76 - 100 of 779
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76 Comedies, tragedies, and operas, vol.11701Text
77 Commentarii secvndo avcti : in libros sex pedacii dioscoridis anazarbei de medica materia ; Apologia adversvs Amanthvm Lusitanvm1558Text
78 Common sense: addressed to the inhabitants of America, on the following interesting subjects. I. Of the origin and design of government in general, with concise remarks on the English constitution. II. Of monarchy and hereditary succession. III. Thoughts on the present state of American affairs. IV. Of the present ability of America, with some miscellaneous reflections. A new edition, with several additions in the body of the work. To which is added an appendix; together with an address to the people called Quakers. N.B. The new addition here given increases the work upwards of one third.1776Text
79 Compendium of the Impending Crisis of the South1860Text
80 Compensation being an essay as written by Ralph Waldo Emerson1904Text
81 Complaint of James Alexander and William Smith to the Committee of the General Assembly of the Colony of New York, &c.1735Text
82 Considerations on the measures carrying on with respect to the British colonies in North America.1774Text
83 Considerations on the propriety of imposing taxes in the British colonies for the purpose of raising a revenue, by act of Parliament.1766Text
84 Constantine the Great; a Tragedy1684Text
85 Cornelius Tacitus exacta cura recognitus, et emendatus1534Text
86 Costituzioni di sua maestà per l'università di Torino.1729Text
87 Critical observations on the art of dancing : to which is added A collection of cotillons or French dances1770Text
88 Célibataire, comédie en cinq actes, et envers.1778Text
89 Dalāʼil al-khayrāt wa-shawāriq al-anwār fī dhikr al-ṣalah ʻalá al-Nabī al-mukhtār1700; 1701; 1702; 1703; 1704; 1705; 1706; 1707; 1708; 1709; 1710; 1711; 1712; 1713; 1714; 1715; 1716; 1717; 1718; 1719; 1720; 1721; 1722; 1723; 1724; 1725; 1726; 1727; 1728; 1729; 1730; 1731; 1732; 1733; 1734; 1735; 1736; 1737; 1738; 1739; 1740; 1741; 1742; 1743; 1744; 1745; 1746; 1747; 1748; 1749; ...Text
90 Danse ancienne et moderne, ou, Traité historique de la danse1754Text
91 Danse et les ballets depuis Bacchus jusqu'à mademoiselle Taglioni1832Text
92 Dark forest1916Text
93 Darwiniana: Essays and Reviews Pertaining to Darwinism...1876Text
94 Darwinism: An Exposition of the Theory of Natural...1889Text
95 Days Off, and Other Digressions1907Text
96 De historia stirpium commentarii insignes1542Text
97 De la danse : considérée sous le rapport de l'éducation physique1830Text
98 De motv animalivm, volume 11680Text
99 De motv animalivm, volume 21680Text
100 De plantis Aegypti liber : In qvo non pavci, qvi circa herbarum materiam irrepserunt, errores, deprehenduntur, quorum causa hactenus multa medicamenta ad vsum medicine admodum expetenda, plerisque medicorum, non sine artis iactura, occulta, atque obsoleta iacuerunt ... Accessit etiam liber de balsamo alias editus1592Text
76 - 100 of 779