201 - 400 of 396
Number of results to display per page
TitleAlternative Title
201 Plate 201Valley at the mouth of Cochetopa Pass, composite drawing and photograph.
202 Plate 202Razor Creek near its junction with Cochetopa Creek
203 Plate 203Three sketches with minimally helpful titles drawn on one sheet by Richard Kern from near Gunnison, CO, along Cochetopa (Tomichi) Creek near its junction with the Grand (today Gunnison) River.
204 Plate 204Photograph by Robert Shlaer of lower Razor Creek
205 Plate 205Composite sketch and photograph of the view down Razor Creek Valley as it joins Cochetopa Creek
206 Plate 206Western slopes of Sah-Watch Mts, sketch
207 Plate 207West end of Coo-che-to-pa Pass, sketch
208 Plate 208Rock outcrops, sketch
209 Plate 209Rock outcrops, photograph
210 Plate 210Rock outcrops, composite sketch and photograph
211 Plate 211View up Grand River (first mesa), sketch
212 Plate 212View up Grand River (first mesa), photograph
213 Plate 213View up Grand River (first mesa), composite sketch and photograph
214 Plate 214On Grand River, sketch
215 Plate 215On Grand River, photograph
216 Plate 216On Grand River, composite sketch and photograph
217 Plate 217From Camp, Sept. 7th, on Grand River (two sketches)
218 Plate 218From Camp, Sept. 7th, on Grand River, sketch
219 Plate 219Grand River from Sept. 7th camp, photograph
220 Plate 220From Camp, Sept. 7th, on Grand River, composite sketch and photograph
221 Plate 221On Grand River,from Camp, Sept. 7th, sketch
222 Plate 222On Grand River,from Camp, Sept. 7th, photograph
223 Plate 223On Grand River,from Camp, Sept. 7th, composite sketch and photograph
224 Plate 224Valley of Grand River, Sept. 8th, sketch
225 Plate 225Valley of Gunnison River and Blue Mesa Reservoir, photograph
226 Plate 226Valley of Grand River, Sept. 8th, composite sketch and photograph
227 Plate 227On Twin Creek, Grand River country, sketch
228 Plate 228On Twin Creek, Grand River country, photograph
229 Plate 229On Twin Creek, Grand River country, composite sketch and photograph
230 Plate 230Grand River, Sept. 7th, 1853, sketch
231 Plate 231Grand River, color photograph
232 Plate 232Grand River, composite sketch and photograph
233 Plate 233Sept 7th on Grand River, sketch
234 Plate 234Blue Mesa Reservoir color photograph
235 Plate 235Grand River, composite sketch and photograph
236 Plate 236Side valley of Grand River, sketch
237 Plate 237Side valley of Grand River, photograph
238 Plate 238Side valley of Grand River, composite sketch and photograph
239 Plate 239Affluent of Grand R, Sept 8th
240 Plate 240Grand River Canon, Sept 8th, 1853, sketch
241 Plate 241Northern slope on Grand R., Sept 8th, sketch
242 Plate 242View of ordinary lateral ravines on Grand River (Stanley lithograph from R. H. Kern sketch)
243 Plate 243Lateral ravines on Grand River, composite of Kern sketch and Stanley lithograph
244 Plate 244Grand River Canon, panoramic photograph
245 Plate 245Grand River canyon, composite of panoramic photograph and two sketches
246 Plate 246Side canyon of Grand R, sketch
247 Plate 247Canon of Grand River [Lake Fork], Sept 13th [i.e. 9th], sketch
248 Plate 248Grand River [Lake Fork] Canon , Sept 9th, sketch
249 Plate 249Grand River Canon , Sept 9th; Lake Fork, Sept. 10th (two sketches)
250 Plate 250Grand River canyon and side canyons, Sept. 9: three sketches as a panorama
251 Plate 251Lake Fork of the Grand River seen from Sapinero Mesa, panoramic photograph
252 Plate 252Lake Fork of the Grand (Gunnison) River, composite of a panoramic photograph and three adjacent sketches
253 Plate 253Lake Fork, Sept. 10th [i.e. 9th], sketch
254 Plate 254Lake Fork, photograph
255 Plate 255View west from Lake Fork, composite sketch and photograph
256 Plate 256View showing the formation of the Canon of Grand River, Stanley lithograph from sketch by F. W. Egloffstein
257 Plate 257Upper reaches of the Black Canyon of the Gunnison
258 Plate 258Sketch looking northward from Pine Creek Mesa up Salt Creek Canyon
259 Plate 259Salt Creek Canyon photograph
260 Plate 260Salt Creek Canyon, composite sketch and photograph
261 Plate 261Grand River Canon (leaving the river), Sept. 10th, sketch
262 Plate 262Canon on Grand R, sketch
263 Plate 263Grand R. canons, sketch
264 Plate 264Grand River, sketch
265 Plate 265Grand River, sketch
266 Plate 266Grand River, two sketches
267 Plate 267Grand River canons, sketch
268 Plate 268Rock hills between Green and White rivers, Stanley lithograph from Kern sketch
269 Plate 269Litho: "Rock hills between Green and White Rivers: drawing: ‘Grand River Canyons' composite sketch and lithograph
