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1 + HIT, + Skew, Unidirectional Nystagmus: Central Acute Vestibular Syndrome Due to Wallenberg Syndrome2017Image/MovingImage
2 Abnormal Head Impulse Test in Vestibular Neuritis 1 Week After Onset2019Image/MovingImage
3 Abnormal Visually-Enhanced VOR in Cerebellar Ataxia, Neuropathy, Vestibular Areflexia Syndrome (CANVAS)2017Image/MovingImage
4 Acute Vestibular Neuritis With Unidirectional Nystagmus and Abnormal Video Head Impulse Test2020-04Image/MovingImage
5 Acute Vestibular Syndrome With Skew Deviation and Positive Head Impulse Test Due to a Demyelinating Lesion2017Image/MovingImage
6 Acute Vestibular Syndrome with Ocular Tilt Reaction Due to Bacterial Labyrinthitis2017Image/MovingImage
7 Anti-GAD Associated Cerebellopathy and Bilateral Vestibulopathy2017Image/MovingImage
8 Bilateral Vestibular Loss With Gaze-Evoked Nystagmus and Saccadic Visually Enhanced VOR2020-04Image/MovingImage
9 Bilaterally Abnormal Head Impulse Test2020-04Image/MovingImage
10 Central HINTS (With an Abnormal Head Impulse Sign) in the Acute Vestibular Syndrome Due to Lateral Pontine/Middle Cerebellar Peduncle Demyelination2018-01Image/MovingImage
11 Cerebellar Ataxia, Neuropathy, & Vestibular Areflexia Syndrome (CANVAS): Impaired Visually-Enhanced VOR and Abnormal Head Impulse Testing2017Image/MovingImage
12 Complete Peripheral Vestibulopathy & Ipsilateral Facial Palsy2016Image/MovingImage
13 Impaired Smooth Pursuit and Other Characteristic Ocular Motor Findings in Middle Cerebellar Peduncle Stroke2018-03Image/MovingImage
14 Ocular Motor Signs in Brainstem Demyelinating Disease - Spontaneous Upbeat, Vertical Gaze-Evoked Nystagmus, Slow Saccades, Bilateral Vestibular Loss, INOs2020-04Image/MovingImage
15 One-and-a-Half Syndrome Due to Pontine Hemorrhage2017Image/MovingImage
16 Oscillopsia and Bilateral Vestibular Loss with Gentamicin Ototoxicity2017Image/MovingImage
17 Oscillopsia: A Common Symptom of Bilateral Vestibular Loss2017Image/MovingImage
18 Peripheral (Vestibular) and Central (Gaze-Evoked) Patterns of Nystagmus in a Single Patient2018-01Image/MovingImage
19 Pseudonystagmus Due to Bilateral Vestibular Loss and Head Tremor2017Image/MovingImage
20 Sitting & Walking Oscillopsia in a Patient with Bilateral Vestibular Loss & Head Tremor2020Image/MovingImage
21 Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3 with Gaze-Evoked Nystagmus and Bilateral Vestibular Loss2020-04Image/MovingImage
22 The Acute Vestibular Syndrome in MS Due to Middle Cerebellar Peduncle/Root Entry Zone Lesion2016Image/MovingImage
23 The Acute Vestibular Syndrome with Skew Deviation, Gaze-evoked Nystagmus, and Bilaterally Abnormal Head Impulse Testing Due to AICA Stroke2017-12Image/MovingImage
24 Trigeminal, Facial (with Aberrant Regeneration), and Vestibulocochlear Nerve Palsies Following Tumor Resection2016Image/MovingImage
25 Vestibular Neuritis with + Head Impulse Test and Unidirectional Nystagmus2017Image/MovingImage
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