226 - 250 of 856
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226 Segmental Atrophy - Hemianopic (Band) AtrophySegmental Atrophy - Band atrophy with temporal hemianopia. 1983. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Atrophy of the chiasm or left optic tract. Disease/Diagnosis: Segmental band atrophy. Clinical: Right temporal field defect.Image
227 G208 Traumatic AIONTraumatic vitreopapillary evulsion (traumatic AION). Traumatic AION from evulsion of the vitreopapillary adhesion. Leakage on disc surface where vitreous was adherent. Pair with G2_9b. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: AION. Disease/ Diagnosis: Traumatic AION.Image
228 G209 Traumatic AIONTraumatic vitreopapillary evulsion (traumatic AION). Fluorescein angiogram shows petal shaped avascular zones on the surface of the disc. Pair with G2_8a. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: AION. Disease/ Diagnosis: Traumatic AION. Imaging: Flourescein angiogram.Image
229 C403 Luetic Papillopathy (Gumma of the Optic Disc)40 year old man with AIDS and neurosyphillis with severe visual field defect. The disc is pale and swollen and its arteries are strikingly narrowed (syphillitic vasculitis). Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Axoplasmic stasis due to syphillitic infection. Disease/ Diagnosis: Luetic papillopathy (Syphy...Image
230 ID05a Post Papilledema Optic Atrophy from Pseudotumor CerebriLeft eye, October 1999, Post papilledema optic atrophy from pseudotumor cerebri. Note optociliary veins in both discs. Gliosis and partial pallor following long standing papilledema and intracranial pressure. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Post papilledema atrophy and gliosis from long standing el...Image
231 ID05b Post Papilledema Optic Atrophy from Pseudotumor CerebriRight eye, October 1999, Post papilledema optic atrophy from pseudotumor cerebri. Note optociliary veins in both discs. Gliosis and partial pallor following long standing papilledema and intracranial pressure. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Post papilledema atrophy and gliosis from long standing el...Image
232 Venous Anomalies - Exit AnomaliesChoriovaginal vein. Inferior portion of disc at 6:00. Wide angle view of same patient as V_41. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Congenital anomaly of choroidal venous drainage. Disease/Diagnosis: Choriovaginal vein. Clinical: Asymptomatic.Image
233 Venous Anomalies - Exit AnomaliesChoriovaginal vein. Inferior portion of disc at 5:00. Same patient as V_42. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Congenital anomaly of choroidal venous drainage. Disease/Diagnosis: Choriovaginal vein. Clinical: Asymptomatic.Image
234 Venous Anomalies - Exit AnomaliesAnomalous exits of retinal veins at 5:00 . Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Congenital anomaly, exit anomaly. Disease/Diagnosis: Exit anomaly, edge veins. Clinical: Asymptomatic.Image
235 Diffuse AtrophyNerve fiber appearance about 6 weeks after indirect injury to optic nerve. Note near total absence of nerve fiber reflexes. Photo shows remaining streaks of inferior arcuate nerve fiber membranes dissolving into nothing. 1972. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Optic nerve injury. Disease/Diagnosis: Op...Image
236 IA03 Atrophy with Optociliary Veins1974, left eye, perioptic nerve sheath meningioma, blind eye. Optociliary bypass veins in the nasal disc tissue. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Optociliary vein. DIsease/ Diagnosis: Perioptic nerve sheath meningioma. Clinical: Blind eye.Image
237 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Retinal Arteriovenous MalformationsRetinal arteriovenous malformations. Composite photograph. Notice there are at least two complete loops, nasally and infratemporally. Notice the signs of early involution centrally (white). Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Retinal arteriovenous malformation. Disease/Diagnosis: Retinal arteriovenous m...Image
