226 - 250 of 1,405
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226 Ground-water flow and migration of hydrocarbons to the Lower Permian White Rim Sandstone, Tar Sand Triangle, southeastern Utah1995ground-water flow; migration of hydrocarbons; hydrocarbons; Lower Permian White Rim Sandstone; Tar Sand Triangle; heavy oilThe Lower Permian White Rim Sandstone in the Tar Sand Triangle of southeastern Utah contains an estimated 12.5-16 billion barrels of heavy oil. Despite the large size of the deposit, the source of its oil is unknown. This paper systematically discusses source rocks for this petroleum from the standp...
227 Geologic summary report of the 1988 exploration program, Sunnyside Tar Sands project, Carbon County, Utah--volume 11989-06-01geologic summary report; exploration program; Sunnyside tar sands project; tar sandThe 1988 field program focused on completion and logging of twelve core drill holes and three measured sections. Five marker beds were established within the Parachute Creek Member and include the Wavy Bedded Tuff, Mahogany oil shale, R-5 oil shale, lower tuff and Blue Marker containing the R-2 oil ...
228 Instrumental analysis of tars and their correlations in oil-impregnated sandstone beds, Uintah and Grand Counties, Utah1971-10tar analysis; oil-impregnated sandstone beds; sandstone.The Wasatch, Green River and Uinta formations, in ascending order make up the normal sequence of exposed Eocene rocks in the southeast Uinta Basin, Uintah and Grand counties, Utah. They dip northward towards the center of the basin, relatively undisturbed by faulting, and exhibit a system of promine...
229 Green River oil shale potential in Utah1963-01Green River oil shale; oil shale potential; oil shale; Green River formation; oil reserves; oil shale extractionThe Green River formation of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming contains the greatest potential reserves of oil in the world. The problem has been that of finding an economical method of extraction. The first economic study of the oil shale in Utah started in 1913 (Woodruff and Day, 1914). Since that time ...
230 Investigation of the ROPE® process performance on Sunnyside tar sand1990-07ROPE process; Sunnyside tar sand; Western Research Institute; WRI; recycle oil pyrolysis and extraction process; in situ recovery process economics; tar sandWestern Research Institute (WRI) is developing the Recycle Oil Pyrolysis and Extraction (ROPE®) process. Results to date indicate that this process could assist existing surface recovery process economics by producing higher yields of feedstocks from tar sand for the production of unleaded gasoline...
231 Incipient fluidization characteristics of crushed oil shale1983-02-01incipient fluidization characteristics; oil shale; incipient fluidization; gas velocity; petroleum refiningWe have measured the gas velocity for incipient fluidization of crushed shale as a function of particle size, particle-size distribution, shale grade, crushing method and temperature. This velocity varied as the square of particle size for 0.0063- to 0.1-cm particles ano approximately as the square ...
232 Geologic summary report of the 1989 exploration program, Sunnyside tar sands project, Carbon County, Utah1990-07-30geologic summary report; exploration program; Sunnyside tar sands project; tar sand.This report includes the 1989 data and represents a summary of previous exploration reports. Eight photographs included in Volume I are used to highlight aspects of the Sunnyside. Tar Sands project. Volume II contains five maps and five cross sections. Volume III contains twenty-six strip logs. Both...
233 Kinetics of cracking and coking of recycled heavy oil1993-05cracking and coking; recycled heavy oil kinetics; recycled heavy oil; heavy oil; cracking and coking methods; shale oilIn recycled solids processes, shale oil undergoes secondary cracking/coking reactions on the surface of the recycle solids used as the heat carrier. Heavy oil recycle uses these secondary reactions to advantage to convert the heavy oil fraction produced during primary pyrolysis reactions to lighter,...
234 Geologic summary report of the 1987 exploration program, Sunnyside Tar Sands project, Carbon County, Utah--volume 11988-06-01geologic summary report; 1987 exploration program; Sunnyside Tar Sands project; tar sand distribution; tar sands; bituminous sandstones1. The distribution of tar sands in the Sunnyside deposit is related to both structure and lithology. The structural control is associated with a northwest trending flexure that segments a large monocline which slopes gently into the Uinta Basin. The lithologic control is determined by porous and pe...
235 Isolation and characterization of surfactants from tar sand process water1994-05surfactants; tar sand process water; Utah tar sands; Asphalt Ridge; Whiterocks; characterization of surfactants; isolation of surfactantsA sublation technique was used to isolate soluble surfactants and accompanying species in the aqueous phase from the hot water processing of two Utah tar sands, Asphalt Ridge and Whiterocks. Many structural similarities for the isolated surfactants were observed from IR spectra, however, the amount ...
236 Los Alamos environmental activities/oil shale effluents1985-07oil shale effluents; oil shale resource; Los Alamos; health and environmental issuesComplex health and environmental issues will affect both the extent and rate of development of the nation's oil shale resource. Among these issues are concerns about land disruption, air and water contamination, waste disposal, and health and environmental problems associated with the refining and u...
237 Method for filtering solvent and tar sand mixtures1985-09-03filtering solvent; filtering tar sand mixtures; tar sand; patenA method for filtering spent tar sands from a bitumen and organic solvent solution comprises separating the solution into two streams wherein the bulk of the coarser spent tar sand is in a first stream and has an average particle size of about 10 to about 100 mesh and the bulk of the finer spent tar...
