226 - 250 of 634
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226 Capecchi, Mario R.; Mansour, Suzanne L.; Thomas, Kirk R.Disruption of the proto-oncogene int-2 in mouse embryo-derived stem cells: a general strategy for targeting mutations to non-selectable genes.Gene targeting--homologous recombination of DNA sequences residing in the chromosome with newly introduced DNA sequences--in mouse embryo-derived stem cells promises to provide a means to generate mice of any desired genotype. We describe a positive nd negative selection procedure that enriches 2,00...Animals; Clone Cells; Restriction Mapping; Stem Cells1988-11-24
227 Davidson, Diane W.Cecropia and its biotic defensesIn all the world, the genus Cecropia is unrivaled for the number of myrmecophytes, or true "antplants" counted among its species (McKey & Davidson, 1993). Based on the proportion of Cecropia species producing Mullerian bodies in at least some parts of their distribution, myrmecophytes comprise the ...Myrmecophytes; Mullerian bodies; Pearl bodies2005
228 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Weiss, Robert B.Efficient shine- Dalgarno sequence but not translation is necessary for LacZ mRNA stability in Escherichia coliThe 5' ends of many bacterial transcripts are important in determining mRNA stability. A series of Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence changes showed that the complementarity of the SD sequence to the anti-SD sequence of 16S rRNA correlates with lacZ mRNA stability in Escherichia coli. Several initiation c...Protein Biosynthesis; Ribosomes; Escherichia coli; Shine-Dalgarno Sequence1994
229 Clayton, Dale H.Common grackle anting with lime fruit and its effect on ectoparasitesAnting is stereotyped behavior in which birds ex- pose themselves to fluid-secreting ants or other pun- gent substances. During "active" anting a bird crush- es an ant in the bill and rubs it frenetically through its plumage (Rothschild and Clay 1952). During "passive" anting a bird entices ants to ...Quiscalus quiscala; Columbicola columbae; Anting; Ectoparasites1993
230 Coley, Phyllis D.New cytotoxic cinnamic acid derivatives from leaves of Bonamia trichanthaBioassay-guided fractionation of the methanolic extract of the young leaves of Bonamia trichantha led to the isolation of four new cinnamic acid derivatives trichanthins A-D (l-4).Their structures were established by spectroscopic methods. All compounds were tested in cytotoxic assays against the MC...Bonamia trichantha; Cinnamic acid; Caffeic acid ester; p-Coumaric acid ester: Farnesol; Z-(l l)-hexadecen-l-ol; Cytotoxicity2006
231 Sperry, John S.Water transport in vesselless angiosperms: conducting efficiency and cavitation safetyTwo structure-function hypotheses were tested for vesselless angiosperm wood. First, vesselless angiosperm wood should have much higher flow resistance than conifer wood because angiosperm tracheids lack low-resistance torus-margo pits. Second, vesselless wood ought to be exceptionally safe from cav...2007
232 Capecchi, Mario R.; Bernstein, Kenneth E.; Thomas, Kirk R.Targeting genes for self-excision in the germ lineA procedure is described that directs the self-induced deletion of DNA sequences as they pass through the male germ line of mice. The testes-specific promoter from the angiotensin-converting enzyme gene was used to drive expression of the Cre-recombinase gene. Cre was linked to the selectable marker...Cre-recombinase; Hoxa3; Chimeric mice1999-06-15
233 Goller, FranzVocal gestures of shared syllable types in cardinalsIn songbirds, songs are learned by memorization and copying of tutor song and such copies can be remarkably accurate. However, it is not known whether acoustic similarity is generated by equally similar vocal gestures. We studied syringeal and respiratory motor patterns of syllable types shared by u...Cardinalis cardinalis; Vocal gestures; Birdsong syllables; Song syllables1997
234 Capecchi, Mario R.Polypeptide chain termination in vitro: isolation of a release factor.The growing polypeptide chain remains bound to the ribosome-messenger RNA complex through the sRNA carrying the last amino acid incorporated into the polypeptide chain.' On completion of the polypeptide chain a mechanism must exist for releasing it from the protein-synthesizing machinery. To date, m...Carbon Isotopes; Phenylalanine; Proteins1967-09-01
235 Carrier, David R.Coupled evolution of breathing and locomotion as a game of leapfrogBecause the increase in metabolic rate related to locomotor activity places demands on the cardiorespiratory apparatus, it is not surprising that the evolution of breathing and of locomotion are coupled. As the respiratory faculty becomes more refined, increasingly aerobic life strategies can be exp...Evolution; Coupled evolution; Breathing; Locomotion; Cardiorespiratory apparatus2006
236 Clayton, Dale H.Feather-busting bacteriaI ONCE HAD A COLLEAGUE who delighted in the aphorism, which he proudly coined himself, "If it's too small to see with the naked eye, it ain't there." Sadly, this view may as well be true for ornithologists who study birds only through unaided eyes, binoculars, or spotting scopes. But birds can also ...Columba livia; Columbiformes; Ectoparasites; Bacteria; Plumage1999
237 Olivera, Baldomero M.; ; McIntosh, J. MichaelLocalization of [125I] ω-conotoxin GVIA binding in human hippocampus and cerebellumTHE peptide toxin ω-conotoxin GVIA (ω-CgTx) has been shown to be a high affinity ligand for N-type calcium channels in the brain. We have employed [125I]ω-CgTx to localize N-type channels in human hippocampus and cerebellum using autoradiography. Ten micron thick slidemounted tissue sections of...Conotoxins; Peptide toxins1993
