1 - 200 of 10
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1 Historical sketch of the life of Hamilton Wallace1937-09-23Text
2 Isaac Chauncey McFarlane1937-01-13Text
3 Mrs. L. Wood, Monticello, Utah1938Text
4 Pioneer personal history questionnaire, August Sorensen Mackelprang1938-06-23Text
5 Pioneer personal history, Mr. Samuel Mackelprang, Huntington, Utah1934Text
6 Sketch of the life of Jane Withers Middleton, Utah pioneer of 18621934; 1935; 1936; 1937; 1938; 1939; 1940; 1941; 1942Text
7 Sketch of the life of Joseph Walker1938-08-02Text
8 Sketch of the life of Lewis Rice Chaffin: Utah pioneer of 18521934Text
9 Sketch of the life of Sarah M. Chaffin1936-12-23Text
10 Sketch of the life of Thomas Walker1938-08-02Text
1 - 200 of 10