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1 A Community-Based Podcast Approach to Promoting Population Health Awareness of Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorder Education, Resources, and SupportLybbert, Joni S.2023Background: Utah's postpartum depression rate is 14.8%, higher than the national average (12.5%). Individuals with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) often remain untreated, primarily due to barriers to accessing maternal mental health resources. This project aimed to develop and implement...
2 A Needs Assessment to Evaluate Implementing a Relationship Enhancement Intervention for Couples at a Community Mental Health ClinicHoppe, Kristen; Stephens, Caroline2023Background: Divorce's harmful effects on individuals, families, and communities is a well-known concern. Dissatisfying relationships, even without divorce, are a significant source of stress and can contribute to increased morbidity and mortality. Relationship interventions reduce stress and improve...
3 A Practice Model to Integrate Mental Health Care at an Outpatient Burn ClinicHarris, Alissa K.; Quinn, Kristen; Morgan, Deborah2023Background: The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that more than 350,000 individuals sought medical treatment for burn injuries in 2020. Over half of those individuals will experience a mental health disorder within one year. Despite the known link between mental health disorde...
4 A Quality Improvement Initiative: Reducing the Number of Frequent Revisits in the Emergency DepartmentAlm, Melissa; Morgan, Deborah; Hopkins, Christy2020Background:Inappropriate use of the emergency department (ED) is a persistent and costly problem in the United States (US) healthcare system. More than 136 million ED visits were recorded in the US in 2014 and studies show 50-65% of this patient population have mental health problems. The introducti...
5 A Quality Improvement Intervention to Reduce the Use of PRN Psychotropic Medications Among Older Adults in the Long-Term Care SettingKwong, Kimmy2020Problem: Even with our increasing knowledge about the limited effectiveness and severe side effects of PRN psychotropic medications, the frequency of their use in the geriatric population remains high. Higher drug intake and potentially inappropriate PRN psychotropic medication administration contri...
6 Anticipatory Grief Support for Parents and Caregivers of Medically Fragile Children: A Needs AssessmentJulie R. Bauserman; Julie Gee; Kathie Supiano; Sara Webb2024
7 Assessment of and Intervention for Compassion Fatigue in PsychotherapistsTucker, Karl2020Background:A 2017 meta-analysis of 90 studies related to compassion fatigue confirms that healthcare professionals across all disciplines experience impairments to their physical, mental, and interpersonal health caused by work-related stress. This project explored whether a compassion fatigue works...
8 DBT Skills and Support Groups for Family Members/Affected Others in Relationships with Individuals Living with Borderline Personality DisorderDaniels, Brinli A.2020Problem. Relational distress between family members/affected others and individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) can negatively influence the effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Researchindicatesthat when family members/affected otherssupportindividuals participating D...
9 Decreasing Premature Termination of Addiction Treatment for Adolescent Females Through the Utilization of an Assessment Tool to Evaluate the Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Level of MotivationFreeman, Corrine M.; Bullock, Randy2022Background: Premature discharge from a residential addiction treatment setting increases a patient's risk of relapse and the development of comorbid mental health disorders. Current evidence suggests that promoting intrinsic motivation, through a therapeutic approach, into a patient's treatment plan...
10 Dementia Risk Reduction in Geriatric Primary Care: A Needs AssessmentShaw, Rebecca L.2023Background: Dementia is a costly disease that profoundly impacts patients, caregivers, and health systems, and increasing disease-related morbidity threatens to overwhelm an already overburdened healthcare infrastructure. Although there is no cure for dementia, it may be possible to delay the onset ...
11 Developing an Evidence-Based Clinical Protocol for IV Ketamine TherapyJohnson, Melissa L.; Morgan, Deborah; Anderson, Sumer2022Background: Intravenous (IV) ketamine is rising as a novel pharmaceutical option manifesting rapid and robust symptom reduction and offering much promise in alleviating Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD). Clear and consistent evidence-based practice protocols and guidelines are lacking as practiti...
