Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
1 |
 | Erickson, John Owen | Temple Rider | Form: painting; Medium: oil and latex; Dimensions: 11 x 14" | Painting | 2008 |
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 | Scheer, Brenda | Mormon grid: Zion in the desert | A history of the adaptation of Mormon grid and block development in central Salt Lake City. | Salt Lake City; Mormon grid; City blocks | 2003 |
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 | Silverman, Randall H. | First paper made west of the Missouri | The need for paper was recognized in Utah by the American Mormon leader Brigham Young and his followers before their arrival in "Great Salt Lake City" (as it was originally called) in 1847. Frustration at having to delay plans to publish a newspaper was noted in a letter drafted by Young on July 17... | Deseret News; Thomas Howard; Sugar House Mill; Granite Paper Mill | 1994 |
4 |
 | Brunvand, Erik L. | Practical advances in asynchronous design and in asynchronous/synchronous interfaces | Asynchronous systems are being viewed as an increasingly viable alternative to purely synchronous systems. This paper gives an overview of the current state of the art in practical asynchronous circuit and system design in four areas: controllers, datapaths, processors, and the design of asynchr... | | 1999 |
5 |
 | Wei, Y. H. Dennis | Restructuring for growth in urban China: transitional institutions, urban development, and spatial transformation | This research examines government policies and urban transformation in China through a study of Hangzhou City, which is undergoing dramatic growth and restructuring. As the southern center of the Yangtze River Delta, an emerging global city region of China, Hangzhou has been restlessly searching for... | | 2012 |
6 |
 | Brunvand, Erik L. | Practical advances in asynchronous design | Recent practical advances in asynchronous circuit and system design have resulted in renewed interest by circuit designers. Asynchronous systems are being viewed as in increasingly viable alternative to globally synchronous system organization. This tutorial will present the current state of the art... | | 1997 |
7 |
 | Peay, Wayne J. | National network of libraries of medicine RFP, region 4, technical proposal | The mission of the Region 4 RML is quite simply to realize the promise of the NN/LM. The model that is being proposed for Region 4 reflects the power of the distributed, networked computing environment where the power of the technology resides in the hands of the end-user. The resources and services... | RFP; NN/LM; RML; National Network of Libraries of Medicine; Regional Medical Libraries | 2005-07 |
8 |
 | Neatrour, Anna; Morrow, Anne; Rockwell, Kenneth W.; Witkowski, Alan J. | Automating the production of map interfaces for digital collections using Google API's | Many digital Libraries are interested in taking advantage of the GIS mapping capabilities provided by GoogLe Maps and GoogLe Earth. The DigitaL Ventures Division of the University of Utah J. Willard Marriott Library has successfully completed an innovative automated process in which descriptive me... | digital libraries, gis, geocoding, maps, KML, Graphical user interfaces, Google Maps | 2011 |
9 |
 | Evans, David | Display of complex three dimensional finite element models | Complex three dimensional models can be displayed after an automatic generation of a finite element (panel) mapping. although this automatic generation algorithm fails at certain levels of model complexity, the elimination of these failures can be accomplished through user interaction. This report p... | Three dimensional models; Finite element models | 1978 |
10 |
 | Silverman, Randall H. | Day the university changed | The largest water-related library disaster in U.S. history occurred at Colorado State University's (CSU) Morgan Library in Fort Collins, Colorado on July 28, 1997. This flood was caused by a series of summer rainstorms that began the day earlier, July 27 - and lasted off and on for about 31 hours,... | | 2004 |
11 |
 | Chamberlin, Ralph Vary | University of Utah: a history of its first hundred years, 1850-1950 | The need of a general history of the University of Utah has been long apparent. The need became more frequently voiced as the men who knew the University of old at first hand and had played important roles in its development passed away leaving it ever more difficult to obtain a clear picture of ma... | University of Deseret | 1960 |
12 |
 | Vickers, Donald Lee | Sorcerer's apprentice: head-mounted display and wand | Sorcerer's Apprentice is an interactive computer graphics system utilizing a head-mounted display and at three-dimensional wand. The system allows three-dimensional interaction with line drawings which are displayed in real time, that is about 20 frames per second. The display, worn like a pair of e... | Sorcerer's apprentice; Head-mounted display; Three-dimensional wand | 1974 |
13 |
 | Allen, Richardson; Deo, Milind D.; Isaacson, Alan E.; Keiter, Robert B.; Kessler, Christopher; Levey, Raymond; Oh, Kyeong Seok; Smith, Philip J.; Spinti, Jennifer P.; Uchitel, Kirsten; Alleman, David | A Technical, Economic, and Legal Assessment of North American Heavy Oil, Oil Sands, and Oil Shale Resources: In Response to Energy Policy Act of 2005 Section 369(p) | The purpose of this report is to assess unconventional North American resources, summarize current technologies for extracting and processing the resources, identify the issues which will affect the economic viability of various resource development schemes, evaluate the socioeconomic costs to commu... | | 2007-09 |
