The ultimate promise, assuming we know everyone's genotype, is to ensure that every person has optimum health throughout...2007-01-01
237 Gerig, GuidoQuality control of diffusion weighted imagesDiffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) has become an important MRI procedure to investigate the integrity of white matter in brain in vivo. DTI is estimated from a series of acquired Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) volumes. DWI data suffers from inherent low SNR, overall long scanning time of multiple dire...2010-01-01
238 Kendall, KatherineQuality of life scores compared to objective measures of swallowing function after oropharyngeal chemoradiationObjectives: To compare objective measures of swallowing function with patient reports of swallowing-related Quality of Life one year after treatment of oropharyngeal cancer with chemoradiation therapy. Study Design: Patients seen for follow-up at least one year after treatment of oropharyngeal carci...2014-01-01
239 Khan, Faisal HabibPV faults: Overview, modeling, prevention and detection techniquesRecent PV faults and subsequent fire-hazards on April 5, 2009, in Bakersfield, California, and April 16, 2011, in Mount Holly, North Carolina provide evidence of a lack of knowledge among PV system manufacturers and installers about different PV faults. The conducted survey within the scope of this ...2013-01-01
240 Yang, HaoriPulsed photofission delayed gamma ray detection for nuclear material identificationInnovative systems with increased sensitivity and resolution are in great demand to detect diversion and to prevent misuse in support of nuclear materials management for the U.S. fuel cycle. Nuclear fission is the most important multiplicative process involved in non-destructive active interrogation...2012-01-01
241 Scarpulla, MichaelPulsed laser induced ohmic back contact in CdTe solar cellsCreating an ohmic back contact has long been a problem for making efficient CdTe solar cells. Current devices utilize some combination of preferential chemical etching, buffer layer, and Cu doping with additional cost, time, and complexity added for each step. In this Letter, these processes are esc...2014-01-01
242 Mitchell, Joyce A.Quality evaluation of controlled clinical information service trialsRandomized controlled clinical trials are increasingly accepted as tools of computer technology assessment and, therefore, quality evaluation of trials has great theoretical and practical significance. The purpose of this study was to assist the design of evaluation studies and synthesis of publishe...1993-01-01
243 Khan, Faisal HabibPV ground-fault detection using spread spectrum time domain reflectometry (SSTDR)A PV ground-fault detection technique using spread spectrum time domain reflectometry (SSTDR) method has been introduced in this paper. SSTDR is a reflectometry method that has been commercially used for detecting aircraft wire faults. Unlike other fault detection schemes for a PV system, ground fau...2013-01-01
244 Scarpulla, MichaelPulsed laser processing of electrodeposited CuInSe2 photovoltaic absorber thin filmsIn this report we investigate the effects of pulsed laser annealing (PLA) on both as-electrodeposited (ED) and electrodeposited-furnace annealed (EDA) CuInSe2 (CIS) samples by varying the laser fluence (J/cm2) and number of pulses. Results for as-ED samples indicate that liquid CIS-phase formation d...2011-01-01
245 Couldwell, William T.Response to Craniopharyngioma adherence to the hypothalamusTo The Editor: We have viewed with great interest the special supplement published by Neurosurgical Focus in January 2013 (Neurosurgical Focus, Video Atlas of Operative Surgery: Intraventricular Lesions: Microscopic and Endoscopic Approaches, Vol 34: January 2013) in which a compilation of videos de...2014-01-01
246 Wen, MingResidential racial composition and black-white obesity risks: differential effects of neighborhood social and built environmentThis study investigates the association between neighborhood racial composition and adult obesity risks by race and gender, and explores whether neighborhood social and built environment mediates the observed protective or detrimental effects of racial composition on obesity risks. Cross-sectional d...2014-01-01
247 Stoddart, JoanRethinking information delivery: using a natural language processing application for point-of-care data discoveryObjective: This paper examines the use of Semantic MEDLINE, a natural language processing application enhanced with a statistical algorithm known as Combo, as a potential decision support tool for clinicians. Semantic MEDLINE summarizes text in PubMed citations, transforming it into compact declarat...2012-01-01
248 LaStayo, Paul C.Resistance exercise with older fallers: Its impact on intermuscular adipose tissueObjective. Greater skeletal muscle fat infiltration occurs with age and contributes to numerous negative health outcomes. The primary purpose was to determine whether intermuscular adipose tissue (IMAT) can be influenced by an exercise intervention and if a greater reduction in IMAT occurs with ecce...2014-01-01
249 Khan, Faisal HabibReliability analysis and performance degradation of a boost converterIn general, power converters are operated in closed-loop systems, and any characteristic variations in one component will simultaneously alter the operating point of other components, resulting in a shift in overall reliability profile. This interdependence makes the reliability of a converter a com...2014-01-01
250 Mishchenko, EugeneResonant finite-size impurities in graphene, unitary limit, and Friedel oscillationsA unitary limit for model point scatterers in graphene is known to reveal low-energy resonances. The same limit could be achieved from hybridization of band electrons with the localized impurity level positioned in the vicinity of the Fermi level. The finite-size defects represent an easier realizat...2012-01-01
226 - 250 of 10,887