238 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Retinal Arteriovenous MalformationsRetinal arteriovenous malformations showing a complete arteriovenous loop nasally. 19 year old female. Composite photograph. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Retinal arteriovenous malformation. Disease/Diagnosis: Retinal arteriovenous malformation. Clinical: Asymptomatic.Image
239 IB108 Post Ischemic (AION) Cupless AtrophyMarch 1978, right eye, patient had inferior field defect, top half of optic nerve is atrophic, hemiatrophy, blood vessels are focally narrow, bottom half of disc is normal. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Post ischemic (AION) cupless atrophy. Disease/ Diagnosis: Post ischemic (AION) cupless atrophy....Image
240 Segmental Atrophy - TemporalSegmental Atrophy - Temporal - Nutritional Amblyopia - Nerve fiber layer hemorrhage. Pair with IIA2_04b. 1970. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Optic atrophy. Disease/Diagnosis: Toxic optic atrophy from alcohol. Clinincal: Central visual loss.Image
241 Segmental Atrophy - TemporalTemporal - Nutritional Amblyopia - Nerve fiber layer hemorrhage. Pair with IIA2_04a. 1970. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Optic atrophy. Disease/Diagnosis: Toxic optic atrophy from alcohol. Clinical: Central visual loss.Image
242 C201 Papillitis with Macular Star, Cat Scratch DiseaseProven Bartonella neuroretinitis. Notice the deposit of exudates of Henle's layer making an almost complete macular star. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina. Pathology: Neuroretinitis; Axoplasmic stasis due to inflammation. Disease/ Diagnosis: Neuroretinitis due to Bartonella Henslae. Clinical: Visual blur...Image
243 B110 Disc Swelling, Ischemic Papillopathies, AIONPallid ischemic swelling with intraretinal exudates near the macula and a ""cotton wool"" infarct below the disc. 38 year old man. Diabetic. 20/60 vision. Altitudinal visual field defect. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Axoplasmic stasis due to ischemia. Disease/ Diagnosis: AION. Clinical: Diabetic ...Image
244 B113 Disc Swelling, Ischemic Papillopathies, AION57 year old woman with AION. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Axoplasmic stasis due to ischemia. Disease/ Diagnosis: AION. Clinical: Visual loss.Image
245 F2b10 Malignant Optic Nerve Glioma, Gross Pathologic SpecimenPathologic specimen of optic nerve glioma shown in slide F2b_09. White material on top of swollen disc is myelin. Reference: Hoyt WF, Meshel LG, Lessell S, Schatz NJ, Suckling RD. Malignant optic glioma of adulthood. Brain. 1973;96(1):121-32. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Optic nerve glioma. Disea...Image
246 Buried Drusen7 year old boy with pseudo papilledema from buried drusen. Note the lumpy contour of the disc margin. Also note the surrounding ring-like light reflex that is optically perfect and indicates absence of edema spreading onto the surrounding retina. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Drusen of the optic d...Image
247 Chronic Papilledema with Pseudo DrusenRight eye. Meningioma. Pseudo drusen from chronic papilledema. Woman. Anatomy: Optic disc Pathology: Papilledema Disease/Diagnosis: Chronic papilledema with pseudo drusenImage
248 Chronic Papilledema with Pseudo DrusenLeft eye. Meningioma. Pseudo drusen from chronic papilledema. The patient's meningioma had blinded her left eye and caused chronic elevated intracranial pressure. Woman. Anatomy: Optic disc Pathology: Papilledema Disease/Diagnosis: Chronic papilledema with pseudo drusenImage
249 F107 Metastatic Breast Cancer to the DiscMetastatic breast cancer to the disc. Notice mass on inferior portion of disc. Also notice tangled capillary dilation within the mass indicating infiltration. This disc tumor was radiated. It disappeared leaving a pale flat atrophic nerve. The patient died. Histologic study of the eye revealed metas...Image
250 Buried Drusen with Choroidal Retinal ScarRight eye: Buried drusen; probable complication of peripapillary hemorrhage at 7:00. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Drusen of the optic disc. Disease/Diagnosis: Drusen of the optic disc. Clinical notes: Enlarged blind spot.Image
226 - 250 of 856