12 Developing and Evaluating a Parent Support Group for Those Affected by a Fetal Diagnosis at a Tertiary Fetal CenterShauna Cheshire; Megan Jenkins; Annie Romano; Deborah Morgan2024
13 Developing and Implementing Medication Administration Protocol in a Residential Treatment FacilityKrambule, Heather2020Background:In the United States, medication errors are responsible for thousands of deaths every year in the pediatric population. Residential treatment facilities hire unlicensed medical staff to administer medications with minimal training and supervision from a licensed medical provider. The stat...
14 Development and Implementation of an Interim Coping Skills Module for Waitlisted Patients Seeking Mental Health TherapyMansfield, Austin; Morgan, Deborah2022Background: From 2015 to 2021, an average of 640 Utahns died by suicide each year. Between August 2020 and August 2021, calls to a Utah suicide prevention hotline increased by 24%. The national and state shortage of psychiatrists and psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners (PMHNP) aggravates U...
15 Development of a Manualized Perinatal Bereavement Support GroupBullock, Brittany A.2023Background: Perinatal loss is defined as the loss of an infant through death at any gestation of pregnancy (miscarriage, early loss, stillborn) up to 28 days after birth (Fenstermacher & Hupcey, 2013). Perinatal grief is linked to biosocial factors such as depression, anxiety, substance use, sleep d...
16 Development of a Nutrition Program at a Rural Addiction Medicine Clinic: A Quality Improvement ProjectAllison G. Cirenza; Paula Cook; Deborah Morgan2024
17 Enhancing Social Service Referrals in a Rural Community Health Center: A Pilot Project Using Cross-sector Collaboration SoftwareBlair Swearingen; Randy Bullock2024
18 Evaluation of the Adaptation and Implementation of a Virtual Psychoeducational Support Group for People with Mild Cognitive ImpairmentKuykendall, Mary D.2023Background: Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is common in older populations, and its prevalence increases with age. Ten percent of older Americans with MCI progress to dementia each year. As dementia is the third most expensive disease to treat, early identification and intervention are critical. Man...
19 Imlementing Routine Screening for Obsessive-compulsive Disorder in an Outpatient Psychiatric ClinicKim Sundstrom; Kate Rogers; Randy Bullock2024
20 Implementation and Evaluation of Burnout Training for Outpatient Mental Health Nurse PractitionersPorter, Sarah T.2020Background: Burnout for mental health providers is negatively impacting Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) as it harms their physical and mental health. Nursing burnout, including APRN burnout, is costly for organizations, hinders patient care and degrades patient outcomes. This educational...
21 Implementation of a Lethal Means Reduction Toolkit in Pediatric Primary CareKyena Oblad; Shawna Sisler; ElLois Bailey2024
22 Implementation of a LGBTQIA+ Evidence Based Toolkit in an Outpatient General Psychiatry Clinic: Quality Improvement ProjectDallin Bawden; Deven Jennings; Sara Webb2024
23 Implementation of EPDS and Perinatal Mental Health Resoureces in Spanish for an Urban OB Clinic Serving Spanish-speaking ImmigrantsMelody A. Forsyth; Lyndsey Proctor; Christopher Hutchison; ElLois Bailey2024
24 Implementation of Screening and Referral Protocol for Paternal Postpartum Depression in a Pediatric Clinic SettingGeorge, Clint2020Background:Paternal Postpartum Depression (PPpD) can have dire long-lasting effects on children's cognitive, behavioral, social, and emotional development yet there is little attention given to the mental health of new fathers. Rates of PPpD have been found to be as high as 35.5% in the United State...
25 Implementation of the CGI-S Screening Tool at an Outpatient Mental Health ClinicRehbein, Kaitrin; Morgan, Deborah2022Background: Psychiatric providers struggle to keep consistent records of patient outcomes through valid and reliable statistical tools compared to their medical provider counterparts (Kilbourne et al., 2018). The Clinical Global Impression-Severity (CGI-S) tool is a well- established research rating...
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