226 - 250 of 1,959
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226 Mathews, V. JohnAn optimal design procedure for intraband vector quantized subband codingAbstTact- Subband coding with vector quantization is addressed in this paper. Forming the data vectors from both between and within the subbands is considered. The former of these two schemes is referred to as interband coding and the latter as intraband coding. Interband coder design is relatively ...1995
227 Gu, JunAn optimal, parallel discrete relaxation algorithm and architecture (Revised January 1988 and August 1989)A variety of problems in artificial intelligence, operations research, symbolic logic, pattern recognition and computer vision, and robot manipulation are special cases of the Consistent Labeling Problem (CLP). The Discrete Relaxation Algorithm (DRA) is an efficient computational technique to enfor...Consistent Labeling Problem; CLP; Discrete Relaxation Algorithm; DRA1988
228 Myers, Chris J.; Schlegel, ChristianAnalog MAP decoder for (8, 4) hamming code in subthreshold CMOSAn all-MOS analog implementation of a MAP decoder is presented for the (8, 4) extended Hamming code. This paper describes the design and analysis of a tail-biting trellis decoder implementation using subthreshold CMOS devices. A VLSI test chip has recently returned from fabrication, and preliminary ...2001
229 Myers, Chris J.; Schlegel, ChristianAnalog MAP decoder for (8, 4) hamming code in subthreshold CMOSAbstract - An all-MOS analog tail-biting MAP decoder is presented for an (8,4) Hamming code. The decoder implements a probability propagation algorithm using subthreshold CMOS networks. Physical results verify the expected behavior of the decoderand demonstrate robustness of analog decoding circuit...2001
230 Harrison, Reid R.Analog MAP decoder for (8,4) hamming code in subthreshold CMOSAn all-MOS analog tail-biting MAP decoder is presented for an (8,4) Hamming code. The decoder implements a probability propagation algorithm using subthreshold CMOS networks. Physical results verify the expected behavior of the decoder and demonstrate robustness of analog decoding circuits.MAP decoder; Hamming code; VLSI2004-01-01
231 Harrison, Reid R.Analog VLSI implementation of a visual interneuron: enhanced sensory processing through biophysical modelingFlies are capable of rapid, coordinated flight through unstructured environments. This flight is guided by visual motion information that is extracted from photoreceptors in a robust manner. One feature of the fly's visual processing that adds to this robustness is the saturation of wide-fi_x000...1999-01-01
232 Harrison, Reid R.Analog VLSI model of the fly elementary motion detectorFlies are capable of rapidly detecting and integrating visual motion information in behaviorly-relevant ways. The first stage of visual motion processing in flies is a retinotopic array of functional units known as elementary motion detectors (EMDs). Several decades ago, Reichardt and colleagues de...1998-01-01
233 Harrison, Reid R.; Myers, Chris J.; Schlegel, ChristianAnalog decoding of product codesA design approach is presented for soft-decision decoding of block product codes ("block turbo codes") using analog computation with MOS devices. Application of analog decoding to large code sizes is also considered with the introduction of serial analog interfaces and pipeline schedules.2001-01-11
234 Myers, Chris J.Analog decoding of product codesA design approach is presented for soft-decision decoding of block product codes ("block turbo codes") using analog computation with MOS devices. Application of analog decoding to large code sizes is also considered with the introduction of serial analog interfaces and pipeline schedules.2001
235 Myers, Chris J.; Harrison, Reid R.; Schlegel, ChristianAnalog decoding of product codesAbstract - A method is presented for analog softdecision decoding of block product codes (block turbo codes). Extrinsic information is exchanged as analog signals between component row and column decoders. The component MAP decoders use low-power analog computation in subthreshold CMOS circuits t...2002
236 Harrison, Reid R.; Myers, Chris J.; Schlegel, ChristianAnalog decoding of product codesA method is presented for analog softdecision decoding of block product codes (block turbo codes). Extrinsic information is exchanged as analog signals between component row and column decoders. The component MAP decoders use low-power analog computation in subthreshold CMOS circuits to implement th...2002
237 Riloff, Ellen M.Analyses for elucidating current question answering technologyIn this paper, we take a detailed look at the performance of components of an idealized question answering system on two diff erent tasks: the TREC Question Answering task and a set of reading comprehension exams. We carry out three types of analysis: inherent properties of the data, feature analys...TREC Question Answering task2001-12
238 Carter, John B.Analysis of avalanche's shared memory architectureIn this paper, we describe the design of the Avalanche multiprocessor's shared memory subsystem, evaluate its performance, and discuss problems associated with using commodity workstations and network interconnects as the building blocks of a scalable shared memory multiprocessor. Compared to other ...Avalanche multiprocessor; Shared memory1997
