151 - 175 of 588
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151 Gooch, Bruce; Shirley, Peter S.Automatic image creation via artistic composition principlesMethods for choosing image parameters in both art and computer graphics are currently subjective. The choice of parameters results in images of varying quality. One aspect of image quality is the composition of the image. While the principles underlying composition are somewhat subjective, a portion...Image parameters2000
152 Balasubramonian, RajeevCommit algorithms for scalable hardware transactional memoryIn a hardware transactional memory system with lazy versioning and lazy conflict detection, the process of transaction commit can emerge as a bottleneck. For a large-scale distributed memory system, we propose novel algorithms to implement commit that are deadlock- and livelock-free and do not empl...Commit algorithms; Scalable; Hardware; Transactional memory2007
153 Sobh, Tarek M.; Henderson, Thomas C.Concurrent engineering and robot prototypingThis report addresses the theoretical basis for building a prototyping environment for electromechanical systems using concurrent engineering approach. In Designing a robot manipulator, as an example of electro-mechanical systems, the interaction between several modules (S/W, VLSI, CAD, CAM, Robotic...Robot prototyping1993
154 Hibler, Michael J.Separating presentation from interface in RPC and IDLsIn RPC-based communication, we term the interface the set of remote procedures and the types of their arguments; the presentation is the way these procedures and types are mapped to the target language environment in a particular client or server, including semantic requirements. For example, pres...RPC-based communication; IDL; Presentation; Interface1995
155 Starkey, MikeA lisp-based occam interpreterThe OCCAM programming language is an implementation of Communicating Sequential Processes and is used in a number of different areas. These areas usually require explicitly describing small-grain paralleslism. OCCAM programs formed by such descriptions can be tested for correctness by executing the...Lisp-based; Occam interpreter1991
156 Baxter, Brent S.A standard magnetic tape format for digital image exchangeThis proposal describes a simple yet flexible magnetic tape format for exchanging digital image information. Multi-dimensional arrays of raster scan data are stored as sequential files, with descriptive information related to the sefiles stored in an initial directory file. Directory information is ...Raster scan data1981
157 Subrahmanyam, P.A.An algebraic formulation of seitz's weak conditions for self timed circuitsTwo fairly intuitive conditions are given that serve to algebraically characterize Seitz's "weak conditions" for self timed circuits. It is shown that these two conditions embody the 12 temporal logic conditions (developed b y Owicki and Malachi) which are intended to express both the weak condition...Seitz's weak conditions; Self-timed circuits1982
158 Shirley, Peter S.An anisotropic phong light reflection modelWe present a new BRDF model that attempts to combine the advantages of the various empirical models currently in use. In particular, it has intuitive parameters, is anisotropic, energy-conserving, reciprocal, has an appropriate non-Lambertian diffuse term, and is well-suited for use in a Monte Carlo...BRDF model; Anisotropic; Phong light reflection model2000
159 Sobh, Tarek M.; Henderson, Thomas C.URK: Utah robot kit - A 3-link robot manipulator prototypeIn designing robot manipulators, the interaction between several modules (S/W, VLSI, CAD, CAM, Robotics, and Control) illustrates an interdisciplinary prototyping environment that includes different types of information that are radically different but combined in a coordinated way. This paper descr...URK; Utah Robot Kit; robot manipulators; prototyping environment1994
160 Cates, Joshua E.; Lefohn, Aaron; Whitaker, Ross T.GIST: an interactive, GPU-based level set segmentation tool for 3D medical imagesWhile level sets have demonstrated a great potential for 3D medical image segmentation, their usefulness has been limited by two problems. First, 3D level sets are relatively slow to compute. Second, their formulation usually entails several free parameters which can be very difficult to correctl...GIST; 3D medical images; Segmentation tool; Image segmentation2004-02-27
161 Mathew, Binu K.; Davis, Al; Fang, ZhenA Gaussian probability accelerator for SPHINX 3Accurate real-time speech recognition is not currently possible in the mobile embedded space where the need for natural voice interfaces is clearly important. The continuous nature of speech recognition coupled with an inherently large working set creates significant cache interference with other...Speech recognition; SPHINX 3; Speech recognizers2003-07-22
162 Susarla, Sai R.; Carter, JohnDataStations: ubiquitous transient storage for mobile usersIn this paper, we describe DataStations, an architecture that provides ubiquitous transient storage to arbitrary mobile applications. Mobile users can utilize a nearby DataStation as a proxy cache for their remote home file servers, as a file server to meet transient storage needs, and as a platf...DataStations; Ubiquitous transient storage; Proxy cache2003-11-14
163 Lindstrom, Gary E.Toward function-based distributed database systemsWe discuss the suitability of a function-based (or "applicative") approach to the construction of distributed database systems. Certain aspects of applicative systems are immediatley appealing for this purpose (e.g. data oriented toward conceptual objects rather than toward particular representation...Function-based; distributed database systems; applicative1982
