401 - 500 of 1,090
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401 Incipit liber Abraham iudei de natiuitatibus1485Text
402 Incipiu[n]t Sermones Sancti Augustini ad heremitas [et] nonnulli ad sacerdotes suos: [et] ad aliquos alios1487Text
403 Indian Emperour, or, The conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards1667Text
404 Indian Utensils and Arms1841-06-01Image
405 Indian Utensils and Arms1841-06-01Image
406 Indian Utensils and Arms.1840-04-01Image
407 Indian Utensils and Arms.1840-04-01Image
408 Indians Hunting the Bison1839-10-01Image
409 Indians Hunting the Bison1839-10-01Image
410 Indigenous Races of the Earth1857Text
411 Insectivorous Plants1875Text
412 Institutiones rei herbariae, Volume 11719Text
413 Institutiones rei herbariae, Volume 21719Text
414 Institutiones rei herbariae, Volume 31719Text
415 Intercourses of Divine Love Betwixt Christ and the Church, of the Particular Believing-Soul; as Metaphorically Expressed by Solomon in the First Chapter of the Canticles1676Text
416 Interior of a Hut of a Mandan Chief1841-03-01Image
417 Interior of a Hut of a Mandan Chief1841-03-01Image
418 Intimations of immortality from recollections of early childhood1903Text
419 introduction to physic and surgery, containing I. Medicinal institutionts, or physiology, hygieine, patholoy, semeiotice, and therapeutice. II. A compedious system of anatomy. III. A general account of wounds, ulcers, tumors, operations, and dressings; as also, the medicines used in surgery. IV. Botany and the materia medica. V. Pharmacy, as well chemical as Galenical. VI. A dispensatory, containing a great variety of the most efficacious officinal compositions, and extemporaneous prescriptions. VII. A syllabus of the symptoms of all the diseases incident to the human body. VIII. An index of diseases and their remedies. IX. A posologic table, containing the doses of all the simples and compounds. X. An explanation of the terms of art, accented as they are to be pronounced1754Text
420 Ischoha-Kakoschochata, Dance of the Mandan Indians1840-11-01Image
421 Ischoha-Kakoschochata, Dance of the Mandan Indians1840-11-01Image
422 Island Life: or, The Phenomena and Causes of Insular...1880Text
423 Journal des sçavans 16731673Text
424 Journal des sçavans 1706 Jan-Apr1706Text
425 Journal des sçavans 1706 May-Aug1706Text
426 Journal des sçavans 1706 Sept-Dec1706Text
427 Journal of Researches in Geology and Natural History of the Various Countries Visted by H.M.S. Beagle1839Text
428 Journal of the voyages and travels of a corps of discovery : under the command of Capt. Lewis and Capt. Clarke of the Army of the United States, from the mouth of the river Missouri through the interior parts of North America to the Pacific Ocean, during the years 1804, 1805 & 1806. Containing an authentic relation of the most interesting transactions during the expedition,--a description of the country,--and an account of its inhabitants, soil, climate, curiosities and vegetable and animal productions1807Text
429 Junction of the Yellow Stone River with the Missouri1839-01-01Image
430 Junction of the Yellow Stone River with the Missouri1839-01-01Image
431 Juzʼ al-rābiʻmin Khulāṣat al-afkār fī fann al-miʻmār1902Text
432 Kainē Diathēkē1534Text
433 Karl Bodmer's Aquatints: the Changing Image1990-06Text
434 King Albert's book : a tribute to the Belgian king and people from representative men and women throughout the world.1914Text
435 Kitab Dalayil al khayrat1600; 1601; 1602; 1603; 1604; 1605; 1606; 1607; 1608; 1609; 1610; 1611; 1612; 1613; 1614; 1615; 1616; 1617; 1618; 1619; 1620; 1621; 1622; 1623; 1624; 1625; 1626; 1627; 1628; 1629; 1630; 1631; 1632; 1633; 1634; 1635; 1636; 1637; 1638; 1639; 1640; 1641; 1642; 1643; 1644; 1645; 1646; 1647; 1648; 1649; ...Text
436 Kitāb al-Manhal al-ṣāfī fī manāqib al-Sayyid Ḥasanayn al-Ḥaṣāfī1912Text
437 Kitāb Dalāyil al-khayrāt wa-shawāriq al-anwār fī dhikr al-ṣalawāh ʻalá al-nabī al-mukhtārText
438 Kitāb-i tarbiyat al-banāt : barā-yi taʻlīm va taʻallum-i ṭāyifah-ʼi inās̲īyah taʼlīf shudah ast1906Text
439 Kriegsaufsätze1915Text
440 L'isole piv famose del mondo1572Text
441 Laid And Wove1923Text
442 The Lantern, 1891-031891Text
443 The Lantern, 1891-041891Text
444 The Lantern, 1891-051891Text
445 The Lantern, 1891-061891Text
446 The Lantern, 1891-101891Text
447 The Lantern, 1891-111891Text
448 The Lantern, 1891-121891Text
449 The Lantern, 1892-011892Text
450 The Lantern, 1892-021892Text
