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1 Nicoll, KathleenInterpreting Martian paleoclimates from valley network morphologies: insights from terrestrial analogues in EgyptMorphogenetic classification of Martian landforms has provided a context for the inference of surface processes and paleoclimatic conditions on Mars [1][2][3][4][5][6]. The complexity of extensive valley network patterns (Figure 1) suggests that fluvial conditions formerly existed on Mars [7]; howe...1999
2 Nicoll, KathleenOSL chronologies for Aeolian activity in the context of lake-level fluctuations, drainage reorganization and glacial retreat, North-Central MinnesotaDunes and stratified eolian sedi-ments are a significant component of the postglacial landscape across the mid-continent. During the 1970s, a benchmark study in north-central Minne-sota inferred a period of eolian activity 8,000 ? 5,000 years ago (i.e., the Altithermal Hypsithermal periods), based u...2006
3 Wei, Y. H. DennisSpatial restructuring in Guangzhou city in the context of globalization and the new economy摘要! 全球化与新经济对城市空间结构的形成和演变产生了深刻的影响" 基于统计资料及实 际调查! 分析了广州城市空间结构的演化过程及格局" 结果显示! 广州城市演化表现出明显 的阶段性! 包括单中心增长模式# 飞地发展模式# ...Urban spatial restructuring; Guangzhou city; Urban development; Single-core growth pattern; Wikilib pattern; Dual structure pattern; Multi-core networking pattern; Urban planning; Globalization2006
4 Wei, YehuaRestructuring industrial districts, scaling up regional development: a study of the Wenzhou Model, ChinaThe Wenzhou Municipality in Zhejiang Province is spearheading China's marketization and development of private enterprises. Its successful development trajectory, centered on family-owned small businesses embedded in thick local institutions, resembles Marshallian industrial districts (MIDs). Howeve...China; Marshallian industrial district, regional lock-in; Wenzhou Model, China2007-09-24
5 Wei, Y. H. DennisInstitutions, location, and network of multinational enterprises in China: a case study of HangzhouBased on extensive interviews with local government officials and a survey of forty-four foreign-invested enterprises, this paper examines the role of local formal institutions and their constituent components in intra-urban location decisions of multinational enterprises (MNEs) and in network pro...Institutions; Multinational enterprises; Foreign investment; Hangzhou, China2008-01
6 Wei, Y. H. DennisRestructuring the Sunan model, globalizing regional development: trajectories of development in Kunshan, ChinaThis paper attempts to advance the research on globalization and regional development in China through a study of Kunshan City. We investigate the restructuring process, the structure of FDI, and the nature of global-local networks to understand trajectories and models of regional development in the...Sunan Model; Regional development; Transnational corporations; Kushan City2009
7 Nicoll, Kathleen; Chan, Marjorie A.; Jewell, PaulBonneville basin analogues for large lake processes & chronologies of geomorphic development on MarsPleistocene Lake Bonneville was a large (~50,000 sq km) terrestrial closed lake system in Utah, USA that developed during the Last Glacial Maximum (~20 ka BP), and persisted at highstand until a catastrophic outburst flood event ~17.4 ka cal BP and warming climate significantly lowered its volume [1...2009
8 Nicoll, Kathleen; Chan, Marjorie A.Utah's geologic and geomorphic terrestrial analogs to Mars: a training ground for future robotic and human missions to MarsUtah offers spectacular geologic features and valuable analogue environments and processes for Mars studies. Relatively intact, horizontal strata of the Colorado Plateau are analogous to Mars, where the effects of strong ground motion from earthquakes or impacts are preserved. Within Utah, easily ac...2010
9 Nicoll, Kathleen; Chan, Marjorie A.Geomorphic evolution of pleistocene Lake Bonneville: temporal implications for surface processes on MarsPleistocene Lake Bonneville of the Great Basin offers unparalleled insight into temporal constraints for understanding the development of similar analog environments and processes on Mars. The extensive and well preserved lake system exhibits many intact features that include: prominent shorelines, ...2010
10 Wei, Y. H. DennisBeyond new regionalism, beyond global production networks: remaking the Sunan model, ChinaThis paper attempts to advance the research on globalization and regional development in China through a study of Kunshan City. We investigate the restructuring process, the structure of FDI, and the nature of global-local networks to understand trajectories and models of regional development in the...2010
11 Nicoll, KathleenGeomorphic and hazard vulnerability assessment of recent residential developments on landslide-prone terrain: the case of the Traverse Mountains, Utah, USAHomeowners who live near or on steep slopes of the Traverse Mountains along the Wasatch front in southern Salt Lake City, Utah (USA) are at risk where development of "master-planned communities" has been permitted on known landslide deposits since 2001. Some of the largest landslides in the state o...2010
