226 - 250 of 1,978
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226 Henderson, Thomas C.IKS: image kernel system users' manualIKS (for Image kernel System), is an image processing system, currently being used by the Computer Vision and Image Processing group at the University of Utah. IKS provides a convenient environment for reading, writing, and manipulating images. The system consists of two types of routines. First, t...Image kernel System; IKS1987
227 Pershing, David W.Control of NOx and particulate emissions from spreader-stokers fired with hogged woodThe formation and emission of nitrogen oxides and particulate carry-over were studied from spreader-stoker combustion of hogged Douglas-fir, with a focus on optimizing the combustion conditions in each of the two distinct combustion zones, the bed phase and the suspension phase local oxygen availabi...Chemical analysis; Combustion; Emission; Engineering; Environmental control; Fuels; Nitrogen compounds; Particulates; NOx; Hogged wood1987
228 Henderson, Thomas C.Performance of arc consistency algorithms on the CRAYThe consistent labeling problem arises in high level computer vision when assigning semantic meaning to the regions of a n image. One of the drawbacks of this method is that it is rather slow. By using the consistency tests, node, arc and path consistency [9], the search space is drastically reduced...Arc consistency algorithms; CRAY supercomputer; Consistent labeling problem1987
229 Mathews, V. JohnImage compression using vector quantization of linear (One-Step) prediction errorsABSTRACT A novel approach to image compression using vector quantization of linear (one-step) prediction errors is presented in this paper. In order to minimize the image reconstruction error, we choose the optimum predictor coefficients (in a least-squares sense) that satisfy the additional constr...1987
230 Fujimoto, Richard M.Efficient instruction level simulation of computersA technique for creating efficient, yet highly accurate, instruction level simulation models of computers is described. In contrast to traditional approaches that use a software interpreter, this technique employs direct execution of application programs on the host computer. An assembly language pr...Simulation models1987
231 Mathews, V. JohnImproved convergence analysis of stochastic gradient adaptive filters using the sign algorithmAbstract-Convergence analysis of stochastic gradient adaptive filters using the sign algorithm is presented in this paper. The methods of analysis currently available in literature assume that the input signals to the filter are white. This restriction is removed for Gaussian signals in our analysis...1987
232 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive filters requiring zero multiplicationsThis paper introduces an adaptive filter structure that requires zero multiplications for its implementations. The primary input signals are quantized using DPCM and the DPCM outputs are processed by the adaptive filter. The sign algorithm. We show that if the parameters are chosen properly, hardwar...1987
233 Lyche, TomA note on the Oslo algorithmThe Oslo algorithm is a recursive method for updating the B-spline representation of a curve or tensor product surface when extra knots are added. In the present note the derivation of this method is simplified.Oslo algorithm; B-spline; Curve product surface; Tensor product surface1987
234 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Atkins, John F.; Weiss, Robert B.Slippery runs, shifty stops, backward steps and forward hops: -2, -1, +1, +2, +5 and +6 Ribosomal frameshiftingFrameshift mutations frequently express residual levels of gene activity; that is, they are often leaky. This leakiness can be used as a tool to define the functional components that affect the reading frame during gene expression. Recent technological advances in the capability to efficiently bu...Molecular Sequence Data; Mutation; RNA, Transfer; Frameshifting1987
235 Tinker, PeterManaging large address spaces effectively on the ButterflyThe BBN Butterfly? Parallel Processor is a commercially-available multiprocessor which uses a memory management strategy based on a segmentation of the available memory. Using all of the memory of the machine efficiently is difficult because of the need to change the memory mapping dynamically. This...BBN Butterfly Parallel Processor; Large address spaces1987
236 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshA compositional model for synchronous VLSI systemsCurrently available hardware specification languages have two serious deficiencies: (i) inadequate protocol definition capabilities; (ii) lack of a compositional model. We now explain these in more detail.Very large scale integration; VLSI systems1987
237 Henderson, Thomas C.A control paradigm for general purpose manipulation systemsMechanical end effectors capable of dextrous manipulation are now a reality. Solutions to the high level control issues, however, have so far proved difficult to formulate. We propose a methodology for control which produces the functionality required for a general purpose manipulation system. It is...Manipulation systems1987
238 Fujimoto, Richard M.A shared memory algorithm and proof for the alternative construct in CSPCommunicating Sequential Processes (CSP) is a paradigm for communication and synchronization among distributed processes. The alternative construct is a key feature of CSP that allows nondeterministic selection of one among several possible communicants. Previous algorithms for this construct assume...Shared memory algorithm; Communicating Sequential Processes; CSP1987
