176 - 200 of 588
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176 Johnson, Christopher R.Semi-automatic image segmentation: a bimodal thresholding approachWe have developed a semi-automatic image segmentation tool which combines conventional manual segmentation utilities with a novel automatic image segmentation algorithm. Manual segmentation is achieved by dropping control points and fitting cubic splines to these points. Automatic segmentation is a...Image segmentation; Segmentation algorithms; Bimodal thresholding1994
177 Henderson, Thomas C.Sensing strategies based on manufacturing knowledgeWe propose an approach for the inspection of machined parts that is based on knowledge of the actual manufacturing process for the parts to be inspected. A principal benefit of this approach is that sensing can be focused on those areas of parts where violations of tolerance specifications are most ...Machined parts; Inspection; Sensing strategies; Toolpaths1994
178 Bruderlin, BeatRobust solid modeling by avoiding redundancy for manifold objects in boundary representationThis paper describes a new approach to the robustness problem in solid modeling. We identify as t h e main cause of t h e lack of robustness that interdependent topological relations are derived from approximate data. Disregarding the interdependencies very likely violates basic properties, such as...Robust solid modeling; Manifold objects; Boundary representation; Robustness problem1993
179 Panangaden, PrakashVerification of systolic arrays: a stream functional approachWe illustrate that the verification of systolic architectures can be carried out using techniques developed in the context of verification of programs. This is achieved by a decomposition of the original problem into separately proving the correctness of the data representation and of the individual...Verification; systolic arrays; stream function1985
180 Panangaden, PrakashAbstract interpretation and indeterminacyWe present a semantic theory that allows us to discuss the semantics of indeterminate operators in a dataflow network. The assumption is made that the language in which the indeterminate operators are written has a construct that allows for the testing of availability of data on input lines. We then...Semantics; Indeterminate operators1984
181 Kessler, Robert R.Compiling distributed C++Distributed C++ (DC++) is a language for writing parallel applications on loosely coupled distributed systems in C++. Its key idea is to extend the C++ class into 3 categories: gateway classes which act as communication and synchronization entry points between abstract processors, classes whose...Distributed C++; DC++; Parallel applications1994
182 Bruderlin, BeatConstraint objects ? integrating constraint definition and graphical interactionThis paper describes the implementation of a new constraint??based tech?? nique for direct manipulation in interactive CAD which will simplify the design process especially in the early stages We introduce so called Constraint Objects and Parameter Objects which constitute an object??oriented ...Constraint objects1992
183 Zhang, LixinDescription of functionality of the impulse memory controllerThis document describes the functionality and control flow models for each component of the impulse main memory controller.Impulse memory controller2001
184 Lindstrom, Gary E.The key node method: a highly-parallel alpha-beta algorithmA new parallel formulation of the alpha-beta algorithm for minimax game tree searching is presented. Its chief characteristic is incremental information sharing among subsearch processes in the form of "provisional" node value communication. Such "eager" communication can offer the double benefit of...Key node method; Alpha-beta algorithm; Minimax; Game tree searching1983
185 Subrahmanyam, P.A.Modeling of call - by - need and stream primitives using CCSThe semantics of an applicative language are presented using the algebraic primitives introduced in CCS. In particular, the language constructs modeled allow for nondeterminism, stream processing and demand driven (call by need) evaluation.Applicative language; Semantics; Algebraic primitives; CCS1982
186 Thomas, Spencer W.Set operations on sculptured solidsA general method is presented for performing Boolean set operations on solids represented by a sculptured surface boundary model. The method is developed first for solids with closed boundary surfaces. It is then shown to apply also to "partially bounded" solids, which have incompletely specified b...Set operations; Sculptured solids; Sculptured surface; Boundary model1987
187 Evans, John; Kessler, Robert R.A communication-ordered task graph allocation algorithmThe inherently asynchronous nature of the data flow computation model allows the exploitation of maximum parallelism in program execution?? While this computational model holds great promise several problems must be solved in order to achieve a high degree of program performance?? The allocation...Data flow computation model1992
188 Khoche, AjayAn extended cell set of self-timed designsThe high level synthesis approach described in [1] uses hopCP[2] language for behavioral descriptions. The behavioral specifications are then translated into Hop Flow Graphs (HFGs). The actions in the graph are then refined such that refined actions can be directly mapped onto asynchronous circuit b...Self-timed designs; hopCP; Hop Flow Graphs; Asynchronous circuit blocks; Action-blocks1993
