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1 Regehr, JohnEliminating stack overflow by abstract interpretationAn important correctness criterion for software running on embedded microcontrollers is stack safety: a guarantee that the call stack does not overflow. Our first contribution is a method for statically guaranteeing stack safety of interrupt-driven embedded software using an approach based on contex...2005-01-01
2 Hansen, Charles D.Evaluation of depth of field for depth perception in DVRIn this paper we present a user study on the use of Depth of Field for depth perception in Direct Volume Rendering. Direct Volume Rendering with Phong shading and perspective projection is used as the baseline. Depth of Field is then added to see its impact on the correct perception of ordinal depth...2013-01-01
3 Thompson, William B.Evaluating the accuracy of size perception in real and virtual environmentsAccurate perception of the size of 3D objects depicted on 2D desktop displays is important for many applications. Whether users perceive objects depicted on a display to be the same size as comparable real world objects is not well understood. We propose using affordances judgments as a way of measu...2012-01-01
4 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshFormal methods for surviving the jungle of heterogeneous parallelismThe parallel programming community will soon be entering the ‘jungle' of heterogeneous hardware and software. Unfortunately, we are not adequately preparing future programmers (today's students) to cope with the many challenges of heterogeneous concurrency, especially in their ability to rigorousl...2012-01-01
5 Mastrangelo, Carlos H.From chips to dust: the MEMS shatter secure chipThis paper presents the implementation of a transience mechanism for silicon microchips via low-temperature post-processing steps that transform almost any electronic, optical or MEMS substrate chips into transient ones. Transience is achieved without any hazardous or explosive materials. Triggered ...2014-01-01
6 Regehr, JohnFrom the editor: real-time and embedded systems--teaching reliabilityCan we teach students to build reliable embedded software? Although it would be rash to say that a general agreement exists on how to teach embedded systems, there's certainly a growing understanding of the issues. For example, the excellent August 2005 issue of ACM Transactions on Embedded Computin...2006-01-01
7 Myers, Chris J.Formal verification of genetic circuitsResearchers are beginning to be able to engineer synthetic genetic circuits for a range of applications in the environmental, medical, and energy domains [1]. Crucial to the success of these efforts is the development of methods and tools to verify the correctness of these designs. This verification...2012-01-01
8 Ring, Terry ArthurGrowth kinetics of hexagonal sub-micrometric β-tricalcium phosphate particles in ethylene glycolRecently, uniform, non-agglomerated, hexagonal b-tricalcium phosphate (b-TCP) platelets (diameter 400-1700 nm, h 100-200 nm) were obtained at fairly moderate temperatures (90-170 C) by precipitation in ethylene glycol. Unfortunately, the platelet aspect ratios (diameter/thickness) obtained in the ...2014-01-01
9 Regehr, JohnInferring scheduling behavior with hourglassAlthough computer programs explicitly represent data values, time values are usually implicit. This makes it difficult to analyze and debug real-time programs whose correctness depends partially on the time at which results are computed. This paper shows how to use Hourglass, an instrumented, synthe...2002-01-01
10 Regehr, JohnMemory safety and untrusted extensions for TinyOSSensor network applications should be reliable. However, TinyOS, the dominant sensor net OS, lacks basic building blocks for reliable software systems: memory protection, isolation, and safe termination. These features are typically found in general-purpose operating systems but are believed to be t...2006-01-01
11 Balasubramonian, RajeevMemZip: exploring unconventional benefits from memory compressionMemory compression has been proposed and deployed in the past to grow the capacity of a memory system and reduce page fault rates. Compression also has secondary benefits: it can reduce energy and bandwidth demands. However, most prior mechanisms have been designed to focus on the capacity metric an...2014-01-01
12 Mastrangelo, Carlos H.MEMS-based hemispherical resonator gyroscopesThis paper introduces a fabrication technique that uses planar MEMS micromachining processes to produce hemispherical resonating shells for gyroscopes. The hemispheres exhibit a quality factor in excess of 20,000 with resonant frequencies in the range of 20 kHz for the 4-node wineglass mode. The fab...2012-01-01
