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1 Kelley, Darcy B.; Elliott, Taffeta M.; Evans, Ben J.; Evans, Ben J.; Hall, Ian C.; Rhodes, Heather J.; Yamaguchi, Ayako; Zornik, ErikProbing forebrain to hindbrain circuit functions in XenopusThe vertebrate hindbrain includes neural circuits that govern essential functions including breathing, blood pressure and heart rate. Hindbrain circuits also participate in generating rhythmic motor patterns for vocalization. In most tetrapods, sound production is powered by expiration and the circu...fictive respiration; vocalization; pattern generation2016
2 Gooch, Bruce; Reinhard, ErikPerception-driven black-and-white drawings and caricaturesIn this paper, we present a method for automatically creating black-and-white drawings of human faces from photographs. We then demonstrate new techniques for deforming these drawings to create caricatures intended to highlight and exaggerate facial features. A number of psychophysical studies we...Caricatures; Human faces2002-01-22
3 Dawson, KyleThe effects of charge transfer inefficiency (CTI) on galaxy shape measurementsWe examine the effects of charge transfer inefficiency (CTI) during CCD readout on the demanding galaxy shape measurements required by studies of weak gravitational lensing. We simulate a CCD readout with CTI such as that caused by charged particle radiation damage in space-based detectors. We verif...2010
4 Potts, Wayne K.; Granger, Donald LeeMajor histocompatibility complex-dependent susceptibility to Cryptococcus neoformans in miceTo evaluate the role of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes in the resistance to Cryptococcus neoformans, we conducted infection experiments in MHC-congenic strains of mice. Significant MHC-dependent susceptibility differences were found among homozygotes and heterozygotes. This study is th...MHC-congenic; Host resistance; Infection2003
5 Lawton, Kristy J.Motor neurons tune premotor activity in a vertebrate central pattern generatorCentral patterns generators (CPGs) are neural circuits that drive rhythmic motor output without sensory feedback. Vertebrate CPGs are generally believed to operate in a top-down manner in which premotor interneurons activate motor neurons that in turn drive muscles. In contrast, the frog (Xenopus la...CPG; feed back; synchrony; vocal; vocalization; Xenopus2017
6 Yamaguchi, AyakoRhythm generation, coordination, and initiation in the vocal pathways of male African clawed frogscentral pattern generator; vocalization; parabrachial area; hindbrain; bilateral coordination; motor programs2016
7 Yamaguchi, AyakoCoding rate and duration of vocalizations of the frog , Xenopus laevisVocalizations involve complex rhythmic motor patterns, but the underlying temporal coding mechanisms in the nervous system are poorly understood. Using a recently developed whole-brain preparation from which "fictive" vocalizations are readily elicited in vitro, we investigated the cellular basis of...2012-08-29
8 Yamaguchi, AyakoBilateral coordination of vocal pathways in African clawed frogs, Xenopus laevisThis poster describes how bilateral coordination of motor programs are achieved in the central vocal pathways of African clawed frogs.Vocalizations; Central pattern generator; Motor programs; Bilateral coordination2014
9 Potts, Wayne K.Relationship of virulence factor expression to evolved virulence in mouse-passaged Cryptococcus neoformans linesSerial passage of Cryptococcus neoformans in mice increases virulence relative to the nonpassaged line. Postpassaged lines showed no difference in the expression of most known virulence factors, with the exception that the more virulent lines had smaller capsules in vitro. These data imply that othe...Capsule; Death; Passage2005
10 Yamaguchi, AyakoDevelopment of an acute method to deliver transgenes into the brains of adult Xenopus laevisThe central vocal pathway of the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, is a powerful vertebrate model to understand mechanisms underlying central pattern generation. However, fast and efficient methods of introducing exogenous genes into the neurons of adult X. laevis are currently not available. Her...viral vector; vesicular stomatitis virus; Xenopus laevis; transgene; neurons; vocalizations; central pattern generator; electroporation2018
11 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshVisual analysis of uncertainties in ocean forecasts for planning and operation of off-shore structuresWe present a novel integrated visualization system that enables interactive visual analysis of ensemble simulations used in ocean forecasting, i.e, simulations of sea surface elevation. Our system enables the interactive planning of both the placement and operation of off-shore structures. We illust...2013-01-01
12 Khan, Faisal HabibA high-efficiency modular switched-capacitor converter with continuously variable conversion ratioThe multilevel modular capacitor clamped converter (MMCCC) topology overcomes the difficulties of the multilevel switched capacitor (SC) based dc-to-dc converters in high conversion ratio applications. MMCCC is completely modular and has many other advantageous features. Like most other SC converter...2012-01-01
