2876 - 2900 of 8,104
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TitleCreatorRelation Is Part Of
2876 Fractal Analysis of Peripapillary Vasculature In Eyes With Papilledema Using Optical Coherence Tomography AngiographyEdmund Tsui; David Fell; Sherief Raouf; Nicole Scripsema; Sarwar Zahid; Sarita Dave; Patricia Garcia; Toco Chui; Richard Rosen; Rudrani Banik; Joshua YoungNANOS 2017: Poster Presentations
2877 Fractionated Targeted Proton Beam Therapy For Optic Nerve Sheath MeningiomaRabih Hage; Claire Alapetite; Hervホ Brisse; Catherine Vignal-Clermont; Hervホ BoissonnetNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
2878 Frankincense in the Treatment of Benign Essential BlepharospasmMikayla Baker 1, Michael Lee 2, Andrew Harrison 2NANOS Annual Meeting 2023: Poster Session I: Neuro-Ophthalmic Disorders of Neurologic and Systemic Diseases
2879 Frequency and Nature of Recommendations Regarding Contraceptives by Referring and Other Providers in Patients with Idiopathic Intracranial HypertensionDouglas Snyder; Stunkel Leanne; Gregory Van StavernNANOS Annual Meeting 2023: Poster Session II: Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH)
2880 Frequency Distribution of the Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect in 50 Normal SubjectsRandy H. KardonNANOS 1993: Poster Presentations (Session 1)
2881 Frequency Doubling Perimetry in Neuro-Ophthalmologic Disorders: A Comaprison with Conventional Automated PerimetryMichael Wall, MD; R. Neahring; K. WoodwardScientific Platform Presentations (Session II)
2882 Frequency Doubling Perimetry in Patients with Visual Field Defects (On Conventional Perimetry) From Pituitary TumorsMário L. R. Monteiro; Frederico C. Moura; Leonardo P. CunhaNANOS 2006: Poster Presentations
2883 Frequency of Acquired, Non-Glaucomatous Optic Neuropathy in a Population-Based CohortKevin Chodnicki; Robert Foster; M. Tariq Bhatti; John ChenNANOS Annual Meeting 2020: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements
2884 Frequency of Antiretinal Antibodies in Normal Human SerumGuy Jirawuthiworavong, MD, MA; Kaori Shimazaki, BS; John Heckenlively, MD; Lynn Gordon, MD, PhDNANOS 2004: Scientific Platform Presentations (Session I)
2885 Frequency of Carotid Intraplaque Hemorrhage on Vessel Wall Imaging in Patients with Retinal Artery OcclusionAnthony Larson; John Chen; M. Tariq Bhatti; James Klaas; Giuseppe Lanzino; John Huston; Waleed BrinjikjiNANOS Annual Meeting 2021: Scientific Platform I
2886 Frequency of Carotid Intraplaque Hemorrhage on Vessel Wall Imaging in Patients with Retinal Artery OcclusionAnthony Larson; John Chen; M. Tariq Bhatti; James Klaas; Giuseppe Lanzino; John Huston; Waleed BrinjikjiNANOS Annual Meeting 2021: Scientific Platform Session I
2887 Frequency of Carotid Intraplaque Hemorrhage on Vessel Wall Imaging in Patients with Retinal Artery OcclusionAnthony Larson; John Chen; M. Tariq Bhatti; James Klaas; Giuseppe Lanzino; John Huston; Waleed BrinjikjiNANOS Annual Meeting 2021: Scientific Platform Session I
2888 Frequency of Involvement of the Different Extra-ocular Muscles in Myasthenia GravisYehoshua Almog; Merav AlmogNANOS 2011: Poster Presentations
2889 Frequency of Radiologic Features of Intracranial Hypertension in Patients With Spontaneous Cerebrospinal Fluid LeaksKevin Chodnicki; Mary Maher; Stacey Gray; Bart ChwaliszNANOS Annual Meeting 2021: Poster Session II: Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH)
2890 FRMD7 Variants Associated with Congenital Nystagmus in Korean PopulationEun Hye Oh; Hyung-Keun Kim; Jae-Ho Jung; Kwang-Dong Choi; Seung-Han Lee; Jae-Hwan ChoiNANOS 2017: Poster Presentations
2891 From Pedigree to Positional CloningJohn B. Kerrison, MDNANOS 2002: Genetics
2892 From William Harvey to Harvey Cushing: Incorporating Emissary Veins on the Cusp of the Final FrontierCameron F. Parsa; DaeHee KimNANOS 2013: Poster Presentations
2893 Frontal Intracranial Intraparenchymal Schwannoma; A Rare EntityMichael Vaphiades; Jennifer DoyleNANOS 2014: Poster Presentations
2894 Frontiers in Visual Cotext DevelopmentCarla J. ShatzNANOS 1996: Ambylopia Symposium
2895 Frozen Eye in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST): Who is Guilty? Imatinib or metastasisMariana de Virgiliis; Anahi Lupinacci; Mariana Rodriquez Zubieta; Pablo Aguirre; Carlos Silva; Matias Najum; Justina Martinez; Sebastian Battaglia; Mario Saravia; Tisi Bana MatiasNAM 2019: Poster Session I: Clinical Highlights in Neuro-Ophthalmology
2896 Full-Field Chromatic Pupillometry in the Assessment of the Post-Illumination Pupil Response Driven by Melanopsin-containing Retinal Ganglion CellsShao-bo Lei; Mano M. Chandrakumar; Herbert C. Goltz; Agnes WongNANOS 2014: Scientific Platform Presentations (Session 1)
2897 Full-Field Chromatic Pupillometry in the Assessment of the Post-Illumination Pupil Response Driven by Melanopsin-containing Retinal Ganglion CellsShao-bo Lei; Mano M. Chandrakumar; Herbert C. Goltz; Agnes WongNANOS 2014: Scientific Platform Presentations (Session 1)
2898 Fulminant Sequential Optic Neuropathies Secondary to Hemophagocytic LymphohistiocytosisMatthew P. Quinn; Jacob Rullo; James Farmer; Martin ten HoveNANOS Annual Meeting 2022: Poster Session I: Neuro-Ophthalmic Disorders of Neurologic and Systemic Diseases
2899 Functional Anatomy of the Extraocular Muscle PulleysJoseph L. Demer, MD, PhDNANOS 2004: Motility Symposium
2900 Functional and Factitial Visual LossMichael L. Slavin, MDNANOS 1989: Iatrogenic Neuro-Ophthalmic Disorders Symposium
2876 - 2900 of 8,104