226 - 250 of 1,703
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226 Occurrence and reactions of oil shale sulfur1982-04Green River oil shale; Sulfur forms; Pyrolysis; Oil shale sulfurWe first discuss the nature and abundance of sulfur forms in Green River oil shale. A previously reported correlation between sulfur and grade does not work well over a very large geographical region. We next discuss the distribution of sulfur in the pyrolysis products, including trace sulfur specie...
227 Nitric oxide (NO) reduction by retorted oil shale1983-10Nitric oxide gas; NO; Retorted oil shale; Nitric oxide reduction; CharNitric oxide gas (NO) is effectively reduced by retorted oil shale. At 300°C half of the NO in a gas stream is removed when the gas stream contacts a bed of crushed retorted oil shale for 0.4 s. The fraction removed in 0.4 s reaches 90% at a temperature of 375°C. As long as the reducing agent, pre...
228 Phase II: Clean and Secure Energy from Coal: Quarterly Progress Report: January 1, 2011 to March 30, 20112011-05-01domestic coal resources; CO2 capture; coal; Oxycoal simulation team; coal sequestrationThe University of Utah is pursuing research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and to do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research is organized around the theme of validation and uncertainty quantification throug...
229 Phase 2: Clean and secure energy from coal: Quarterly progress report: October 1, 2010 to December 31, 20102011-01-31domestic coal resources; CO2 capture; stationary power generation; LES; DQMOM approach; oxy-coal flames; coalThe University of Utah is pursuing research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and to do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research is organized around the theme of validation and uncertainty quantification throug...
230 Phase 2: Clean and secure energy from coal: Quarterly progress report: July 1, 2010 to September 30, 20102010-10-01domestic coal resources; CO2 capture; stationary power generation; Oxycoal; OFC; coalThe University of Utah is pursuing research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and to do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research is organized around the theme of validation and uncertainty quantification throug...
231 Phase 2: Clean and secure energy from coal: Quarterly progress report: April 1, 2010 to June 30, 20102010-08-01domestic coal resources; CO2 capture; stationary power generation; DQMOM approachThe University of Utah is pursuing research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and to do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research is organized around the theme of validation and uncertainty quantification throug...
232 Petrographic criteria for recognition of lacustrine and fluvial sandstone, P.R. Spring oil-impregnated sandstone area, southeast Uinta Basin, Utah1971-06oil; lacustrine sandstone; fluvial sandstone; Petrographic criteriaReserve estimates indicate about 3.7 billion barrels of oil in place in the P. R. Spring area, most of which is in lacustrine sandstone of the Garden Gulch and Parachute Creek members of the Green River Formation (Eocene). Fluvial sandstone bodies in the Wasatch Formation (Paleocene-Eocene) produce ...
233 Phase 2: Clean and secure energy from coal: Quarterly progress report: October 1, 2009 to December 31, 20092010-01-30domestic coal resources; CO2 capture; stationary power generation; oxy-coal flames; coal gasification processThe University of Utah is pursuing research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and to do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research is organized around the theme of validation and uncertainty quantification throug...
234 Petroliferous lithosomes in the Moenkopi Formation, southern Utah1977petroleum; stratigraphic study; southeastern and central Utah petroleum; Moenkopi FormationRecent stratigraphic studies of the Triassic Moenkopi Formation suggest the possibility of important petroleum potential within the unit in southeastern and central Utah. Potential reservoir rocks include shoreline sandstone in the Black Dragon Member, carbonates in the Sinbad Limestone Member, and ...
235 Petroleum geology of the greater Red Wash Area, Uintah County, Utah1965-07oil and gas field; sandstone; petroleum geologyThe Greater Red Wash area is the largest oil and gas field in the Uinta Basin. The Douglas Creek and Garden Gulch Members of the Green River Formation form a lacustrine delta in the area and yield hydrocarbons from a complex network of discrete sandstones. Each individual sandstone body forms its ow...
236 Petrologic aspects of some bitumen-bearing sandstones from Sunnyside, Utah1986bitumen sandstones; Ecocene rocksSandstones from the bitumen deposit near Sunnyside, Utah, exhibit many diagenetic modifications that should be considered in any attempt to recover the bitumen. The sandstones generally are subfeldspathic to feldspathic arenites, with varying amounts of carbonate lithic fragments. Detrital feldspars...
237 Monitoring surfactant content to control hot water process for tar sand1991-04-23Patent; Hot water process; Tar sand; Extraction; SurfactantsThe present invention is based on the following: (1) that when tar sand is conditioned and diluted in the hot water extraction process, there are two classes of anionic surfactants (originating from carboxylate and sulfonate groups) present in the process water; (2) that each of these surfactants ha...
238 Modeling study of carbonate decomposition in LLNL's 4TU pilot oil shale retort1994-10-144 tonne-per-day oil shale Pilot Retort; 4TU-Pilot; Carbonate decomposition; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; LLNLLawrence Livermore National Laboratory's (LLNL) 4 tonne-per-day oil shale Pilot Retort (4TU-Pilot) has been modeled to study the degree of carbonate decomposition occurring in the process. The modeling uses a simplified version of the processes occurring in the retort to allow parametric studies to ...
