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1 Collins, Zachary J.; Poelzing, StevenCharacterization of a four-camera ratiometric optical mapping systemElectrical activity precedes calcium mediated heart contractions. Optical mapping takes advantage of minimally invasive fluorescent molecular probes to image both electrical and calcium activity. These molecular probes allow for ratiometric imaging. We characterize a four camera system capable of...Optical mapping; Ratiometric imaging; Di-4-ANEPPS; Indo-1; Trapeze Interactive Poster2010-03-15
2 Garrett, Timothy J.The Wasatch Hydrometeor Aggregation and Riming ExperimentRun loadalldata.m to read in MASC and MRR data from Alta Base and weather data obtained throughout Collins Gulch during the 2012 to 2013 winter season.2013
3 Gerig, GuidoNetwork inefficiencies in autism spectrum disorder at 24 monthsAutism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder defined by behavioral symptoms that emerge during the first years of life. Associated with these symptoms are differences in the structure of a wide array of brain regions, and in the connectivity between these regions. However, the use of c...2014-01-01
4 Gardner, Reed M.Evaluating Commercially Available SpirometersBiomedical Informatics1980
5 Riloff, Ellen M.Learning to identify reduced passive verb phrases with a shallow parserOur research is motivated by the observation that NLP systems frequently mislabel passive voice verb phrases as being in the active voice when there is no auxiliary verb (e.g., "The man arrested had a long record"). These errors directly impact thematic role recognition and NLP applications that dep...Passive voice; Reduced passive verb phrases; Shallow parser; Learned classifier2008
6 Silverman, Randall H.Day the university changedThe largest water-related library disaster in U.S. history occurred at Colorado State University's (CSU) Morgan Library in Fort Collins, Colorado on July 28, 1997. This flood was caused by a series of summer rainstorms that began the day earlier, July 27 - and lasted off and on for about 31 hours,...2004
7 Jarrard, Richard D.Exceptionally preserved jellyfishes from the Middle CambrianCnidarians represent an early diverging animal group and thus insight into their origin and diversification is key to understanding metazoan evolution. Further, cnidarian jellyfish comprise an important component of modern marine planktonic ecosystems. Here we report on exceptionally preserved cnida...Jellyfishes; Metazoan evolution; Jellyfish fossils; Marjum Formation; Utah; Middle Cambrian2007-10-31
8 Gerig, GuidoSpatial intensity prior correction for tissue segmentation in the developing human brainThe degree of white matter (WM) myelination is rather inhomogeneous across the brain. As a consequence, white matter appears differently across the cortical lobes in MR images acquired during early postnatal development. At 1 year old specifically, the gray/white matter contrast of MR images in pref...2011-01-01
9 Silverman, Randall H.Day the university changedDescribes the disaster recovery efforts in the Morgan Library of Colorado State University following the 1997 flood. Deals in detail with conservation and restoration of damaged book and journal collections.Library materials, Conservation; Library Materials, Restoration; Flood damage; Emergency management2003
10 Riloff, Ellen M.OpinionFinder: a system for subjectivity analysisOpinionFinder is a system that performs subjectivity analysis, automatically identifying when opinions, sentiments, speculations and other private states are present in text. Specifically, OpinionFinder aims to identify subjective sentences and to mark various aspects of the subjectivity in the...OpinionFinder; Subjectivity analysis2005
11 Vardhan, AvantikaSegmenting the Invisible : Processing 4D Image Data2012
12 Couldwell, William T.Surgical treatment of craniofacial fibrous dysplasia in adultsCraniofacial fibrous dysplasia is a rare disorder that may require neurosurgical expertise for definitive management; however, surgical management of FD in adult patients is uncommon. Although other therapies have been shown to slow progression, the only definitive cure for adult craniofacial FD is ...2014-01-01
13 Miller, Jan D.ConcentrationThe most startling development in concentration processes this past year would have to be the results obtained after magnetic treatment of aqueous systems. Beneficial effects were reported in both flotation and thickening on an industrial scale following the application of a magnetic field to ...Concentration; Aqueous systems; Pulp; Magnetic treatment1969
14 Normann, Richard A.; Horch, Kenneth W.; Cha, KichulMobility performance with a pixelized vision systemA visual prosthesis, based on electrical stimulation of the visual cortex, has been suggested as a means for partially restoring functional vision in the blind. The prosthesis would create a pixelized visual sense consisting of punctate spots of light (phosphenes). The present study investigated the...Visual Prosthesis; Mobility; Phosphene Simulator1992