238 Adler, Frederick R.Recent rapid increases in the right whale (Eubalaena australis) population off southern BrazilRight whales (Eubalaena australis) that gather on a wintering ground off southern Brazil have been aerial surveyed and photographically identified since 1987. As of 2003 the Brazilian Right Whale Catalogue has 315 different individual whales of which 31 were resighted in other years (23 females, 3 y...2005
239 Sperry, John S.Evolution of water transport and xylem structureLand plants need water to replace the evaporation that occurs while atmospheric CO2 is diffusing into photosynthetic tissue. The water-for-carbon exchange rate is poor, and evolutionary history indicates a progression of innovations for cheap water transport--beginning in order with capillary sucti...Cavitation; Vessels; Plants2003
240 Clayton, Dale H.; Rogers, Alan R.Genetic analysis of lice supports direct contact between modern and archaic humansParasites can be used as unique markers to investigate host evolutionary history, independent of host data. Here we show that modern human head lice, Pediculus humanus, are composed of two ancient lineages, whose origin predates modern Homo sapiens by an order of magnitude (ca. 1.18 million years).Pediculus humanus; Head lice; Molecular phylogeny; Phthirus2004
241 Olivera, Baldomero M.; Hillyard, David R.ConotoxinsMany successful animal and plant families have developed distinctive biochemical strategies; one of the more unusual examples is found in a group of marine gastropods, the cone snails (Conus) (1). These animals have evolved a specialized biochemistry of small constrained peptides, the conotoxins. Th...Conotoxins1991
242 Ehleringer, James R.Fuentes de aqua utilizadas por las plantas desérticas y su importancia en planes de manejo y restauración ecológicaEl agua es el factor más importante que afecta a la productividad primaria y la estructura de la vegetación en ecosistemas áridos. Dado que las especies de plantas pueden diferir en sus capacidades de utilizar distintas fuentes de agua, el conocimiento de estos aspectos es fundamental para los ...Fuentes de agua; Isótopos estables; 8-H; 5 l sO; Zonas áridas; Plantas desérticas; Relaciones hídricas; Restauración ecológica; Desierto de Atacama; Atacama Desert; Stable isotopes; Water sources; Arid regions; Ecological restoration; Water relations; Water supplies2000
243 Coley, Phyllis D.; Kursar, Thomas A.Food quality, competition, and parasitism influence feeding preference in a neotropical lepidopteranWe surveyed Lepidoptera found on 11 species of Inga (Fabaceae:Mimosoideae) co-existing on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, to evaluate factors influencing diet choice. Of the 47 species of caterpillars (747 individuals) recorded, each fed on a distinct set of Inga. In the field, 96% of the individuals...Competition; Electivity; Gelechiid; Herbivore growth; Fabaceae; Inga; Leaf expansion; Leafing phenology; Lipidoptera; Panama; Parasitism; Plant quality2006
244 Bohs, Lynn A.Ethnobotany of the genus Cyphomandra (Solanaceae)Plants of the genus Cyphomandra (Solanaceae) have long been utilized for their edible fruits in their native Latin America. The best-known species is the domesticated tree tomato or tamarillo, Cyphomandra betacea. This species, popular as a raw or cooked fruit, is widely cultivated in Andean South ...Cyphomandra; Cyphomandra betacea; Alkaloids1989
245 Capecchi, Mario R.Yeast super-suppressors are altered tRNAs capable of translating a nonsense codon in vitro.tRNA isolated from two different yeast super-suppressor strains translates a known nonsense mutation in vitro, whereas tRNA from a closely related nonsuppressing strain does not. Suppression was assayed by translation of RNA isolated from an amber coat mutant of bacteriophage Qbeta (GB11) in a prote...Codon; Escherichia coli; Protein Biosynthesis1975-11
246 Olivera, Baldomero M.Bacteriophage Mu DNA replication in vitroAn in vitro system for bacteriophage Mu DNA replication using lysates on cellophane discs is described. Mu replication was monitored by DNA hybridization. Using a thermoinducible Mu Iysogen, 30-50% of all DNA synthesis in vitro was Mu-specific.Bacteriophage Mu1983
247 Adler, Frederick R.Is space necessary? Interference competition and limits to biodiversityA single trade-off between competitive ability and mortality has been shown to support an arbitrarily large number of species in models of interference competition in spatially structured populations. We show that this results not from spatial structure, but instead from the assumption that a small ...Mortality rate; Competitive ability; Seed size2000
248 Sperry, John S.Analysis of circular bordered pit function I. Angiosperm vessels with homogenous pit membranesA model predicted pit and vessel conductivity, the air-seed pressure for cavitation, and the implosion pressure causing vessel collapse. Predictions were based on measurements from 27 angiosperm species with circular bordered pits and air-seed pressures of 0.2-11.3 MPa. Vessel implosion pressure exc...Functional wood anatomy; hydraulic architecture; plant biomechanics2004
249 Sperry, John S.Evaluation of Murray's law in Psilotum nudum (Psilotaceae), an analogue of ancestral vascular plantsPrevious work has shown that the xylem of seed plants follows Murray's law when conduits do not provide structural support to the plant. Here, compliance with Murray's law was tested in the stem photosynthesizer Psilotum nudum, a seedless vascular plant. Psilotum nudum was chosen because the central...Conduit furcation number; hydraulic architecture; Murray's law2005
250 Bastiani, MichaelCentral projections of the stretch receptor neurons of crayfish: structure, variation, and postembryonic growthEach stretch receptor neuron (SR) of the crayfish abdomen projects from its peripherally located soma an axon that enters the CNS through the second nerve (N2) of its segmental ganglion. CoZ+ backfills of N2 revealed that this axon bifurcates, sending one branch to the brain and the other to the te...Abdomen; Axon; Ganglion1988
226 - 250 of 634