189 Sikorski, KrisAsymptotic near optimality of the bisection methodThe bisection method is shown to possess the nearly best rate of convergence for infinitely differentiable functions having zeros of arbitrary multiplicity. If the multiplicity of zeros is bounded, methods are known which have asymptotically at least quadratic rate of convergence.Bisection method1988
190 Henderson, Thomas C.Instrumented sensor system - practiceIn previous work, we introduced the notion of Instrumented Logical Sensor Systems (ILSS) that are derived from a modeling and design methodology [4, 2]. The instrumented sensor approach is based on a sensori-computational model which defines the components of the sensor system in terms of their func...Instrumented Logical Sensor Systems; ILSS1997
191 Zhang, LixinReference manual of impulse system callsThis document describes the Im pulse system calls. The Impulse system calls allow user applications to use remapping functionality provided by the Impulse Adaptive Memory System to remap their data structures. Impulse supports several remapping algorithms. User applications choose the desired remapp...Impulse system calls; Remapping functionality; Impulse Adaptive Memory System; Remapping algorithms1999
192 Shirley, Peter S.; Thompson, William B.Visual glueOne key function of graphics systems is to present information about the 3-D structure of modeled environments. For real-time simulations, conveying a sense of contact between touching surfaces and relative position and motion between proximate objects is particularly critical. Neither stereo nor oc...Visual glue; 3-D structure1998
193 Henderson, Thomas C.Zo: A framework for autonomous agent behavior specification and analysisWe describe a framework for the specification and analysis of autonomous agents1 . In general, such agents require several levels of behavioral specifications, including: low-level reflex actions, mid-level controllers to deal with the physical aspects of the world, and highlevel representations for...Z-Infinity; Autonomous agents; Behavior1990
194 Poeppelmeier, Charles ChristianA boolean sum interpolation scheme to random data for computer aided geometric designThis thesis presents a new imterpolation function for randomly distributed data. The new interpolation function is capable of exactly reproducing quadratic surfaces. The new function is developed, through boolean sum theory, from Shepard's two dimensional interpolation functions and the Barnhill-Gre...Computer-aided geometric design; CAGD; Barnhill-Gregory; Interpolation functions1975
195 Lindstrom, Gary E.Backtracking in generalized control settingsBacktracking is a powerful conceptual and practical technique in programming. However, its application in general has been limited to global control over recursive programs. In this paper we explore through several examples the coherence and utility of applying backtracking in more general control s...Backtracking1977
196 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshCase studies in symbolic model checkingThe need to formally verify hardware and software systems before they are deployed the real world has been recognized for several decades now. This is especially true of concurrent systems that are even more difficult to debug than sequential systems. For example, many of the protocols that get emp...Symbolic model checking; Hardware verification; Software verification1994
197 Chatterjee, Prosenjit; Gopalakrishnan, GaneshFormally specifying memory consistency models and automatically generating executable specificationsMemory ordering properties of shared memory multiprocessors are more subtle and less well understood than cache coherence. These properties tend to be processor or platform specific and are not always formally specified. It is difficult to compare even those platforms whose memory ordering propert...Computer memory; Memory consistency models; Memory ordering; Shared memory multiprocessors2001
198 Fujimoto, Richard M.On synthesizing systolic arrays from recurrence equations with linear dependenciesWe present a technique for synthesizing systolic architectures from Recurrence Equations. A class of such equations (Recurrence Equations with Linear Dependencies) is defined and and the problem of mapping such equations onto a two dimensional architecture is studied. We show that such a mapping is ...Recurrence equations1986
199 Lindstrom, Gary E.The schema coercion problemOver the past decade, the ability to incorporate data from a wide variety of sources has become increasingly important to database users. To meet this need, significant effort has been expended in automatic database schema manipulation. However, to date this effort has focused on two aspects of this...Schema coercion; Database schema manipulation; Schema integration1997
200 Fujimoto, Richard M.Systolic array synthesis by static analysis of program dependenciesWe present a technique for mapping recurrence equations to systolic arrays. While this problem has been studied in fairly great detail, the recurrence equations that are analysed here are a generalization of those studied previously. In a n earlier paper (14] we have showed how systolic arrays can b...Systolic array synthesis; static analysis; program dependencies; recurrence equations1986
176 - 200 of 588