451 The Lantern, 1892-041892Text
452 The Lantern, 1892-051892Text
453 The Lantern, 1892-061892Text
454 Last Poems of James Russell Lowell1895Text
455 Law and the People1913Text
456 Laysa fī al-imkān abdaʻ mimmā kāna fī taʼwīl mā shajara bayna al-ṣaḥābah bi-al-bayān wa-fī bayān mā lillāh fī al-khilāf wa-al-muqābalah bayna al-nās min al-ḥikmah al-bālighah1903Text
457 Leading facts of New Mexican history, volume 11911Text
458 Leading facts of New Mexican history, volume 21911Text
459 Lectures on the Elements of Comparative Anatomy1864Text
460 Letter from Edmund Burke, Esq., one of the representatives in Parliament for the city of Bristol, to John Farr, and John Harris, esqus. sheriffs of that city, on the affairs of America, particularly the suspension of the law of "habias corpus."1777Text
461 Letter to Sir J--- B---, by birth a Swede, but naturaliz'd and a m----r of the present P---t: concerning the late Minehead doctrine which was established by a certain free parliament of Sweden, to the utter enslaving of that Kingdom.1711Text
462 Lettere scientifiche : ed erudite.1721Text
463 Letters from Francis Parkman to E.G. Squier : with bibliographical notes and a bibliography of E.G. Squier1911Text
464 Lettres et entretiens sur la danse ancienne, moderne, religieuse, civile, et théâtrale1824Text
465 Lettres sur la danse, et sur les ballets1760Text
466 Leviathan, or, The matter, forme, and power of a common-wealth, ecclesiasticall and civill1651Text
467 Liberty Bell1853Text
468 Libro di Mormon : ragguaglio scritto per mano di Mormon, sopra tavole prese fra le tavole di NefiText
469 The life and adventures of James P. Beckwourth, mountaineer, scout, and pioneer, and Chief of the Crow nation of Indians1856Text
470 Life of Andrew Jackson, major-general in the service of the United States1817Text
471 Life of David Garrick, esq. Vol. 11801Text
472 Life of David Garrick, esq. Vol. 21801Text
473 Life Work of Dard Hunter : a progressive illustrated assemblage of his works as artist, craftsman, author, papermaker, and printer. Volume 1.1981Text
474 Life Work of Dard Hunter : a progressive illustrated assemblage of his works as artist, craftsman, author, papermaker, and printer. Volume 2.1981Text
475 Lily and the Totem, or, The Hugenots in Florida, A Series of Sketches, picturesque and Historical, of the Colonies of Coligni, in North America. 1562-1570. By the author of "The Yemassee"1850Text
476 Literature of Papermaking 1390-18001925Text
477 M. Accii Plauti comoediae, volume 11679Text
478 M. Vitruvii viri suae professionis peritissimi, De architectura libri decem1543Text
479 Magic Pile Erected by the Assiniboin Indians1839-05-01Image
480 Magic Pile Erected by the Assiniboin Indians1839-05-01Image
481 Mahsette-Kiuab, Chief of the Cree-Indians1839-01-01Image
482 Mahsette-Kiuab, Chief of the Cree-Indians1839-01-01Image
483 Management of the War. In a Letter to a Tory-Member.1711Text
484 Mandeh-Pahchu, A Young Mandan Indian1840-11-01Image
485 Mandeh-Pahchu, A Young Mandan Indian1840-11-01Image
486 Manuel complet de la danse : comprenant la théorie, la pratique et l'histoire de cet art depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours : à l'usage des amateurs et des professeurs1830Text
487 Map of Park City Mines, including Uintah, Blue Ledge, Snake Creek, American Fork, and Big and Little Cottonwood mining districts, Utah1908Image
488 Map of the Old World, with climate and meridians.1661Image
489 Marcelli Malpighi : Opera posthuma, figuris aeneis illustrata1697Text
490 Massachusetts in Mourning1854Text
491 Massachusetts Proposition for Abolishing the Slave Representation as Guaranteed by the Constitution1845Text
492 Massachusetts, an old and prosperous democracy and a safe social order : an address1905Text
493 Massika, Saki Indian. Wakusasse, Musquake Indian1841-10-01Image
494 Massika, Saki Indian. Wakusasse, Musquake Indian1841-10-01Image
495 Mato-Tope, A Mandan Chief1839-05-01Image
496 Mato-Tope, Adorned with the Insignia of his Warlike Deeds1839-01-01Image
497 Mato-Tope, Adorned with the Insignia of his Warlike Deeds1839-01-01Image
498 Mehkskeme-Sukahs, Blackfoot chief. Tatsicki-Stomick, Piekann chief1840-01-01Image
499 Mehkskeme-Sukahs, Blackfoot chief. Tatsicki-Stomick, Piekann chief1840-01-01Image
500 Memorie istoriche ed edificanti d'un missionario apostolico dell'ordine dei predicatori fra varie tribù de selvaggi e fra i cattolici e'protestanti negli Stati-Uniti d'America.1844Text
401 - 500 of 1,090