226 - 250 of 2,479
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226 Campus Magazine vol.1, no.11965University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)
227 Surface and shallow oil-impregnated rocks and shallow oil fields in the United States1965oil-impregnated rocks; shallow oil fields; petroleum-impregnated outcrops; tar sandsPetroleum-impregnated outcrops are widespread throughout eastern Utah and less so in the west and southwest. Within and around the periphery of the Uinta Basin, in the northeast are grouped some the best known "tar sands" in the United States, including the Sunnyside, Asphalt Ridge, and Whiterock de...
228 Geology and uranium deposits of the Temple Mountain District Emery County, Utah1965geology; uranium deposits; Temple Mountain District; geologic formations; mineralogy
229 1965-66 General Catalog1965University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)General Catalog 1965-1966
230 A bibliography of thermal methods of oil recovery1965-03Thermal methods; Oil recovery; Bibliography; Bureau of Mines Petroleum Research Center; Thermal methods of oil recoveryThe Oil Recovery Committee, Independent Petroleum Association of America, in response to requests and in recognition of expanded interest in the application of thermal methods of oil recovery, has sponsored the compilation of the following bibliography, with literature and patent references, and aut...
231 A growth allocation model for the Boston region1965-05The model described in this article is based on extremely simple concepts and represents the first case of a complete model covering all aspects of urban location. Basically, the future growth of each of a number of activities in a number of subareas of the Boston Metropolitan Region is projected in...
232 Green River Formation at Raven Ridge, Uintah County, Utah1965-07Green River formation; Raven Ridge; sandstone beds; shale; limestone; marlstone; oil-bearing strataAlong Raven Ridge in Uintah County, Utah, exposures of the Green River Formation contain a complex sequence of intertonguing beds of sandstone, shale, limestone, and marlstone. These strata are considered to represent deposition in an orderly sequence of environments from the flood plain through the...
233 Petroleum geology of the greater Red Wash Area, Uintah County, Utah1965-07oil and gas field; sandstone; petroleum geologyThe Greater Red Wash area is the largest oil and gas field in the Uinta Basin. The Douglas Creek and Garden Gulch Members of the Green River Formation form a lacustrine delta in the area and yield hydrocarbons from a complex network of discrete sandstones. Each individual sandstone body forms its ow...
234 Program outline for the Utah State Development Plan1965-08The preparation of this report was financially aided through a Federal grant from the Urban Renewal Administration of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, under the Urban Planning Assistance Program authorized by Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954, as amended.
235 Some possible applications of thermal recovery in Utah1965-11thermal recovery; applications of thermal recovery; oil reserves; bituminous sandstones; thermal project; bituminous oil sandThe bituminous sandstones of the Rocky Mountain region have significant reserves of oil. Production costs of the reserves must be reduced to be equal to or lower than the cost of crude oil produced by conventional methods. Three Utah deposits alone, Sunny side, Vernal (Asphalt Ridge) and Whiterocks ...
236 Campus Magazine vol.2, no.11966University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)
237 Campus Magazine vol.2, no.21966University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)
238 Campus Magazine vol.1, no.21966University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)
239 1966-67 General Catalog1966University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)Bulletin of the University of Utah. Volume 57, Number 5, May 15, 1966
240 Recreation in Utah a profile of the demand for outdoor recreation by Utah residents1966-01Are recurring problem in planning for economic and industrial development is the lack of sufficient basic data upon which sound planning decisions may be made. One of the industry areas in which the lack of basic data for planning is conspicuous by its scarcity is outdoor recreation. Yet the outdoor...
241 Recommended preliminary Utah multi-County planning regions1966-03This recommendation for Multi-County Planning Regions is preliminary to the extent that its desirability should be tested by county officials, planning groups, and other interested government and private agencies for a period of time before it is accepted as final by the State Advisory Planning Comm...
242 A projections model for small area economies1966-06
243 Reconnaissance study of bituminous sandstone deposits, Trans*Dirty Devil, Wayne and Garfield Counties, Utah1966-11bitumous sandstone deposits; Elaterite Basin; Teapot RockThis report is the result of preliminary and reconnaissance investigations of the Elaterite Basin and Teapot Rock bituminous sandstone occurrences. Six samples were analyzed for their bitumen content and seven sections were measured in the Teapot Rock area. Up to 200 feet of varying degrees of satur...
244 Employment, population, income and automobiles in Salt Lake, Ogden, Provo Metropolitan Area and State of Utah1966-12William C a r l i s l e and Michael A. Stoddard, graduate students in the Department of Economics, rendered v e r y valuable a s s i s t a n c e in the p r e p a r a tion of t h i s r e p o r t . Gregory M. Nielson, graduate student in Mathematics, a s s i s t e d in computer programming, and Iver...
245 Bituminous sandstone deposits Asphalt Ridge1966-12Asphalt Ridge probably is the second largest bituminous sandstone deposit in northeastern Utah's Uinta Basin. Discontinuous concentrations of bitumen occur in the Rim Rock Sandstone of the Mesaverde Group of Cretaceous age, in the overlying Uinta Formation of Eocene age and the Duchesne River Format...
246 Capitol Reef-Miners Mountain oil-impregnated rock occurrences1967The Capitol Reef bituminous sandstone area occurs mainly on the northern and northeastern portions of the area known as Miners Mountain. This is a dome structure of the Teasdale anticline, the axis of which parallels the Teasdale fault system.
247 Campus Magazine vol.3, no.11967University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)
248 Campus Magazine vol.3, no.21967University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)
249 Campus Magazine vol.2, no.31967University of Utah catalogue; (Catalog)
250 Impact of defense spending on the economy of Utah1967This report is a product of studies conducted at Utah State University under a contract with the Urban Renewal Administration of the Federal Housing and Home Finance Agency, under an arrangement worked out by Robert Huefner, Utah State Planning Coordinator. It builds upon The Defense Industry of Uta...
226 - 250 of 2,479