14 |
 | Yu, Zhou | Different path to homeownership: The case of Taiwanese immigrants in Los Angeles | Taiwanese immigrants in Los Angeles stand in contrast to the welldocumented homeownership deficit among immigrants. Despite the tremendous growth in Taiwanese immigrants during the 1980s, Taiwanese homeownership rate not only was among the highest of all ethnic groups in 1990,... | Taiwanese immigrants; homeownership; Los Angeles; adaptation | 2006 |
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 | Jarrard, Richard D. | Data report: high-resolution mineralogy for leg 199 based on reflectance spectroscopy and physical properties | During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 199 in the equatorial Pacific, visible and near-infrared spectroscopy (VNIS) was used to measure the reflectance spectra (350?2500 nm) of 1343 sediment samples. Reflectance spectra were also measured for a suite of 60 samples of known mineralogy, thereby providing a... | | 2004 |
16 |
 | Silverman, Randall H. | Day the university changed | Describes the disaster recovery efforts in the Morgan Library of Colorado State University following the 1997 flood. Deals in detail with conservation and restoration of damaged book and journal collections. | Library materials, Conservation; Library Materials, Restoration; Flood damage; Emergency management | 2003 |
17 |
 | Wen, Ming | Residential racial composition and black-white obesity risks: differential effects of neighborhood social and built environment | This study investigates the association between neighborhood racial composition and adult obesity risks by race and gender, and explores whether neighborhood social and built environment mediates the observed protective or detrimental effects of racial composition on obesity risks. Cross-sectional d... | | 2014-01-01 |
18 |
 | Jarrard, Richard D. | Scientific methods: an online book | This book was originally intended as ˜How to do science™, or ˜How to be a scientist™, providing guidance for the new scientist, as well as some reminders and tips for experienced researchers. Such a book does not need to be written by the most expert or most famous scientist, but by one who... | Science; Process; Method | 2001 |
19 |
 | White, Nicholas P. | Rulers' choice | Plato undertook in the Republic to show that "it is in every way better to be just than unjust" (Book II, 357b1 -- 2). What did he mean by this? I would like to focus on two relevant questions. 1) Did he believe that invariably the more just a person is, the better it is for him? We should prefer t... | Republic; Plato; Justice | 1986 |
20 |
 | Goldberg, Robert A. | Zion in Utah: the Clarion colony and Jewish agrarianism | The history of the Jewish agricultural colony at Clarion, Utah, presented by Robert A. Goldberg is somewhat special, for western Jewish history has been notably small town and urban. In painstakingly reconstructing the story of those who organized, settled, and finally failed at Clarion, Goldberg ... | | 1991 |
21 |
 | Ehleringer, James R.; Negus, Norman C. | Red Butte Canyon Research Natural Area: history, flora, geology, climate, and ecology | Red Butte Canyon is a protected, near pristine canyon entering Salt Lake Valley, Utah. It contains a well-developed riparian zone and a perennial stream; hillside vegetation ranges from grasslands on the lower limits to Douglas-fir and aspen stands at the upper elevations. In this paper we describe ... | Intermountain West; Grassland; Oak-maple; Plant adaptation; Red Butte Canyon Research Natural Area; Human impact | 1992 |
22 |
 | Gehl, Robert W. | Building a blog cabin during a financial crisis: circuits of struggle in the digital enclosure | One of the most pressing questions facing television studies is how to understand the migration of media production and consumption onto web applications which depend on user-generated content. Scholars inspired by the political economy of communication (PEC) tradition have focused on how the accumu... | | 2011 |
23 |
 | Wright, Scott D. | Caring to cultivate on the long row of life: an eclectic look at gardens, gardening, and the aging process | Gardening is one of the most popular home-based leisure activities in the U.S. and represents an important activity in the lives of older adults in a variety of residential settings. Yet, there has been a lack of any comprehensive and multidisciplinary examination of the nexus between gardening and... | gardening; gardens; aging; caring | 2010 |
24 |
 | Forrest, Joshua B.; Irschick, Eugene F.; Lehning, James R. | Peasant studies Volume 9 Number 4 Summer 1982 | TABLE OF CONTENTS Peasant Survival Strategies and Rehearsals for Rebellion in Eighteenth-Century South India, Eugene F. Irschick; Defining African Peasants, Joshua B. Forrest; The History o f Wet-Nursing and the History of the Family, James R. Lehning. | | 1982 |
25 |
 | Wright, Scott D. | Gray and green revisited: a multidisciplinary perspective of gardens, gardening, and the aging process | Over fourteen years ago, the concept of "gray and green" was first introduced by Wright and Lund (2000) to represent a new awareness and a call for increased scholarship at the intersection of environmental issues and the aging process. This review paper revisits that concept with a fresh perspectiv... | | 2014-01-01 |