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1 Varner, Michael W.; Cannon, Cynthia; Ward, RobertPopulation-based study of congenital diaphragmatic hernia in Utah: 1988-1994.OBJECTIVE: To define the natural history of congenital diaphragmatic hernia and to determine the potential impact of fetal therapy. METHODS: This retrospective case series consisted of all fetuses and neonates with congenital diaphragmatic hernia born between 1988 and 1994 in the state of Utah that ...Hernia, Diaphragmatic; Fetal Diseases; Prenatal Diagnosis; Utah/epidemiology1996-06
2 Digre, Kathleen B.; Mamalis, Nick; White, George L. Jr.Congenital anomalies of the optic nerve in one family.We present three cases of congenital optic disc anomalies in one family who underwent an extensive diagnostic workup to exclude any intracranial pathology. One patient had elevated optic nerve heads and was hospitalized for multiple diagnostic tests including a lumbar puncture and magnetic resonance...Optic Nerve; Congenital Anomalies1992-04-24
3 Varner, Michael W.Abnormal pregnancy sonogram: selective indication for fetal karyotype.The inability to make a definitive diagnosis in the fetus with a sonographically identified abnormality often results in parental and physician uncertainty. An antenatal chromosome evaluation could resolve this uncertainty. Forty-one fetuses with an abnormal ultrasound examination were tested for ka...Chromosome Disorders; Pregnancy; Karyotyping; Abnormalities; Amniocentesis1987-01
4 Couldwell, William T.Technique for methyl methacrylate cranioplasty to optimize cosmetic outcomeBackground: Cranioplasty aims to reconstruct skull defects from fractures, decompressive craniectomies, tumors, and congenital anomalies in a cosmetically acceptable manner. We present a technique in methyl methacrylate cranioplasty that gives excellent cosmetic results by maintaining patient's calv...2014-01-01
5 Mineau, Geraldine PageQuantification of the familial contribution to müllerian anomaliesCases of müllerian anomalies, identified by International Classification of Diseases and Current Procedural Terminology codes from January 1994 to March 2006, were collected from the largest hospital systems in the state of Utah. All records were subsequently matched to the Utah Population Databas...Mullerian anomalies; Utah Population Database; UPDB2008
6 Couldwell, William T.Giant fusiform aneurysm in an adolescent with PHACES syndrome treated with a high-flow external carotid artery-M3 bypassThe acronym PHACES describes a rare neurocutaneous syndrome that comprises posterior fossa malformations, facial hemangiomas, arterial anomalies, coarctation of the aorta and cardiac defects, eye abnormalities, and sternal defects. Facial hemangiomas constitute the hallmark of this disorder. Giant ...2007
7 Varner, Michael W.Reduction in amniocentesis risks using a real-time needle guide procedure.Rates of complications associated with a second trimester genetic amniocentesis were studied in 918 patients, and complete infant follow-up was obtained. In 903 singleton pregnancies and 15 twin gestations, the procedure was performed under continuous sector scanning guidance through an attached nee...Amniocentesis; Ultrasonography; Pregnancy2007-01-25
8 Varner, Michael W.Human placental lactogen: a predictor of perinatal outcome?Serial human placental lactogen (hPL) determinations were performed on 806 women with normal and abnormal pregnancies late in the pregnancy. These results were not reported to the clinicians involved. For the study population as a whole, low hPL levels did not effectively predict those adverse perin...Infant, Newborn; Placental Lactogen; Pregnancy; Prenatal Diagnosis1979-08
9 Varner, Michael W.; Hatasaka, Harry H.Recurrent pregnancy loss.Recurrent pregnancy loss is a frustrating clinical dilemma for both patients and physicians because, in most cases, causes are nebulous and few treatments with proven benefit can be offered. Involved, expensive tests have frequently been proposed and their use has often filtered into clinical practi...Recurrent Pregnancy Loss; Uterus/abnormalities; Chromosome Disorders; Abortion, Habitual1994-06
10 Bernstein, Paul S.Senior-Løken syndrome: a syndromic form of retinal dystrophy associated with nephronophthisisSenior-Løken syndrome (SLS) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by development of a retinitis (RP)- or Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA)-like retinal dystrophy and a medullary cystic kidney disease, nephronophthisis. Mutations in several genes (called nephrocystins) have been shown to ca...2012-01-01
11 Mitchell, Joyce A.Mendelian inheritance in man: diagnoses in the UMLSBecause they deal with many distinct but rare inheritance diseases, geneticists have difficulty translating from their codes to other biomedical coding schemes. The objective ofthis research was to investigate the potential uses and difficulties of using the UMLS Metathesaurus for genetic diagnoses ...1993-01-01
12 Varner, Michael W.Systemic lupus erythematosus.Systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease of unresolved cause afflicting predominantly women in their childbearing years. Speculation exists as to the relative roles of viruses, histocompatibility loci such as HLA-DR3, and estrogenmediated decreases in suppressor cell function. Whateve...Systemic Lupus Erythematosus; Pregnancy Complications1983-09