12 Nicoll, KathleenGeobiology and sedimentology of the hypersaline Great Salt Lake, Northern Utah, USA: analogues for assessing watery environments on Mars?The hypersaline Great Salt Lake (GSL) of northern Utah, USA is a critical regional ecosystem that has not been examined in detail from a geobiological perspective. There are presently only a handful of studies on the biota of this shallow water closed-lake system [1]. Despite interest from industrie...2010
13 Wei, Y. H. DennisLocation decisions and network configurations of foreign investment in urban ChinaThis article studies location decisions and network configurations of FDI in Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu Province, located in the northwest of the Yangtze River Delta (YRD). Built upon the perspective that China?s economic transition can be conceptualized as a triple pr of globalization, market...2010
14 Wei, Y. H. DennisSpatial-temporal hierarchy of regional inequality of ChinaThis paper advances the multi-scale and multi-mechanism framework of regional inequality in China by using the most recent statistical data. We analyze the multi-scalar patterns of China's regional inequality with GIS and statistical techniques, and demonstrate the significance of the municipality e...Regional inequality; Spatial hierarchy; GIS2010-07
15 Wei, Y. H. DennisMulti-scale regional inequality in Guangdong, China2011
16 Forster, Richard R.QuickSCAT derived snow accumulation estimates in the dry snow, percolation and wet snow zones of the Greenland ice sheet2011
17 Wei, Y. H. DennisRestructuring for growth in urban China: transitional institutions, urban development, and spatial transformationThis research examines government policies and urban transformation in China through a study of Hangzhou City, which is undergoing dramatic growth and restructuring. As the southern center of the Yangtze River Delta, an emerging global city region of China, Hangzhou has been restlessly searching for...2012
18 Liao, HaifengSpatial determinants of urban growth in Chinese Cities: a case study of dongguanBy 2012, 51.3% of the population in China lived in the urban areas.Spatial Non-stationary Process, Spatial Expansion, Urban Growth, Dongguan, China2012
19 Wei, Y. H. DennisProduction and R&D networks of foreign ventures in China: implications for technological dynamism and regional developmentThis paper analyzes the nature of FDI local networks in production and R&D activities in China and discusses their implications for technological dynamism and regional development. We investigate foreign ventures (or foreign-invested enterprises, FIEs) in the information and communication technology...2012-01
20 Wei, Y. H. DennisDynamics, space, and regional inequality in provincial China: a case study of Guangdong provinceThis paper investigates the regional inequality in one of the most developed provinces in China, Guangdong, from 1979 to 2009 and follows the multi-scale and multi-mechanism framework. We have found a new round of intensifying inequality in Guangdong since the early 2000s, which is attributed to the...2012-01-01
21 Tribby, Calvin PierceDo air quality alerts reduce traffic? An analysis of traffic data from the Salt Lake City metropolitan areaThis research explores the unintended behavioral consequences on traffic volumes of the Air Quality Alert notification system in Salt Lake and Davis Counties, Utah.Air Quality; Traffic; Salt Lake; Davis; Ozone; PM 2.52013
22 Liao, HaifengApplication and evaluation of spatial heterogeneity model in the simulation of urban expansionBased on remote sensing images and GIS data, we applied spatial expansion expansion method and geographically weighted logistic regression (GWLR) model to explore the driving forces of urban expansion in Jiangning District of Nanjing from 1999 to 2010. Special attention was paid to spatial heterogen...2013-01-01
23 Forster, Richard R.Summer melt regulates winter glacier flow speeds throughout AlaskaPredicting how climate change will affect glacier and ice sheet flow speeds remains a large hurdle toward accurate sea level rise forecasting. Increases in surface melt rates are known to accelerate glacier flow in summer, whereas in winter, flow speeds are believed to be relatively invariant. Here ...2013-01-01
24 Forster, Richard R.Initial in situ measurements of perennial meltwater storage in the Greenland firn aquiferA perennial storage of water in a firn aquifer was discovered in southeast Greenland in 2011. We present the first in situ measurements of the aquifer, including densities and temperatures. Water was present at depths between ~12 and 37m and amounted to 18.7 ± 0.9 kg in the extracted core. The wate...2014-01-01
25 Wei, Y. H. DennisUrban land expansion and spatial dynamics in Globalizing ShanghaiUrban land expansion in China has attracted considerable scholarly attention. However, more work is needed to apply spatial modeling to understanding the mechanisms of urban growth from both institutional and physical perspectives. This paper analyzes urban expansion in Shanghai and its development ...2014-01-01
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