151 - 175 of 1,080
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151 Dialogo del Fausto da Longiano : del modo de lo tradurre d'una in altra lingua segondo le regole mostrate da Cicerone1556
152 Dialogo di Galileo Galilei Linceo matematico sopraordinario dello studio di Pisa : e filosofo, e matematico primario del Serenissimo Gr. Duca di Toscana : doue ne i congressi di quattro giornate si discorre sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo tolemaico, e copernicano : proponendo indeterminatamente le ragioni filosofiche, e naturali tanto per l'vna, quanto per l'altra parte.1632Text
153 Dialogue Between a Member of Parliament and his Servant1752Text
154 Dictionary of the English Language, Vol. 21785Text
155 Dictionary of the English Language, Vol. I1785Text
156 Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Species1877Text
157 Dissertatio epistolica de bombyce1669Text
158 Dog-Sledges of the Mandan Indians1840-06-01Image
159 Dog-Sledges of the Mandan Indians1840-06-01Image
160 Draft agreement for a League of Nations, presented to the plenary iInter-allied conference of February 14, 1919.1919Text
161 The dreadful sufferings and thrilling adventures of an overland party of emigrants to California: their terrible conflicts with savage tribes of Indians and Mexican bands of robbers, with marriage, funeral, and other interesting ceremonies and customs of Indian life in the Far West1850Text
162 The Earth and its celestial circles.1661Image
163 Echoes of Harpers Ferry1860Text
164 Effects of Cross and Self Fertilization in the Vegetable Kingdom1876Text
165 Ek tōn Diōnos tou Nikaeōs Rōmaikōn historiōn, apo Pompēiou Magnou mechris Alexandrou tou Mamaias, epitomē Iōannou tou Xiphilinou1551Text
166 Elementa geometriae1482Text
167 Elkhorn Pyramid, On the Upper Missouri1842-02-01Image
168 Elkhorn Pyramid, On the Upper Missouri1842-02-01Image
169 Emancipation1840Text
170 Embassy from the East-India company of the United Provinces, to the Grand Tartar Cham : Emperour of China1669Text
171 The emigrant's guide to the western and southwestern states and territories : comprising a geographical and statistical description of the states, ouisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Ohio ; the territories of Alabama, Missouri, and Michigan ; and the western parts of Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New-York...1818Text
172 The emigrants' guide to California : containing every point of information for the emigrant -- including routes, distances, water, grass, timber, crossing of rivers, passes, altitudes, with a large map of routes, and profile of country, &c., with full directions for testing and assaying gold and other ores1849Text
173 Encampment of the Piekann Indians1839-08-15Image
174 Encampment of the Piekann Indians1839-08-15Image
175 Encampment of the Travellers on the Missouri1841-07-01Image
151 - 175 of 1,080