226 - 250 of 2,903
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226 BCR-ABL1 compound mutations combining key kinase domain positions confer clinical resistance to ponatinib in Philadelphia cromosome-positive leukemia2014-04Textir_htoa
227 The behavioral physiology of competitive ability in recently wild-derived male house mice (Mus musculus)2013-05Textir_etd
228 Below-gap excitation of ∏-conjugated polymer-fullerene blends: implications for bulk organic heterojunction solar cells2008-07Textir_uspace
229 Beneficios y costos de defensa en un arbusto del neotrópico2007Textir_uspace
230 Benefits and costs of defense in a neotropical shrub1995Textir_uspace
231 Between-species differences in leaf defenses of tropical trees1987Textir_uspace
232 Bilateral coordination of vocal pathways in African clawed frogs, Xenopus laevis2014Text; Imageir_uspace
233 Bilateral syringeal contributions to song in the zebra finch2004Textir_uspace
234 Binary disruption by massive black holes: hypervelocity stars, S stars, and tidal disruption events2012-01-01Textir_uspace
235 Binary Hermitian Forms and Optimal Embeddings2017Textir_htoa
236 Binary superlattices of semiconductor nanocrystals : a path towards possible high-temperature superconductivity2013-05Textir_htoa
237 Bio-solar cells incorporating catalase for stabilization of thylakoid bioelectrodes during direct photoelectrocatalysis2012-01-01Textir_uspace
238 Biochemical and molecular characterization of the chicken cysteine-rich protein, a developmentally regulated LIM-domain protein that is associated with the actin cytoskeleton1994Textir_uspace
239 Biochemical characterization of ?M-RIIIJ, a Kv1.2 channel blocker: evaluation of cardioprotective effects of ?M-conotoxins2010Textir_uspace
240 Biochemical studies of ω-conotoxin GVIA; a peptide toxin inhibiting voltage-sensitive Ca++ channels1987Textir_uspace
241 Biochemistry of Cone Snail toxin activation2013Text; Imageir_uspace
242 Biofuel cells for self powered arsenic detection2013-05Textir_htoa
243 Bioinformatics to detect functional interactions important for the DNA repair enzyme mutyh2022Textir_htoa
244 Biological impact protection in human facial hair2018Textir_htoa
245 Biological markers: blurred in time and space2012-12Textir_etd
246 Biological richness of deserts1995Textir_uspace
247 Biology, ecology, and evolution of chewing lice2003Textir_uspace
248 Biomechanical regulation of hook basal body assembly in salmonella enterica2017Textir_etd
249 Biosensors for environmental monitoring via bioinhibition2017Textir_etd
250 Bipyrimidine solubility modeling for applications in NON-Aqueous redox flow batteries2022Textir_htoa
226 - 250 of 2,903