13 Roundy, Shadrach J.MEMS testing: transition from millions to billions to trillionsSensors, specifically MEMSbased, have created multiple market tornados over the past 40 years. Most recently there has been a market explosion driven by the widespread adoption of MEMS sensing devices in mobile consumer applications. In the past 5 years the worldwide market has grown from roughly 10...2012-01-01
14 Kasera, Sneha K.Energy efficient radio tomographic imagingIn this paper, our goal is to develop approaches to reduce the energy consumption in Radio Tomographic Imaging (RTI)-based methods for device free localization without giving up localization accuracy. Our key idea is to only measure those links that are near the current location of the moving object...2014-01-01
15 Liu, FengEpitaxial growth of large-gap quantum spin Hall insulator on semiconductor surface : The substrate orbital filtering effectFormation of topological quantum phase on conventional semiconductor surface is of both scientific and technological interest. Here, we demonstrate epitaxial growth of 2D topological insulator, i.e. quantum spin Hall (QSH) state, on Si(111) surface with a large energy gap, based on first-principles ...2014-01-01
16 Scarpulla, MichaelEnhanced light absorption in thin-film silicon solar cells by scattering from Embedded Dielectric NanoparticlesWe investigate the light-trapping effects of dielectric nanoparticles embedded within the active semiconductor layer of a thin-film solar cell. The baseline model consists of a 1.0 μm slab of crystalline silicon on an aluminum back contact topped with a 75 nm Si3N4 anti-reflective coating. Using fi...2011-01-01
17 Mathews, V. JohnEqualization of excursion and current-dependent nonlinearities in loudspeakersThis paper presents a novel equalizer for nonlinear distortions in direct-radiator loudspeakers in a closed cabinet by constructing an exact inverse of an electro-mechanical model of the loudspeaker. This exact inverse compensates for distortions introduced by excursion and current-dependent nonline...2014-01-01
18 Stevens, KennethEnhanced SDC support for relative timing designs2009-01-01
19 Simpson, Jamesina J.FDTD modeling of a novel ELF radar for major oil deposits using a three-dimensional geodesic grid of the earth-ionosphere waveguideThis paper reports the first application of an optimized geodesic, three-dimensional (3-D) finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) grid to model impulsive, extremely low-frequency (ELF) electromagnetic wave propagation within the entire Earth-ionosphere cavity. This new model, which complements our pre...2006-01-01
20 Khan, Faisal HabibFabrication processes and experimental validation of a planar PV power system with monolithically embedded power convertersThis paper summarizes the research outcome intended to identify the most suitable device architecture and its implementation for cell-level power conversion in a photovoltaic (PV) system. The fabrication process to accommodate the power conditioning unit with the PV cells using the same process run ...2012-01-01
21 Simpson, Jamesina J.FDTD calculations of the diffraction coefficient of vibrating wedgesThe full-vector Maxwell's equations finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is employed to calculate diffraction coefficients of vibrating conducting and dielectric wedges. Two-dimensional FDTD models of right-angle wedges are constructed to include total-field scattered-field incident plane-wav...2011-01-01
22 Scarpulla, MichaelThe importance of Se partial pressure in the laser annealing of CuInSe2 electrodeposited precursorsOne method for producing CuInSe2 (CISe) absorber layers is electrodeposition followed by annealing. Replacing the commonly used furnace annealing step with a laser can reduce annealing times by 2-3 orders of magnitude: from 30 minutes to 1 s. However, laser processing has, to date, not resulted in a...2014-01-01
23 Blair, StevenImplantable glass optrodes for deep-tissue light delivery3D needle-type glass waveguide arrays were developed as potentially compact neural interfaces for light delivery in deep-tissue. As much as 90% of input light is transmitted via a single optrode to depths >1mm in tissue. Light emission profiles from the optrode tips into tissue can exhibit beam widt...2014-01-01
24 Balasubramonian, RajeevLeveraging heterogeneity in DRAM main memories to accelerate critical word accessThe DRAM main memory system in modern servers is largely homogeneous. In recent years, DRAM manufacturers have produced chips with vastly differing latency and energy characteristics. This provides the opportunity to build a heterogeneous main memory system where different parts of the address space...2012-01-01
25 Regehr, JohnLock inference for systems softwareWe have developed task scheduler logic (TSL) to automate reasoning about scheduling and concurrency in systems software. TSL can detect race conditions and other errors as well as supporting lock inference: the derivation of an appropriate lock implementation for each critical section in a system. L...2003-01-01
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