13 McDaniel, SusanSocial bases of neonatal and postneonatal mortality: an ecological analysis of Alberta, CanadaCanada's steady downward trend in mortality in the twentieth century has not been matched by a similar decline in infant mortality. This paper examines, by reference to census divisions in Alberta, the degree to which neonatal and postneonatal mortality are related to environmental factors. Although...Death; Exogeneous; Rates1981
14 Waitzman, Norman J.Half-life of cost-of-illness estimates: the case of Spina BifidaNeural tube defects, which include spina bifida, are one of the most frequent and important categories of birth defects. Accordingly, there has been considerable interest in studying the impact of spina bifida as a public health problem. This impact can be measured in various ways, including dise...Spinal cord; Birth defect; Healthcare costs2004-10-12
15 Kestle, John R. W.Priorities for hydrocephalus research: report from a National Institutes of Health-sponsored workshopObject. Treatment for hydrocephalus has not advanced appreciably since the advent of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunts more than 50 years ago. Many questions remain that clinical and basic research could address, which in turn could improve therapeutic options. To clarify the main issues facing hydr...Biomedical research2007
16 House, Paul A.; Couldwell, William T.De novo fenestration of the optic nerve case illustration.Fenestration of the optic nerve or chiasm due to the presence of aneurismal dilation of the internal carotid artery (ICA) has been described. In three out of five cases reviewed recently, the optic nerve was penetrated by an ICAΓÇôophthalmic artery aneurysm.3 Penetration of the optic nerve was du...Aneurysm; Congenital Optic Nerve2005-02-01
17 Harpending, Henry C.Paternal age and genetic loadThe incidence of base substitutions in humans increases with the age of the father, which shows up as an increased incidence of mutational disorders in the children of older fathers. There is a less obvious implication: an extended period of high average paternal age in a population will lead to inc...2013-01-01
18 Zhang, KangHeterozygous and homozygous mutations in PITX3 in a large Lebanese family with posterior polar cataracts and neurodevelopmental abnormalitiesPURPOSE: The PITX3 gene, which codes for a homeobox bicoidlike transcription factor is responsible for dominant cataract and anterior segment mesenchymal dysgenesis in humans. In the current study, a family with autosomal dominant posterior polar cataract (PPC) and a PITX3 mutation that cosegregates...Chromosomes, Human, Pair 10; Homozygote; Lod Score2006
19 Couldwell, William T.Far-lateral transcondylar approach: surgical technique and its application in neurenteric cysts of the cervicomedullary junctionNeurenteric cysts are rare benign lesions of the central nervous system that are lined by endodermal cell-derived epithelium. Although they occur mostly in the spine, they can occur intracranially, most often in the posterior fossa. Neurenteric cysts that are located in the anterior cervicomedullary...2005
20 Varner, Michael W.Association of obesity with pulmonary and nonpulmonary complications of pregnancy in asthmatic women.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether maternal obesity is associated with pulmonary and nonpulmonary pregnancy complications in asthmatic women. METHODS: This is a secondary analysis of the prospective cohort Asthma During Pregnancy Study. Asthma patients were classified as having either mild or moderate t...Asthma; Body Mass Index; Pregnancy Outcome; Lung Diseases2006-07
21 Couldwell, William T.Resident curriculum guidelines for neurosurgeryThis curriculum was created to detail the body of knowledge that should be attained by an individual completing residency training in neurological surgery. The specific structure of resident education in neurological surgery is defined by the American Board of Neurological Surgery, and each program...Residency training; Neurological surgery2000
22 Varner, Michael W.Asthma during pregnancyOBJECTIVE: To determine neonatal and maternal outcomes stratified by asthma severity during pregnancy by using the 1993 National Asthma Education Program Working Group on Asthma and Pregnancy definitions of asthma severity. The primary hypothesis was that moderate or severe asthmatics would have an ...Asthma; Infant, Newborn; Pregnancy Outcomes2004-01
23 Dailey, Andrew T.Surgical treatment of occipitocervical instabilityOBJECTIVE: Instability of the occipitocervical junction can be a challenging surgical problem because of the unique anatomic and biomechanical characteristics of this region. We review the causes of instability and the development of surgical techniques to stabilize the occipitocervical junction. ...Occipitocervical instability2008
24 Larson, Scott A.Strabismus surgery complications: prevention and managementStrabismus surgery is increasingly becoming a subspecialty domain, especially with cyclovertical muscles, restricted muscles, or reoperations. While is impossible to completely eliminate complications from strabimus surgery, it is possible to minimize their occurrence and significance by proper prev...Malignant hyperthermia; Overcorrection; Strabismus; Surgery; Undercorrection2003
25 Wever Pinzon, Omar EnriqueSudden cardiac death in young competitive athletes due to genetic cardiac abnormalitiesSudden cardiac death (SCD) in young athletes is generally caused by inherited cardiac disorders. While these events are relatively few compared to other cardiac deaths, they are tragic in that death occurs in a young, otherwise healthy person. The genetic abnormalities most associated with SCD are h...2009
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