270 Plate 270Color photograph looking north from Pine Creek toward the Grand River
271 Plate 271Rock hills between Green and White Rivers [Grand River Canyons], composite sketch and photograph
272 Plate 272Stanley drawing related to his lithograph of Grand (Gunnison) River canyon
273 Plate 273Grand River canons, two superimposed drawings
274 Plate 274Un-com-pah-gre Mts, sketch
275 Plate 275Uncompahrgre country, color photograph
276 Plate 276Juxtaposition of two sketches and a photograph of the slopes of Pine Creek Mesa, Uncompahgre country
277 Plate 277Valley of the Cebolla Cr., sketch
278 Plate 278Summit of the nearest ridges south of Grand River, Stanley lithograph from Kern sketch
279 Plate 279Cebolla Creek (today Blue Creek drainage) and summit of ridges south of Grand River, composite sketch and lithograph
280 Plate 280Valley of the Blue Creek, photograph
281 Plate 281Valley of the Blue Creek, composite sketch and photograph
282 Plate 282From Camp 62, Sept. 12th, 1853, sketch
283 Plate 283Camp 62 along US Highway 50 and the Little Cimarron River
284 Plate 284Camp 62, composite sketch and photograph
285 Plate 285Un-com-pah-gre Mts, Sept. 18th, south of Grand River, firstsketch
286 Plate 286Uncompahgre Mountains, photograph
287 Plate 287Uncompahgre Mountains, composite of the first photograph and the first sketch
288 Plate 288Uncompahgre Mountains Sep. 14th [i.e. 13th], sketch
289 Plate 289Uncompahgre Mountains, two sketches of the same scene juxtaposed
290 Plate 290Uncompahgre Mountains, photograph
291 Plate 291Uncompahgre Mountains, composite sketch and photograph
292 Plate 292Elk Mts, sketch
293 Plate 293Elk Mountains, photograph
294 Plate 294Elk Mountains, composite sketch and photograph
295 Plate 295Salt Creek Canon, Sept. 21st, 1853, sketch
296 Plate 296Salt Creek Canyon, photograph
297 Plate 297Salt Creek Canyon, composite sketch and photograph
298 Plate 298Desert between Grand and Green R, sketch
299 Plate 299Desert between Grand and Green R, Sept. 28, sketch
300 Plate 300Desert between Grand and Green River, photograph
301 Plate 301Desert between Grand and Green River, composite sketch and photograph
302 Plate 302Desert between Grand and Green R, Sept. 28, sketch
303 Plate 303Desert between Grand and Green River, photograph
304 Plate 304Desert between Grand and Green River, composite sketch and photograph
305 Plate 305Book (Henry) Mts Sept 29th, sketch
306 Plate 306Henry Mountains, photograph
307 Plate 307Book Cliffs, composite sketch and photograph
308 Plate 308Sketch of the San Rafael Reef on the center-left and the Beckwith Plateau on the right
309 Plate 309Book Mts (San Rafael Reef and Beckwith Plateau) Sept 29th and Entering Sevier R. from Wah-satch Pass: two sketches
310 Plate 310San Rafael Reef and Beckwith Plateau, photograph
311 Plate 311Book Cliffs (San Rafael Reef and Beckwith Plateau), composite sketch and photograph
312 Plate 312Green River country, sketch
313 Plate 313Green River country, photograph
314 Plate 314Green River country, composite sketch and photograph
315 Plate 315Green River, Oct. 1, sketch
316 Plate 316View of the Roan or Book Mountains, lithograph
317 Plate 317Green River and Book Cliffs, composite sketch and lithograph
318 Plate 318Green River and Book Cliffs, photograph
319 Plate 319Green River and Book Cliffs, composite sketch and photograph
320 Plate 320Rock Hills, Oct. 2nd, sketch
321 Plate 321Rock Hills panoramic photograph
322 Plate 322Rock Hills, composite sketch and photograph
323 Plate 323From Camp 81 on White River at Sunset on Oct. 4, near to the Spanish Trail, sketch
324 Plate 324White River near the Spanish Trail, photograph
325 Plate 325White River near the Spanish Trail, composite sketch and photograph
326 Plate 326On Clever Creek, Oct 5, sketch
327 Plate 327Clever Creek, photograph
328 Plate 328Clever Creek, composite sketch and photograph
329 Plate 329On the Garambulla Creek, Oct 10, sketch
330 Plate 330Garambulla Creek, photograph
331 Plate 331Garambulla Creek, composite sketch and photograph
332 Plate 332Near Wah-satch Pass, Oct. 12, sketch
333 Plate 333Near Wasatch Pass, photograph
334 Plate 334Near Wasatch Pass, composite sketch and photograph
335 Plate 335Little Mountains, sketch
336 Plate 336Little Mountains, photograph
337 Plate 337Little Mountains, composite sketch and photograph
338 Plate 338Bluff and pictograph: two sketches
339 Plate 339Sierra de Wahsatch on White Pine Creek, Oct. 14, sketch
340 Plate 340Wasatch Mountains, White Pine Creek, photograph