239 Fujimoto, Richard M.The roll back chip: hardware support for distributed simulation using time warpDistributed simulation offers an attractive means of meeting the high computational demands of discrete event simulation programs. The Time Warp mechanism has been proposed to ensure correct sequencing of events in distributed simulation programs without blocking processes unnecessarily. However, th...Roll back chip; Distributed simulation; Discrete event; Simulation programs; Time Warp mechanism1987
240 Bhanu, BirImplementation of a hierarchical control system on a BBN butterfly multiprocessor: initial studies and resultsThis report discusses the introductory work with implementing a parallel version of a hierarchical control system named CAOS (Control using Action Oriented Schemata) on the BBN Butterfly Multiprocessor. First, an overview of the BBN Butterfly and how the control system can utilize the parallel pro...Hierarchical control system; BBN Butterfly Multiprocessor; CAOS1987
241 Liu, FengStability of doubly charged transition-metal dimersThe spatial dependence of the interaction potentials in doubly charged dimers of transition-metal atoms has been calculated by use of both the tight-binding and the self-consistent-field linear combination of atomic orbitals-molecular orbitals methods. The study reveals an interesting correlation be...Doubly charged; Transition metal dimers; Spatial dependence; Interaction potentials; Metastability1987-11
242 Hansen, Charles D.CAD-based computer vision: the automatic generation of recognition stragtegiesThree-dimensional model-based computer vision uses geometric models of objects and sensed data to recognize objects in a scene. Likewise, Computer Aided Design (CAD) systems are used to interactively generate three-dimensional models during these fields. Recently, the unification of CAD and vision s...1988
243 Gu, JunAn optimal, parallel discrete relaxation algorithm and architecture (Revised January 1988 and August 1989)A variety of problems in artificial intelligence, operations research, symbolic logic, pattern recognition and computer vision, and robot manipulation are special cases of the Consistent Labeling Problem (CLP). The Discrete Relaxation Algorithm (DRA) is an efficient computational technique to enfor...Consistent Labeling Problem; CLP; Discrete Relaxation Algorithm; DRA1988
244 Horch, Kenneth W.Identification of single units in multi-unit recordings from peripheral nervesWe are developing a computer-based method for identifying individual action potentials in multi-unit peripheral nerve recordings. Threshold level, sinusoidal stimuli are used to elicit phase-locked activity from single units. These action potentials are digitized, and a template is constructed usin...Peripheral nerve; Neural recordings; Cutaneous mechanoreceptors1988
245 Mueller, Timothy I.Refinement estimation of B-spline curves and surfacesAn algorithm for refinement estimation for B-spline curves is presented. The algorithm uses approximations to the curvature and arc length to decide how a curve should be refined. The algorithm can also be used to produce isoparametric curves or polygonal tessellations from a Bspline surface.B-spline; Curves; Surfaces; Algorithm; Curvature; Arc length; Isoparametric curves; Polygonal tessellations1988
246 Hansen, Charles D.Efficient depth estimation using trinocular stereoWe present recent advancements in our passive trinocular stereo system. These include a technique for calibrating and rectifying in a very efficient and simple manner the triplets of images taken for trinocular stereovision systems. After the rectification of images, epipolar lines are parallel to t...Trinocular stereo; Stereovision1988
247 Henderson, Thomas C.; Meek, Sanford G.Task defined grasp force solutionsForce Control for dextrous manipulation has been approached algebraically with a great deal of success, however, the computational burden created when such approaches are applied to grasps consisting of many contacts is prohibitive. This paper describes a procedure which restricts the complexity of ...grasp force; dextrous manipulation1988
248 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshSpecification-driven design of custom hardware in HOPWe present a language "Hardware viewed as Objects and Processes" (HOP) for specifying the structure, behavior, and timing of hardware systems. HOP embodies a simple process model for lock-step synchronous processes. Processes may be described both as a black-box and as a collection of interacting s...HOP; hardware systems; Structure; Behavior; Timing; custom hardware1988
249 Gu, JunFast structured design of VLSI circuitsWe believe that a structured, user-friendly, cost-effective tool for rapid implementation of VLSI circuits which encourages students to participate directly in research projects are the key components in digital integrated circuit (IC) education. In this paper, we introduce our VLSI education activ...VLSI circuits; Rapid implementation1988
250 Brandt, Richard C.Building databases for the computer-based memorization systemThe Computer-Based Memorization System (CBMS) consists of eight games used by students to memorize groups of related facts that are stored in an associative network. The instructional design is built into the games. Designing and implementing associative networks for the CBMS is very different from...Computer-Based Memorization System; CBMS1988
226 - 250 of 1,978