226 - 250 of 260
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226 White, Nicholas P.Review of T. Penner, 'The ascent from nominalism'This is a review of Terry Penner's The Ascent from Nominalism. Penner's book is an attempt to reorient Platonic studies, not so much by raising new issues as by looking at the old ones differently.Book review; Platonism; Philosophy;, Greek1991
227 Miklavcic, Jimmy; McDermott, Colin Hull; Bross, Joshua Lee; Miklavcic, Elizabeth AnnCinematic display for telematic performancesThe InterPlay is a live telematic performance that occurs simultaneously in multiple sites across the globe, streamed over the internet through the Access Grid videoconference system, then processed, mixed and projected before an audience.Trapeze Interactive Poster2010-01-13
228 Downes, Stephen M.Ontogeny of information: developmental systems and evolution (Book Review)A review of the book "Ontogeny of information: developmental systems and evolution" by Susan Oyama.Information theory, biology; Books; Developmental systems; Evolution2001-06-23
229 Gehl, Robert W.YouTube as archive: who will curate this digital wunderkammer?At first glance, the ease with which individuals can access and contribute to YouTube sets it in direct opposition to large corporate media outlets with their top-down mode of dissemination. However, in this paper, I argue that despite these seemingly democratic features, YouTube is better understoo...2009
230 Goldberg, Robert A.Hooded empire: the Ku Klux Klan in ColoradoThe decade of the 1920s conjures up a unique cluster of images. A few broad, organizing conceptions dominate as people and events are filtered through a screen of memories, books, and films. This was the era of "normalcy," prohibition, "flaming youth," and the "golden glow." George Babbitt, Al Capon...1981
231 Allen, Christine DianeKate drawingRepresentation.2012
232 Landesman, Bruce M.Rights, welfare and Mill's moral theory (Book Review)Reviews the book `Rights, Welfare and Mill's Moral Theory,' by David Lyons.Books; Philosophy1996-04
233 White, Nicholas P.Conflicting parts of happiness in Aristole's EthicsExamines the concept of happiness based on Aristotle's view of ethics. Linkage between issues of ethics and altruism; Comparison between Kantian View and Hegelian View about the existence of a genuine dualism; Inclusivism as a common element in Aristotle's ethics; Conflicting parts of happiness.Criticism; Happiness, moral & ethical aspects2001-09-17
234 Battin, Margaret P.Cases for kids: using puzzles to teach aesthetics to childrenNothing stupefies kids (I have in mind young people, though the same is true of many adults) as quickly as long-winded, jargon-filled, highly abstract theoretical discourse, especially when it seems to have no immediate utility. Kids like fun. They like play; they like games; they like challenges an...Aesthetics; Education; Children; Puzzles1994
235 Francis, LeslieEnsuring the privacy and confidentiality of electronic health recordsIn 2004, President Bush announced his plan to ensure that most Americans would have electronic health records within ten years. Although substantial progress has been made toward achieving that goal, this progress has primarily reflected institutional interests and priorities by focusing on system ...2007
236 Parker, Bradley J.Yukarı dicle arkeolojik araştırma projesi (UTARP): 2002 Yılı Kenan Tepe Kazilarina Genal Bakış (The Upper Tigris Archaeological Reseach Project (UTARP): An Overview of the 2002 Excavations at Kenan Tepe)During the summer of 2002 members of the Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project (UTARP) undertook a third season of archaeological excavations at the site of Kenan Tepe in the Il?su Dam Area of Southeastern Turkey1. Since our report in the previous volume (Parker et al. 2004) Parker focused...2011
237 Goldberg, Robert A.Kathryn S. Olmsted. Real enemies: conspiracy theories and American Democracy, World War I to 9/11In 1963, historian Richard Hofstadter donned the clinician's white coat to describe conspiracy theorists and a "paranoid style of American politics" given to exaggeration, distortion, and fantastical thinking. If still the favorite of journalists, Hofstadter's ideas have been significantly revised ...2010-04
