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1 Warner, Homer R."Painless" Myocardial InfarctionBiomedical Informatics1951
2 Warner, Homer R.A "Link Trainer" for the Coronary Care UnitBiomedical Informatics1968
3 Jones, David T.A comparative study of certain goblet cellsThe origin of the primordial droplets has been rightly given the primary place in the study of secretion. Bowen has limited the term secretion to the actual synthesis of these droplets from cytoplasmic materials, which limitation we shall accept. The secondary problems in this field concern chieflly...1937-06
4 Mulaik, Dorothea De MuthA comparative study of the urinogenital systems of an oviparous and two ovoviviparous species of the lizard genus sceloporusIn the comparative study of the urinogenital systems of the American lizards by Brooks (1906), all the species studied by him were oviparous. One of the genera, Sceloporus, is now known to contain ovoviviparous forms as well. The presence of both oviparity and ovoviviparity in the same genus suggest...1946-11-20
5 Chamberlin, Ralph V.A descriptive catalog of the Mollusca of UtahIn the preparation of this bulletin an effort has been made to bring together what was previously known of recent Utah mollusks and to incorporate with this the results of the authors' special studies. The form of presentation has been determined by the fact that, in the first place, the paper is in...1929-06
6 Warnock, John E.A hidden line algorithm for halftone picture representationIn exploring applications in computer graphics, one finds quickly that the representation of three dimensional objects in picture form is both a desirable and necessary capability. Applications dealing with any form of spatial design or with visual environment simulation need the ability to represen...Halftone picture representation; Spatial design1968
7 Chamberlin, Ralph VaryA hundred new species of American spidersIn this paper, we describe a hundred new species of American spiders, most of them from North America, with a few from South America. These are a part of the new species which have been accumulating in the collection of the University of Utah, as well as several from the collections of the Field Mus...1942-06-30
8 Warner, Homer R.A Mathematical Approach to Medical Diagnosis: Application to Polycythemic States Utilizing Clinical Findings with Values Continuously DistributedBiomedical Informatics1969
9 Chamberlin, Ralph V.A new genus in the family agelenidaeMr. J. H. Emerton in 1911 described a new species of spiders under the name Liocranum calcaratum, mistakenly placing it in the family Clubionidae (Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts and Sci., vol. X V I , p. 402, pi. V, ff. 4 -4 f ) . This disposition o f the species was natural in view of its resemblance to c...1933-07
10 Chamberlin, Ralph V.A new genus of theridiid spiders in which the male develops only one palpusThe discovery of the male of Theridion fordum Keyserling, reveals characteristics for that species which set it off as genericallv different, from Theridion proper. The erection of a new genus is thus found necessary for this species; and several other species which are closely related to it natural...1934-04
11 Durrant, Stephen D.A new gopher from Antelope Island, Great Salt Lake, UtahThe present paper presents the results of a study of a series of specimens taken around the Great Salt Lake and on Antelope Island in this lake, the series forming part of the collection of the University of Utah. The form from Antelope Island differs sufficiently from the described subspecies of Th...1936-10
12 Durrant, Stephen D.A new pocket gopher from the Oquirrh Mountains, UtahContinued studies of the pocket gophers of the talpoides group from Utah have disclosed the existence of an hitherto undescribed race indigenous to the Oquirrh Mountains, which are located in Utah, Tooele and Salt Lake Counties.1939-10-24
13 Durrant, Stephen D.A new pocket gopher of the thomomys quadratus group from the Northern Great Basin RegionCritical examination of specimens of Thomomys quadratus from Utah has brought to light the existence of an hitherto unnamed race from the Raft River region in the northwest corner of the state and contiguous areas of Idaho and Nevada. Extensive material from northeastern Nevada in the collection of ...1939-02-28
14 Brenckle, J. F.A new polygonum from Garfield County, UtahThe plant described below was collected 6 miles north of Escalante, Garfield Co., Utah, by W . P. Cottam, Sept. 17, 1935. It was found growing in great abundance along sandy ravines on the rocky Navajo sandstone spur which projects southward from the Aquarius Plateau. The type specimen, No. 65 0 7 ,...1940-06-27
15 Cottam, Walter P.A new violet from UtahA beautiful violet strikingly different from any species heretofore reported from Utah was discovered by the writer growing 011 vacant property on the outskirts of Salt Lake City at the corner of 13th South and 17th E as t streets, April 17, 1937.*' This property and neighboring areas to the east ha...1939-06-28
16 Warner, Homer R.A Non-Stready-State Kinetic Evaluation of the Mechanism of Cortisone-Induced GranulocytosisBiomedical Informatics1968
17 Rees, Don M.A preliminary list of the ants of UtahThe following list of the ants of Utah was prepared from specimens and data now in the Biology Department of the University of Utah. This list is by no means complete, yet it is representative of practically all parts of the state. A few specimens in the collection date back to 1902, and all of thes...1940-11-05
18 Moffett, James W.A quantitative study of the bottom fauna in some Utah Streams Variously Affected by ErosionFloods and cloudbursts in the Intermountain region of western United States cause considerable damage to watersheds and streams. Because of steep gradients these torrential waters remove vast quantities of debris, stones, gravel and soil from the stream beds. It follows that, with the removal of mat...1936-06
19 Warner, Homer R.A Steady-State Transfer Function Analysis of Portions of the Circulatory System Using Indicator Dilution TechniquesBiomedical Informatics1967
20 Warner, Homer R.A Study of Dispersion of an Indicator in the CirculationBiomedical Informatics1964
21 Jones, David T.A study of the Great Basin Land Snail oreohelix strigosa depressa (Cockerell)A survey of the previous mention of this snail provides a practical background for this essentially morphological study. The literature applicable to Oreolxdix strigosa depressa (Cockerell) in Utah may be summarized by reference to the following articles in the bibliography: directions for preparing...1940-10-15
22 Warner, Homer R.A Study of the Mechanism of Pressure Wave Distortion by Arterial Walls Using an Electrical AnalogBiomedical Informatics1957
23 Chamberlin, Ralph V.A summary of the known North American AmaurobiidaeA recent survey o f the spiders o f the family Amaurobiidae, sens, str., in the collection o f the University o f Utah made it evident that a number o f species and also generic groups occurring more especially in the western states had heretofore escaped detection and naming. It also seemed evident...1947-10-12
24 Warner, Homer R.A Technique for the Quantitative Study of Carotid Sinus BehaviorBiomedical Informatics1967
25 Warner, Homer R.A Transfer Function Analysis of Coronary and Renal Circulation Calculated from Upstream and Downstream Indicator-Dilution CurvesBiomedical Informatics1966
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