239 Policy analysis of water availability and use issues for domestic oil shale and oil sands development: Topical Report: October 1, 2009 to March 31, 20102010-03oil shale/sands resources; energy source; unconventional fuels; water demands; water availability; domestic oil shale/sands development; topical reportOil shale and oil sands resources located within the intermountain west represent a vast, and as of yet, commercially untapped source of energy. Development will require water, and demand for scarce water resources stands at the front of a long list of barriers to commercialization. Water requiremen...
240 Policy analysis of produced water issues associated with in-situ thermal technologies: Topical report: October 1, 2009 to December 31, 20102011-01topical report; produced water issues; in situ thermal technologies; oil shale/sands; water rights; domestic energy sourceCommercial scale oil shale and oil sands development will require water, the amount of which will depend on the technologies adopted and the scale of development that occurs. Water in oil shale and oil sands country is already in scarce supply, and because of the arid nature of the region and limita...
241 Petroleum technology advances through applied research by independent oil producers2000-01petroleum technology; independant oil producers; National Oil Research Program"Petroleum Technology Advances Through Applied Research by Independent Oil Producers" is a program of the National Oil Research Program, U.S. Department of Energy. Between 1995 and 1998, the program competitively selected and costs shared twenty-two projects with small producers. The purpose was to ...
242 Pore scale analysis of oil sand/oil shale pyrolysis by X-ray Micro CT and LB simulation2010-03-03pore scale analysis; oil sand/shale pyrolysis; X-ray Micro CT and LB simulation; Lamellar Structure of Oil ShaleThe research objectives include (1) CT characterization of the pore network structure for selected oil sand/oil shale resources, (2) LB simulation of flow through pore network structures to predict transport properties, such as permeability, and (3) CT analysis of pore network structure during pyrol...
243 Particle image velocimetry of pulverized oxy-coal flames2010-11-10oxy-fuel combustion of pulverized coal; oxy-fuel; pulverized coal; power production; carbon capture and sequestration; emission reductionsOxy-fuel combustion of pulverized coal is a promising technology for cost-effective power production with carbon capture and sequestration that has impacts on emission reductions. To fully understand the behavior of turbulent oxy-coal flames, and to validate oxy-coal simulation models, accurate expe...
244 Oxy-gas process heaters for efficient CO2 capture2010-04-28oil shale and oil sands technology; greenhouse gas emissions; GHG; large eddy simulation; LES; IFRF OXYFLAMImplementation of oil shale/sands technologies in U.S. will require mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
245 Oxy-fuel hierarchy2009-11-04oxy-fuel combustion; different fuel types; ICSEHierarchical chart for the oxy-fuel combustion research area showing connectivity between subtasks. This research area includes coal, gas, and oil oxy-burner technologies. This chart helps illustrate the integration and focus among the different fuel types and different scales represented in the hie...
246 P. R. spring oil-impregnated sandstone deposit Uintah and Grand Counties, Utah1970-02oil-impregnated sandstone beds; oil impregnation; oil shale; lenticular sandstones; siltstonesOil-impregnated sandstone beds underlie at least 214 square miles in the southeastern Uinta Basin and may extend northward beneath cover. One to as many as five principal saturated zones, 3 to 75 feet thick, occur in a 250-foot interval that dips gently northward. The northernmost outcrops are overl...
247 Paraho oil shale module: Design plan for demonstration of a surface oil shale retorting module1981-10oil shale; plant performance; minesA critical item in the demonstration plant is one that has a notable impact on plant performance. Generally, these items have required that decisions be made throughout the course of the Phase I work to facilitate design work and preparation of estimates. The approach taken in each case represents t...
248 Palynology and petrography of some solid bitumens of the Uinta Basin, Utah1976-07bitumen; petrologic character; palyonogic content; plant material found in bitumenSeveral solid bitumens and bituminous substances of the Uinta Basin found in veins, brecciated fissures, cracks, joints, and porous rocks have been examined for petrologic character and palynologic content. Some samples of solid ozocerite, a native wax, intercalated in the matrix of brecciated zones...
249 Oxidized oil shale for removal of nitrogen oxides in combustion gas streams1993-01-15oxidized oil shale; hot recycled solids; HRS; oil shale retorting; removing nitrogen oxidesOxidized oil shale from the combustor in the LLNL Hot-Recycled-Solids (HRS) oil shale retorting process has been found to be catalyst for removing nitrogen oxides from laboratory gas streams using NH3 as a reductant. Oxidized Green River oil shale heated at 10°C/min in an Ar/02/NO/NH3 mixture (~ 93...
250 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory oil shale project (Apr 1986)1986-04ammonia evolution; triple quadruple mass spectrometer; biomaker identification; oil shale; ammonia emissionsI. Ammonia Evolution. II. Development of the Use of a Triple Quadruple Mass Spectrometer as an On-Line Ammonia Monitor. III. Biomarker Identification by TQMS Improved by Artificial-Intelligence Tuning, IV. Products from Contact of Oil Shale with Reactive Gases.
226 - 250 of 1,703