239 Furse, Cynthia M.Analysis of electromagnetic field variability in magnetized ionosphere plasma using the stochastic FDTD methodA stochastic finite-difference time-domain (S-FDTD) algorithm is presented for electromagnetic wave propagation in anisotropic magnetized plasma. This new algorithm efficiently calculates in a single simulation not only the mean electromagnetic field values, but also their variance as caused by the ...2014-01-01
240 Furse, Cynthia M.Analysis of spread spectrum time domain reflectometry for wire fault locationSpread spectrum time domain reflectometry (SSTDR) and sequence time domain reflectometry have been demonstrated to be effective technologies for locating intermittent faults on aircraft wires carrying typical signals in flight. This paper examines the parameters that control the accuracy, latency, ...Spread spectrum; Sequence time domain reflectometry; STDR; SSTDR; Wire fault location; Aging wire detection; Arc detection2005-12
241 Mathews, V. JohnAnalysis of the short-time unbiased spectrum estimation algorithmAbstract- The short-time unbiased spectrum estimation (STUSE) algorithm is analyzed and expressions for the mean and variance of the spectrum estimates are derived. The STUSE algorithm deliberately adds biased spectrum estimates in order to yield unbiased estimates and at the same time have excellen...1985
242 Sobh, Tarek M.Analysis of tolerance for manufacturing geometric objects from sense dataIn this work we address the problem of manufacturing machine parts from sense data. Constructing geometric models for the objects from sense data is the intermediate step in a reverse engineering manufacturing system. Sensors are usually inaccurate, providing uncertain sense information. We constr...Manufacture1993
243 Henderson, Thomas C.Analysis of topographic maps for recreational purposes using decision treesIn this paper we describe a method for predicting the subjective quality of a new mountain bike route for a particular subject based on routes previously ridden and ranked by the subject. GPS tracks of the previously ridden routes are over laid on rasterized topographic maps and topographic features...2013-01-01
244 Yang, Yue; Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; Lindstrom, Gary E.; Slind, Konrad LeeAnalyzing the Intel Itanium memory ordering rules using logic programming and SATWe present a non-operational approach to specifying and analyzing shared memory consistency models. The method uses higher order logic to capture a complete set of ordering constraints on execution traces, in an axiomatic style. A direct translation of the semantics to a constraint logic program...Intel Itanium memory; Ordering rules; Sared memory; Consistency models2003
245 Bargteil, Adam WadeAnimation of deformable bodies with quadratic bézier finite elementsIn this article, we investigate the use of quadratic finite elements for graphical animation of deformable bodies.We consider both integrating quadratic elements with conventional linear elements to achieve a computationally efficient adaptive-degree simulation framework as well as wholly quadratic ...2014-01-01
246 Tasdizen, Tolga; Whitaker, Ross T.Anisotropic diffusion of surface normals for feature preserving surface reconstructionFor 3D surface reconstruction problems with noisy and incomplete range data measured from complex scenes with arbitrary topologies, a low-level representation, such as level set surfaces, is used. Such surface reconstruction is typically accomplished by minimizing a weighted sum of data-model dis...Anisotropic diffusion; Surface reconstruction2003-04-18
247 Tasdizen, Tolga; Whitaker, Ross T.Anisotropic diffusion of surface normals for feature preserving surface reconstructionFor 3D surface reconstruction problems with noisy and incomplete range data measure d from complex scenes with arbitrary topologies, a low-level representation, such as level set surfaces, is used. Such surface reconstruction is typically accomplished by minimizing a weighted sum of data-model discr...2003
248 Tasdizen, Tolga; Whitaker, Ross T.Anisotropic diffusion of surface normals for feature preserving surface reconstructionFor 3D surface reconstruction problems with noisy and incomplete range data measured from complex scenes with arbitrary topologies, a low-level representation, such as level set surfaces, is used. Such surface reconstruction is typically accomplished by minimizing a weighted sum of data-model discre...2003
249 Liu, FengAnisotropic strain enhanced hydrogen solubility in bcc metals: the independence on the sign of strainWhen an impurity is doped in a solid, it inevitably induces a local stress, tending to expand or contract the lattice. Consequently, strain can be applied to change the solubility of impurity in a solid. Generally, the solubility responds to strain ‘‘monotonically,'' increasing (decreasing) with...2012-01-01
250 Bedrov, Dmitro; Smith, Grant D.Anomalous pressure dependence of the structure factor in 1,4-polybutadiene melts: a molecular dynamics simulation studyNeutron scattering has shown the first diffraction peak in the structure factor of a 1,4-polybutadiene melt under compression to move to larger q values as expected but to decrease significantly in intensity. Simulations reveal that this behavior does not result from loss of structure in the polymer...Polymer melts; 1, 4-polybutadiene melts; Pressure; Structure factor2004-07
226 - 250 of 1,959