341 Plate 341Wasatch Mountains, White Pine Creek, composite sketch and photograph
342 Plate 342Entering Sevier R valley from Wah-satch Pass, Oct. 17, sketch
343 Plate 343Entering Sevier River valley from Wasatch Pass, photograph
344 Plate 344Entering Sevier River valley from Wasatch Pass, composite sketch and photograph
345 Plate 345Kah-kah-nak-ah-rah-nit, Wah-satch Mts, Oct. 19, sketch
346 Plate 346Kah-kah-nak-ah-rah-nit, Wah-satch Mts, photograph
347 Plate 347Kah-kah-nak-ah-rah-nit, Wah-satch Mts, composite sketch and photograph
348 Plate 348From Mormon Bridge, Sevier River, Oct_20th, sketch in three parts
349 Plate 349From Mormon Bridge, Sevier River, Oct_20th, panorama sketch
350 Plate 350From Mormon Bridge, Sevier River, Oct. 20th, photograph
351 Plate 351From Mormon Bridge, Sevier River, Oct. 20th, composite sketch and photograph
352 Plate 352Wah-satch Mts, Oct. 21, sketch in two parts
353 Plate 353Wah-satch Mts, Oct. 21, panoramic sketch
354 Plate 354Wasatch Mountains, panoramic photograph
355 Plate 355Wasatch Mountains, composite panoramic sketch and photograph
356 Plate 356Great Basin, Oct 25,1854, sketch in three parts
357 Plate 357Great Basin, Oct 25,1854, panoramic sketch
358 Plate 358Panoramic photograph
359 Plate 359Mountains Northeast of Camp 98
360 Plate 360Jo-on-Kah-Pa-ga-mu, sketch
361 Plate 361Jo-on-Kah-Pa-ga-mu, photograph
362 Plate 362Jo-on-Kah-Pa-ga-mu, composite sketch and photograph
363 Plate 363Trees, sketch
364 Plate 364Rocky Mts Formation, sketch
365 Plate 365Wah-satch Mts, sketch
366 Plate 366Rocky Mts, sketch
367 Plate 367Sierra Blanca, sketch
368 Plate 368Plains, sketch
369 Plate 369Rock formation, sketch
370 Plate 370Papoose sketch
371 Plate 371Wooded butte, sketch
372 Plate 372Trees, sketch
373 Plate 373Wah-satch Mts, sketch
374 Plate 374Wah-satch Mts, sketch
375 Plate 375Rocky Mts, sketch
376 Plate 376Mount Shasta, multiple sketches
377 Plate 377Shasta from Mt Observation, sketch
378 Plate 378Madelin Pass from Mount Observation, June 19th, 1854
379 Plate 379Madelin Pass, Shasta segment, with Shasta drawing from Mt Observation inserted
380 Plate 380Shasta, 12-19_June, sketch
381 Plate 381Madelin Pass, Shasta segment, with Shasta drawing inserted
382 Plate 382Northern slopes of the Sierra Nevada, June 30th, 1854, Schumann lithograph from Eggloffstein
383 Plate 383From First Canon, sketch
384 Plate 384Shasta, composite of engraving, sketch, and photograph
385 Plate 385West end of Madelin Pass, June 26, 1854, Schumann lithograph from Eggloffstein
386 Plate 386Shasta, 3-26 June
387 Plate 387West end of Madelin Pass, composite engraving with Shasta sketch
388 Plate 388Portion of the main mountain passage of the upper Sacramento of Pitt River, Schumann lithograph from Eggloffstein
389 Plate 389Shasta, composite of photograph and sketch from Camp 27 and 28
390 Map 4 25%Explorations and surveys for a rail road route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean: route near the 41st paralle, Map no. 4, from the valley of the Mud Lakes to the Pacific Ocean, from explorations and surveys... by Capt. E. G. Beckwith, 3d Artillery
391 Map 1 25%Explorations and surveys for a rail road route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean: route near the 41st parallel, Map no. 1, from the valley of the Green River to the Great Salt Lake, from explorations and surveys... by Capt. E. G. Beckwith, 3d Artillery (copy 1)
392 Map 4Explorations and surveys for a rail road route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean: route near the 41st paralle, Map no. 4, from the valley of the Mud Lakes to the Pacific Ocean, from explorations and surveys... by Capt. E. G. Beckwith, 3d Artillery
393 Full Route Map 480px hExplorations and surveys for a rail road route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean: route near the 38th and 39th parallels: composite of maps 1 to 4 (copy 2)
394 Full Route Map 25%Explorations and surveys for a rail road route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean: route near the 38th and 39th parallels: composite of maps 1 to 4 (copy 1)
395 Map 1Explorations and surveys for a rail road route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean: route near the 41st parallel, Map no. 1, from the valley of the Green River to the Great Salt Lake, from explorations and surveys... by Capt. E. G. Beckwith, 3d Artillery (copy 2)
396 Full Route Map 50%Explorations and surveys for a rail road route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean: route near the 38th and 39th parallels: composite of maps 1 to 4 (copy 3)
201 - 400 of 396