15 Dolcourt, John L.; Hales, Joseph W.Use of internet searches for physician learningINTRODUCTION In 2005 the American Medical Association (AMA) approved the structure for awarding continuing medial education (CME) credit to physicians searching the Internet for answers to point-of-care related questions. Previous investigations of how physicians use the Intenet have relied on...Trapeze Interactive Poster2009
16 Henderson, Thomas C.Evolutionary teleomorphologyThe physical layout of organs and neural structures in biological systems is important to their functioning, and is the result of evolutionary selection forces. We believe this is true even at the individual neuron level, and should be accounted for in any bio-based approach. In particular, when tr...Evolutionary teleomorphology; Bio-based approach; Physical layout problem; PLP; Neurons; Nodes1995
17 Couldwell, William T.Strategies for the management of nonsecreting pituitary adenomasThe two objectives of treating pituitary tumors are: (1) relief of signs and symptoms attributable to mass effect, and (2) correction of hypo - or hypersecretion of adenohypophyseal hormones.7 When nonsecreting tumors are specifically considered, correction of endocrine abnormalities may be of les...Pituitary adenomas; Transsphenoidal surgery1991
18 Wen, MingRacial and ethnic differences in general health status and limiting health conditions among American children: parental reports in the 1999 National Survey of America's FamiliesObjectives: This research investigates the association between race/ethnicity and child health and examines the role of family structure, family SES, and healthcare factors in this association. Five major racial/ethnic groups in the United States are studied. Two child health outcomes including pare...Socioeconomic status; Health care; Children; Race; Ethnicity2006-09-01
19 Diamond, LisaPsychobiological perspectives on attachment: implications for health over the lifespanOne of the most robust findings to emerge from health psychology over the past 30 years is that individuals in enduring, committed romantic relationships have longer, healthier, and happier lives than unmarried individuals (Kitigawa & Hauser, 1973; Ryff, Singer, Wing, & Love, 2001; Stack & Eshleman,...Health Psychology; Psychobiology; Relationships; Well-being2004
20 Kriesel, John D.; Maulden, Sarah Annamarie; Spruance, Spotswood L.Anti-interleukin-6 antibodies inhibit herpes simplex virus reactivation.Herpes simplex viruses (HSVs) infect epithelial cells, become localized in neurons, and can reactivate in response to a variety of stimuli, including ultraviolet light and hyperthermia. The sequence of gene activation during viral replication is known, but the molecular linkage between exogenous sti...Mice, Inbred BALB C; Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha; Virus Activation1997
21 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineElectroabsorption spectroscopy of single walled nanotubesWe have measured the electric field modulated absorption of a sample of single-walled nanotubes (SWNT) suspended in a solid polyvinyl alcohol matrix. The electroabsorption (EA) spectrum roughly follows the first derivative of the absorption with respect to photon energy, scales quadratically with t...Electroabsorption spectroscopy; Single-walled nanotubes; SWNT2005
22 Gardner, Reed M.Evaluating Commercialy Available Spirometers (Letter)Biomedical Informatics1980
23 Gerig, GuidoAnalysis of diffusion tensor imaging for subjects with Down SyndromeAuthors: Neda Sadeghi1, Clement Vachet1, Marcel Prastawa1, Julie Korenberg1, Guido Gerig1 Institutions: 1University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT Introduction: Down syndrome (DS) is the most common chromosome abnormality in humans. It is typically associated with delayed cognitive development and phys...2013-01-01
24 DeTar, CarletonScaling tests of the improved Kogut-Susskind quark actionImproved lattice actions for Kogut-Susskind quarks have been shown to improve rotational symmetry and flavor symmetry. In this work we find improved scaling behavior of the r and nucleon masses expressed in units of a length scale obtained from the static quark potential, and better behavior of the ...Instantons; Static potential2000-04
25 Yaffe, JoanneHypermedia computer-based education in social work educationHypermedia computer-based education (CBE) is an emerging information technology that makes possible user-directed, nonsequential exploration of, and interaction with, information presented through a variety of media including text, animation, graphics, sound, and video.Computer-based education1994
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