226 - 250 of 1,625
Number of results to display per page
226 Specification of marital fertility by parents' age, age at marriage and marital duration1982Textir_uspace
227 Refutation of the general single locus model for the etiology of schizophrenia1982Textir_uspace
228 The effect of declining prices on the real debt burden during the Great Depression1982Textir_htca
229 Ascertainment bias for non-twin relatives in twin proband studies1982Textir_uspace
230 On territoriality in hunter-gatherers1983Textir_uspace
231 A study of conflict : deep seabed mining under the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention1983Textir_htca
232 Territoriality among human foragers: ecological models and an application to four Bushman Groups1983-02Textir_uspace
233 International debt and United States participation in the International Monetary Fund quota increase1983-06Textir_htca
234 Expropriation in lesser developed countries: Conflict over the role of multinational corporations1983-06Textir_htca
235 Western Samoa's culture and liberal democracy: A case study of the effects of customary beliefs on a liberal democratic government1983-08Textir_htca
236 The federal budget deficit : a national crisis1984Textir_htca
237 Explaining Canadian fertility: some remaining challenges1984Textir_uspace
238 Adoption policy in Great Britain and North America1984Textir_uspace
239 The debate between Justices Black and Frankfurter on the incorporation of the Bill of Rights : a study in judicial role1984Textir_htca
240 Sociobiology of sex and sexes (comment)1984-04Textir_uspace
241 Utilization review in the U.S. health care system1984-06Textir_htca
242 El Salvador: Another Vietnam1984-06Textir_htca
243 Cross-cultural locus of control1984-07Textir_htca
244 Effects of parietal injury on covert orienting of visual attention1984-07Textir_uspace
245 The Mexican political crisis1984-08Textir_htca
246 Residential territories: cues to burglary vulnerability1985Textir_uspace
247 Evidence for assortative mating and selection in surnames: a case from Yucatan, Mexico1985Textir_uspace
248 Utah's governors : a political history1985Textir_htca
249 The common ancestor of ape and man : man-like, ape-like, or neither?1985Textir_htca
250 Constants and changes: role prescriptions for Mormon women as seen through selected Mormon periodicals: 1883-19841985Textir_etd
226 - 250 of 1,625