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1 Love, April M.Hidden water: Salt Lake County, UT drainages, a part of the Western Waters Digital LibrarySalt Lake Valley watershed, hidden water2012
2 Mallat, ChibliCommercial Law in the Middle East: Between Classical Transactions and Modern BusinessA brief presentation of commercial law decisions across the Arab world is sufficient to show the dominance of western principles in the field, and the direct translation of western terminology and rules for local transactions.2 The decisions have been regrouped in categories which will be familiar t...2000-01
3 Mallat, ChibliOn the Specificity of Middle Eastern ConstitutionalismRen Maunier, a prolific French ethnologist and jurist (1887-1951), summed up in 1935 the radical transformation of Middle Eastern law since the nineteenth century. In a brief report entitled Outline of the Progress of Law in Muslim Land, he noted the centrality of law in the immense change affec...2006
4 Chamberlin, Ralph V.A descriptive catalog of the Mollusca of UtahIn the preparation of this bulletin an effort has been made to bring together what was previously known of recent Utah mollusks and to incorporate with this the results of the authors' special studies. The form of presentation has been determined by the fact that, in the first place, the paper is in...1929-06
5 Flowers, SevilleFerns of UtahThe distribution of many species of our ferns is not well known in Utah. Collectors have centered their work around certain localities and many blank spots appear on the distributional map. One might presume certain species to be present in some of these unexplored areas but specimens are still to b...1944-11-15
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