13 Khan, Faisal HabibOutput impedance modeling of a multilevel modular switched-capacitor converter to achieve continuously variable conversion ratioThe multilevel modular capacitor clamped dc-to-dc converter (MMCCC) topology is completely modular and belongs to two-phase switched capacitor converter group. The conversion ratio of an ideal MMCCC converter in step-up mode is an integer and depends on the number of modules used. For a k-module MMC...2012-01-01
14 Schmidt, Meic H.Pigmented villonodular synovitis associated with pathological fracture of the odontoid and atlantoaxial instabilityPPigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) is a proliferative disorder of the synovium with a predisposition for the appendicular skeleton. Rarely PVNS can arise from the spine, where this disorder usually presents with localized or radicular pain secondary to involvement of the posterior elements. Th...Atlantoaxial instability; Pigmented villonodular synovitis; Odontoid2007
15 Inagaki, Ryota T.; Raghuraman, Shrlnlvasan; Chase, Kevin; Steele, Theresa; Zornik, Erilk; Olivera, Baldomero; Yamaguchi, AyakoMolecular characterization of frog vocal neurons using pharmacological constellation.constellation pharmacology; motor programs; parabrachial nucleus; premotor neurons; vocalizations2020
16 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshOvis: A framework for visual analysis of ocean forecast ensemblesWe present a novel integrated visualization system that enables interactive visual analysis of ensemble simulations of the sea surface height that is used in ocean forecasting. The position of eddies can be derived directly from the sea surface height and our visualization approach enables their int...2014-01-01
17 Clayton, Dale H.How effective is preening against mobile ectoparasites? An experimental test with pigeons and hippoboscid fliesBirds combat ectoparasites with many defences but the first line of defence is grooming behaviour, which includes preening with the bill and scratching with the feet. Preening has been shown to be very effective against ectoparasites. However, most tests have been with feather lice, which are relati...2012-01-01
18 White, Paul H.Clinical validation and cognitive elaboration: signs that encourage sustained recyclingThree field experiments coupled the clinical psychology concept of validation with Elaboration Likelihood Model-Heuristic-Systematic Model theorizing to increase the influence of persuasive messages on aluminum can recycling. Signs that validated students' complaints that aluminum can recycling was ...Psychology; Recycled products; Refuse, disposal; Clinical Psychology; Field experiments2002-08-01
19 Battin, Margaret P.Coping with methuselah the impact of molecular biology on medicine and societyThe prospect of extra-long life spawns a bloom of ethical issues, among them how to achieve intergenerational equity; how to balance health care entitlements with rising costs for the elderly; how to divide years of life between work and retirement; how to assign the responsibilities of young family...2004
20 Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of UtahIAIMS Newsletter Summer 2005The IAIMS Newsletter provides valuable information about Library activities and resources as well as informative articles related to information technology.IAIMS2005-05-25
21 Battin, Margaret P.False dichotomy versus genuine choice the argument over physician-assisted dyingDespite a growing consensus that palliative care should be a core part of the treatment offered to all severely ill patients who potentially face death,1 challenging questions remain. How broad a choice should patients have in guiding the course of their own dying? What limitations should be placed ...2004
22 Ailion, David CharlesNMR observations of molecular motions and Zeeman-quadrupole cross relaxation in 1,2- difluorotetrachloroethaneWe report measurements of "F NMR relaxation times Tu Tlf, TID, and T2 in the plastic crystal CFCL2-CFCL2 . From the data near the melting point, we obtain the jump time for translational selfdiffusion. At lower temperatures, we observe on the cold side of the T, and Tif minima an unusual field depe...NMR; Nuclear magnetic resonance; Order-disorder; Diffusion1979
23 Garrett, Timothy J.Observed influence of riming, temperature, and turbulence on the fallspeed of solid precipitationForecasts of the amount and geographic distribution of snow are highly sensitive to a model's parameterization of hydrometeor fallspeed. Riming is generally thought to lead to particles with a higher mass and terminal velocity. Yet models commonly assume that heavily rimed particles such as graupel ...2014-01-01
24 Kumpfer, KarolEffectiveness of a culturally adapted strengthening families program 12-16 years for high-risk Irish familiesBACKGROUND: Evidence-based programs (EBPs) targeting effective family skills are the most cost effective for improving adolescent behavioural health. Cochrane Reviews have found Strengthening Families Program (SFP) to be the most effective substance abuse prevention intervention. Standardized cultur...2012-01-01
25 Dawson, KyleIntensive HST survey for z > 1 type Ia supernovae by targeting galaxy clustersWe present a new survey strategy to discover and study high redshift Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). By targeting massive galaxy clusters at 0.9 < z < 1.5, we obtain a twofold improvement in the efficiency of finding SNe compared to an HST field survey and a facto...Cosmological parameters2009-11-01
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