238 Duncan, Alexander ColinAristophanes: Acharnians, Knights, and Peace, Translated, and with theatrical commentaryA thenian "Old Comedy," despite its traditional title, has become accustomed to frequent renewal. Michael Ewans, an experienced scholar and director of ancient drama, offers the latest renovation with his able verse A translations of Aristophanes' Acharnians, Knights, and Peace that are complemente...2012-01-01
239 Loveland, JessicaSociolinguistic differences between Japanese and EnglishThis poster discusses the sociolinguistic differences between Japanese and English as seen through English translations of manga and how this may impact the learning of a Japanese language learner.Japanese; English; Sociolinguistics; Manga; Culture; Pop culture2015-03-19
240 Francis, LesliePermissiveness and control (Book Review)A review of the book "Permissiveness and Control".Books; Philosophy1981-10
241 Haber, MatthewReframing the ethical issues in part-human animal research: the unbearable ontology of inexorable moral confusionResearch that involves the creation of animals with human-derived parts opens the door to potentially valuable scientific and therapeutic advances, yet invokes unsettling moral questions. Critics and champions alike stand to gain from clear identification and careful consideration of the strongest e...2012-01-01
242 Francis, LeslieA wrongful case for parental tort liabilityMalek and Daar [M&D] argue that parents have a duty to employ prenatal genetic diagnosis (PGD) if they undergo IVF knowing they are at risk of transmitting a serious genetic condition. Although M&D limit their analysis to parents already undergoing PGD, in which they say the parental obligation is s...2012-01-01
243 Landesman, Bruce M.Violence, terrorism and justice eds. Frey, R. G., & Morris, C., Christopher W. (Review)Consider two views about terrorism. The first, the conventional view, is that terrorism is an outrage. It involves, typically, the kidnapping, killing, and intimidation of innocent people who simply happen to be in the wrong place. Terrorists are fanatics, thugs, criminals, deranged individuals, wh...Kill; Assault; terrorist1993
244 Thalos, Mariam G.Trouble with superselection accounts of measurementArgues that the superselection accounts of measurement exploit excess structure illegitimately and in the process become self-contradictory. Superselection rule in the quantum-mechanical treatment of phenomena; Representation of indicator states of detectors by eigenspaces of superselection operatio...Superselection; Quantum mechanics1998-11
245 Landesman, Bruce M.Berman, Marshall. Adventures in marxismThis book contains an introduction and thirteen short pieces previously published in such journals as the Nation, the New York Times Book Review, New Politics, and Dissent, dating from 1963 to 1998.Capitalism; Human; System2001
246 Millgram, ElijahWas Hume a Humean?When it comes to talking about practical reasoning, "Humean" is a synonym for "instrumentalist." That is, a "Humean" view of practical reasoning is one on which only means-end reasoning directed toward satisfying antecedently given desires counts as practical reasoning at all. Witness, for instance...Humean; Humeanism1995
247 White, Nicholas P.Plato's Ethics (Book Review)Reviews the book `Plato's Ethics,' by Terence Irwin.Books; Plato; Ethics2001-09-16
248 Downes, Stephen M.Review of Susan Oyama, Ontogeny of information: developmental systems and evolutionSusan Oyama's book thoroughly deserved reprinting. This is an exciting and engaging work that is still timely 15 years after its initial publication. Some of the text of the new edition is revised, and Oyama has added a new Preface and an Afterword. The new Foreword by Richard Lewontin provides a s...Information theory; Biology; Information gene concept; Morphological traits2001
249 Plutynski, AnyaStrategies of model building in population geneticsIn 1966, Richard Levins argued that there are different strategies in model building in population biology. In this paper, I reply to Orzack and Sober's (1993) critiques of Levins and argue that his view on modeling strategies apply also in the context of evolutionary genetics. In particular, I arg...2006
250 Goldberg, Robert A.Don't know much about historyMost of us have heard of the "Greatest Generation," those who weathered the storms of the Great Depression and World War II. Many of us are Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1965. Other are part of the cynical and worldly Generation X-arriving between the mid '60s and the early '80s-raised in the ...2003
226 - 250 of 260