226 - 250 of 244
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TitleCreatorDateDescriptionRelation Is Part Of
226 Professional Liability Section SurveyCardeña, Melissa House2017Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs) and Certified Midwives (CMs) face litigation and liability in their clinical practice. The Professional Liability Section (PLS) of the American College of Nurse Midwives (ACNM) has conducted surveys in the past to understand the issues surrounding litigation in CNM an...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
227 Prevalence of Suicide Risk Factors among Emergency Medical Services Providers in UtahMills, Gordon2017Emergency Medical Services (EMS) providers suffer a higher rate of suicide than the general population. National statistics show an age adjusted rate of 13.0 suicides per 100,000 in the general population. However, EMS providers have been shown to have suicide rates of 17.2 to 30.5 suicides per 100,...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
228 Eating Disorder Screening and Treatment Protocol in a Student Health Care SettingHarvey, Rebecca2017Anorexia nervosa has the highest fatality rate of any identified psychological disorder (Eating Disorders, 2013; Guarda, 2015). Risk of premature death is 6 to 12 times higher in women with anorexia nervosa compared to the general population, adjusting for age (Academy for Eating Disorders [AED], 20...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
229 Complicated Grief Screening for VeteransHaynes, Lara Burns2017Complicated grief (CG) is grief experienced over a prolonged period of time that negatively affects physical, mental, and social health. Rates of alcoholism, insomnia, psychiatric disorders, physical illness, and death are all higher in people who are experiencing CG. Estimated prevalence of CG in b...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
230 Delirium Management in the Intensive Care UnitJarvis, Matthew2017Delirium is a cognitive impairment that includes an altered level of consciousness, disorganized thinking and inattention. Hospitalized patients, especially those critically ill, are at an increased risk for developing acute delirium during the hospital stay. Delirium in the intensive care unit (ICU...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
231 Improving Screening and Referral for Violence Against Women: Interpersonal Violence and Adverse Childhood ExperiencesMiller, Emily S.2017This project has an overall goal of improving screening and referral for violence against women, and specifically targets intimate partner violence (IPV) and adverse childhood experiences (ACE). In 1995, the CDC and Kaiser Permanente discovered an exposure that dramatically increased the risk for se...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
232 Improving Health Provider Knowledge of Autoerotic and Erotic AsphyxiationHeller, Katherine2016The goal of this project is to increase DNP students' knowledge about autoerotic (AEA) and erotic asphyxiation practices (EA) among patients in the clinical setting. An educational session was created to improve student knowledge of these practices. An assessment before and after the educational ses...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
233 Association Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Military Sexual TraumaQian, Xinyi2016The role adverse childhood experiences (ACE) play on one's physical and mental health has become more understood over the past several years. A strong and graded relationship has been identified between the level of traumatic stress in childhood and poor physical and mental health in adulthood. Mili...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
234 Shadow Health DCE™ Implemented in a BS-MS Online Physical Assessment CourseCox, Kristen2016Graduate nursing students are expected to have advanced knowledge in the 3 Ps: physical assessment, pharmacology, and physiology according to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) requirements. A high-fidelity virtual patient online simulation program (Shadow Health Digital Clinical...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
235 Identifying Barriers in Meeting the 2-Day Post Discharge Telephone Call: A National Veteran's Hospital Performance MeasureValentine, Deborah2015In order to improve the quality of health care to the nation's veterans, the Veteran's Health Administration (VHA) adopted a patient-centered medical home model in 2011. They refer to it as the Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT). As part of this transition many new performance measures were introduced...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
236 Developing a Successful Implementation Plan for a Diabetes Self-Management Support ProgramHardwick, Dawn I.2015This Doctor of Nursing Practice Scholarly Project addressed provider and healthcare team support for a diabetes self-management support (DSMS) program in a community health clinic system. The clinic is currently participating in a National Institute of Health (NIH) study and anticipates clinic-wide ...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
237 Improving Care Delivery to Patients Through Multiple-Patient Simulation ExperiencePrince, Wende2015Simulation-based learning is part of the standard curriculum in many nursing programs across the nation. However, most simulation experiences focus on single-patient scenarios. This focus does not reflect the reality of professional clinical settings, in which nurses take care of multiple patients s...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
238 Nurses' Use of the TBM for Heart Failure Patients' Self-Care Management after Hospital DischargeDalling, Jo Ann2015Heart failure (HF) currently affects 6.5 million adults in the United States and its prevalence is projected to increase by 25% by 2030. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has mandated reporting of hospital-level 30-day readmission rates and possible penalties for HF in an effort to improv...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
239 Development of a Provider Treatment Toolkit for Postpartum DepressionJohnson, Erika2015The purpose of this project was to focus provider efforts on the diagnosis, treatment and referral for postpartum depression (PPD) in the clinical setting through the use of a PPD treatment toolkit. The objectives of this project were to develop a PPD treatment toolkit that provided assessment tools...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
240 Addressing Access to Diabetes Education in a Rural Hispanic PopulationWebster, Scott2015Diabetes education continues to demonstrate improved outcomes in the increasing population of patients with diabetes. Despite research clearly supporting diabetes education, many adults in Utah do not access diabetes self-management education. Additionally, Hispanic adults have significant barriers ...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
241 Educating Intra-partum Nurses on Quality Maternity CareFullmer, Che'Lyn Crapo2015For the past several decades the use of routine birth interventions, such as continuous electronic fetal monitoring (cEFM) has been on the rise. Despite the increasing use of this interventions as a bio-medical model of care, 1 in 3 women gave birth via cesarean in 2011, and nearly ¼ of those opera...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
242 Screening for Toxic Stress In The 4 Year Old ChildWhite, Alexandria2015Introduction: The purpose of this project was to assist an urban clinic in implementing a quality improvement (QI) project to screen 4-year-old children at well child visits for symptoms of toxic stress, and to assist with the development and implementation of a sustainability plan. Problem Statemen...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
243 Integrating Refugee Youth Mental Health Screenings into the Domestic Refugee Medical ExaminationChapman, Diane2015Refugees are people displaced from their native countries and unable to return due to a fear of persecution. Refugees often experience cumulative stressors during the preflight, flight, and resettlement periods. Refugees of all ages have considerable risks for the development of mental distress. A h...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
244 Bulimia Management in a Primary Care SettingGalbraith, Brianne Moffitt2014Bulimia nervosa is psychiatric condition characterized by self-induced vomiting, laxative abuse, diuretic use or excessive exercising (Frank et al., 2012). Bulimia can result in various medical complications. Subsequently, patients who suffer from bulimia initially seek care from their primary care ...Graduate Nursing Project, Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
226 - 250 of 244