164 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshAn interface aware guided search method for error-trace justification in large protocolsMany complex concurrent protocols that cannot be formally verified due to state explosion can often be formally verified by initially creating a collection of abstractions (overapproximations), and subsequently refining the overapproximated protocol in response to spurious counterexample traces. ...Concurrent protocols; Verification; Error-trace justification2008
165 Thompson, William B.; Willemsen, Peter; Gooch, Amy A.; Creem-Regehr, Sarah HopeDoes the quality of the computer graphics matter when judging distances in visually immersive environments?In the real world, people are quite accurate judging distances to locations in the environment, at least for targets resting on the ground plane and distances out to about 20m. Distance judgments in visually immersive environments are much less accurate. Several studies have now shown that in vis...Visually immersive environments2002-12-05
166 Davis, A.L.Dataflow computers: a tutorial and surveyThe demand for very high performance computer has encouraged some researchers in the computer science field to consider alternatives to the conventional notions of program and computer organization. The dataflow computer is one attempt to form a new collection of consistent systems ideas to improve ...Dataflow computers1980
167 Cohen, ElaineAdaptive isocurves based rendering for freeform surfacesFreeform surface rendering is traditionally performed by approximating the surface with polygons and then rendering the polygons This approach is extremely common because of the complexity in accurately rendering the surfaces directly Recently?? several papers presented methods to render surface...Freeform surface rendering; Isocurves1992
168 Awate, Suyash P.; Whitaker, Ross T.Higher-order image statistics for unsupervised, information-theoretic, adaptive, image filteringThe restoration of images is an important and widely studied problem in computer vision and image processing. Various image filtering strategies have been effective, but invariably make strong assumptions about the properties of the signal and/or degradation. Therefore, these methods typically la...Image filtering; Image restoration2005-04-15
169 Henderson, Thomas C.Monte Carlo sensor networksBiswas et al. [1] introduced a probabilistic approach to inference with limited information in sensor networks. They represented the sensor network as a Bayesian network and performed approximate inference using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). The goal is to robustly answer queries even under no...Monte Carlo sensor networks; Markov Chain Monte Carlo; MCMC2005-01-20
170 Sobh, Tarek M.; Henderson, Thomas C.Industrial inspection and reverse engineeringWe propose a new design for inspection and reverse engineering environments. We have designed and experimented with such an environment for capturing sense data of mechanical parts in an intelligent way. We construct a sensing ? CAD interface for the automatic reconstruction of parts from visual d...Industrial inspection; Discrete event dynamic system; DEDS; DRFSM1994
171 Henderson, Thomas C.Parallel path consistencyFiltering algorithms are well accepted as a means of speeding up the solution of the consistent labeling problem (CLP). Despite the fact that path consistency does a better job of filtering than arc consistency, AC is still the preferred technique because it has a much lower time complexity. We ar...Filtering algorithms; Parallel paths; Consistency; Consistent labeling problem; CLP1991
172 Carter, John B.Supporting persistent C++ objects in a distributed storage systemWe have designed and implemented a C++ object layer for Khazana, a distributed persistent storage system that exports a flat shared address space as its basic abstraction. The C++ layer described herein lets programmers use familiar C++ idioms to allocate, manipulate, and deallocate persistent share...persistent C++ objects; distributed storage; Khazana; flat shared address space1999
173 Lindstrom, Gary E.Using a functional language and graph reduction to program multiprocessor machines or functional control of imperative programsThis paper describes an effective means for programming shared memory multiprocessors whereby a set of sequential activities are linked together for execution in parallel. The glue for this linkage is provided by a functional language implemented via graph reduction and demand evaluation. The full ...shared memory multiprocessors; Programming; functional language; graph reduction; Demand evaluation1991
174 Sloan, Peter-PikeA painterly approach to human skinRendering convincing human figures is one of the unsolved goals of computer graphics. Previous work has concentrated on modeling physics of human skin. We have taken a different approach. We are exploring techniques used by artists, specifically artists who paint air-brushed portraits. Our goal is t...Human skin1999
175 Cotter, Neil E.Generality Vs. speed of convergence in the cart-pole balancerThis paper compares the speed of convergence to an optimal solution of four controllers for the problem of balancing a pole on a cart. We demonstrate that controllers whose design is tailored specifically to the cart-pole problem (i.e. less general) converge more rapidly to an optimal solution. How...Cart-pole balancer; Generality; Speed of convergence1991
151 - 175 of 588