238 Method and apparatus for recovering viscous petroleum from thick tar sand1978-10-17viscous petroleum recovery; thick tar sand; closed-loop flow tath; production well; patentRecovery of viscous petroleum such as from a thick tar sand formation is assisted using a closed-loop flow path formed in a production well extending from the earth's surface through a substantial portion of the formation for conducting hot fluid to reduce the viscosity of the petroleum in the forma...
239 LETC tar sand research - North Asphalt Ridge1985LETC tar sand research; North Asphalt Ridge; tar sand; in situ recovery methods; classifying tar sand deposits; in situ recovery process; tar sand depositsThis report describes work done by the United States Department of Energy's Laramie Energy Technology Center (LETC) from 1971 through 1982 to develop technology for future recovery of U.S. tar sands. The objectives of the program are: 1. To determine the feasibility of in situ recovery methods appli...
240 Method and appratus for extracting tar sand1983-11-22tar sand extraction; extraction method; patent; tar sand; extraction apparatusMethod and apparatus for separating coarse sand particles from fine sand particles in a slurry of sand and a solution such as results from the solvent extraction of tar sand, such method comprising causing flow of such slurry in a generally horizontal direction and then causing upward flow at a rate...
241 Mass and heat transfer in crushed oil shale1993-07-30mass and heat transfer; crushed oil shale; packed bedsPast studies of heat and mass transfer in packed beds, which have disagreed substantially in their findings, have nearly all been done with beds of regular particles of uniform size, whereas oil-shale retorting involves particles of diverse shapes and widely ranging sizes. We have made 349 runs in w...
242 Method and apparatus for the solvent extraction of oil from bitumen containing tar sand1996-07-09solvent extraction of oil; tar sand bitumen; patentA method and apparatus for extracting bitumen whereby tar sand containing bitumen components is contacted with a heated thinning oil mixture to reduce the tar sand viscosity and dissolve bitumen to form a lower viscosity feed slurry. The feed slurry is contacted with a light oil in a separator where...
243 Method and apparatus for producing tar sand deposits containing conductive layers having little or no vertical communication1991-10-29producing tar sand deposits; conductive layers in tar sand deposits; tar sand; vertical communication; patentAn apparatus and method are disclosed for producing thick tar sand deposits by preheating of thin, relatively highly conductive layers which are a small fraction of the total thickness of a tar sand deposit, with horizontal electrodes and steam stimulation. The preheating is continued until the visc...
244 Method and apparatus for sampling a core of tar sand1983-02-08tar sand; core samples of tar sand; core sampling; patentThe invention provides a method and apparatus for sampling a frozen core of tar sand. The frozen core is first cut transversely along its length to form a pair of slabs of semi-circular cross-section. A longitudinal sample portion of substantially triangular cross-section is then cut from the centra...
245 Metallopetroporphyrines as process indicators: Separation of petroporpyrins in Green River oil shale pyrolysis products1994-11product oils; LLNL hot-recycled-solids; HRS retorting process; metallopetroporphyrins; process indicators; petroporpyrins; Green River oil shale pyrolysisProduct oils from the LLNL Hot-Recycled-Solids (HRS) retorting process were separated to isolate and concentrate the metallopetroporphyrins. A modified column chromatography procedure developed previously for heavy crude oils and tar sand bitumens was used. The fractions were then examined by UV-vis...
246 Method for controlling flocculant addition to tar sand tailings1981-07-04flocculant addition to tar sand tailings; tar sand tailings; hot water extraction process; bitumen recovery; flocculation; vacuum filterationThe hot water extraction process for recovering bitumen from tar sand produces a large volume of solids-laden aqueous tailings as a waste product. The solids in the tailings stream may be flocculated by the addition of time and the components of the stream then separated into a water-free solids pha...
247 Geophysical report, seismograph survey, of the Asphalt Ridge prospect Uintah County, Utah1967-11Geophysical report; seismograph survey; Asphalt Ridge prospect.Location and general information: The area designated as Asphalt Ridge, located directly southwest of the Ashley Creek oil field, is in the northeastern part of Uintah County, Utah, in T. 5 S. , R. 22 E. , and T. 6 S. , R. 21 E. Geologically, the area is situated on the north flank, and extends to t...
248 Method for controlling sand in thermal recovery of oil from tar sands1978-09-19controlling sand; thermal recovery of oil; tar sands oil recovery; tar sands; oil recovery; patent; oil productionA method is disclosed for producing oil from a subterranean reservoir of tar sands as unconsolidated oil bearing sands. The method comprises basically (1) setting a screen in an open hole, the screen being large enough to pass a majority of the formation sand and small enough to retain a packing mat...
249 Geologic summary report of the 1981 exploration program, Sunnyside Tar Sands project, Carbon County, Utah1982-02-19Geologic summary; exploration project; Sunnyside Tar Sands project; delta complex.The 1981 Sunnyside exploration program consisted of: (1) diamond drilling of sixteen drill holes and logging of the core, and (2) initial geologic mapping in the northern area to better define the limits of the tar sands associated with the Sunnyside delta complex. In order to comprehend the geometr...
250 Geologic and structure maps of the Salt Lake City 1º X 2º quadrangle, Utah and Wyoming1992
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