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1 Hibler, Michael J.The flask security architecture: system support for diverse security policiesOperating systems must be flexible in their support for security policies, i.e., the operating system must provide sufficient mechanisms for supporting the wide variety of real-world security policies. Systems claiming to provide this support have failed to do so in two ways: they either fail to pro...Flask; Security architecture1998
2 Barusch, AmandaSocial security is not for babies: trends and policies affecting older women in the United StatesIn the first year of the new century, over a million American women officially entered the ranks of "the elderly" by reaching their 65th birthday (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1999). What can they expect of government policy? To what extent will the nation's economic support systems respond to their n...Income security; Shifting fertility patterns; Labor force participation2001-01-01
3 Diener, Marissa L.; Wright, CherylAttachment security among mothers and their young children living in poverty: associations with maternal, child, and contextual characteristicsIn order to extend previous research and inform intervention programs, the goal of the present study was to further understand variability in mother-child attachment security among high-risk families living in poverty. Mothers (65% Hispanic) and their young children who were in a home visitor progr...Attachment security2003
4 Scott, SteveEverything you need, should, could, would want to know about data security.A LIFT Forum presentation. The purpose of the Library and Information Technology Forum is to inform the University of Utah community about electronic information resources, and current trends in the use of computers and online technologies for accessing these resources.Data Security2005-12-07
5 Brunvand, Erik L.Speculatorum OculiDescription Speculatorum Oculi (The Eyes of Spies) comments on current surveillance activities of governments and corporations through an installation that includes an architectural model surveilled with looming video cameras providing live feeds to a set of video monitors. These monitors show views...2014-01-01
6 Sanchez, Thomas W.Walling in or walling out: gated communitiesIt has been four decades since the United States legally outlawed all forms of public discrimination - in housing, education, transportation, and accommodations. Yet today, we are seeing a new form of discrimination -- the gated, walled, private community. Americans are electing to live behind wall...2007
7 McDaniel, SusanWhere the contradictions meet: women and family security in Canada in the 1990sFamily and security are both contested ground in Canada in the 1990s. The family and family values are lauded sentimentally on both sides of the 49th parallel. Yet, more and more families, Canadian and American - families with children, aging couples and the working poor - are lining up at food bank...Values; Responsibilities; Opportunities1993
8 Mallat, ChibliLegal Developments and Constitutional Structures in IraqIn order to practice business under the rule of law, you need to have one, and the Iraqi theatre is most unusual in this respect. This is because post-dictatorship Iraq offers lawyers equally immense hopes and immense disappointments.2008-09-19
9 Firmage, Edwin B.Treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weaponsTHE NEED : On March 13, 1969, the United States Senate by a vote of 83 to 15 consented to the ratification of a treaty described as "the most important international agreement brought before the U. S. Senate since the North Atlantic Pact" and "the most important international agreement limiting nucl...Arms control; Diffusion of arms; Atomic negotiations1969-10
10 Gardner, Reed M.Integrated Computerized Records Provide Improved Quality of Care with Little Loss of PrivacyBiomedical Informatics1994
11 Lobell, Steven E.Why Israel launched a preventive military strike on Iraq's nuclear weapons program (1981): the fungibility of power reourcesIn 1981, Israel launched a preventive military strike against a nuclear reactor that Iraq was constructing at the Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Center. The low fungibility of Iraq's power resources, and especially its nuclear weapons program, shaped Israel's decision-making process. First, it motivated ...Reventive war; Osiraq granular; Theory of balancing; fungibility brittle; Israel power resources
12 Flynn, John J.University and human values: introspectionIt is reported that Socrates, the patron saint of law professors and many other teachers, was convicted and sentenced to death by the people of Athens on a three-count indictment: for refusing to recognize the gods recognized by the state, for introducing other and new divinities, and for "corrupti...1984
13 Hibler, Michael J.Isolation of malicious external inputs in a security focused adaptive execution environmentReliable isolation of malicious application inputs is necessary for preventing the future success of an observed novel attack after the initial incident. In this paper we describe, measure and analyze, Input-Reduction, a technique that can quickly isolate malicious external inputs that embody unfore...2013-01-01
14 Myntti, JeremyDigital Preservation in LibrariesPresentation given at the Sharjah International Library Conference, Sharjah Expo Centre, United Arab Emirates. Presented on World Digital Preservation Day 2019.Digital preservation2019-11-07
15 Mallat, ChibliThe Syrian-Israeli Boundaries in International Law: The Significance of the Armistice Demarcation Line of 1949Zero-sum equations have been the name of the game in the Middle East since the early Zionist settlements in the late 19th century. The classic Zionist motto, One dunum here, one dunum there has come to exemplify this logic for all the parties concerned, and the zero-sum logic continues to regulat...2000-07-13
16 Firmage, Edwin B.Fact-finding in the resolution of international disputes: from the Hague Peace Conference to the United NationsHere is the law, as Zeus established it for human beings; as for fish, and wild animals, and the flying birds, they feed on each other, since there is no idea of justice among them; but to men he gave justice, and she in the end is proved the best thing they have. The enduring quest of the peacema...Politics; Mediation; International politics1971
17 Lobell, Steven E.Preventive military strike or preventive war? the fungibilty of power resourcesDifferential rates of growth explanations for preventive war assume that power resources are highly fungible. That is, they assume that a state's power resources are easily and quickly ‘moveable' into practical military capability. This ‘unidimensional and undifferentiated' baseline obscures an ...Neoclassical realism; preventive war; preventive strikes; fungibility power; resources aggregate; power realism; osiraq israel syria2021
18 Frey, Lewis J.Enhancing caBIG™ workflow for multi-tier distributionIntroduction caBIG™ Integration caBIG™ provides a GRID based application environment with data abstraction and vocabulary services, workflow management and a security framework. Sensor Abstraction Interface It is proposed to provide a sensor abstraction interface, using caDSR, enabling caBIG...caBIG; Sensor abstraction interface; Multi-tier distribution; Trapeze Interactive Poster2009
19 McDaniel, SusanWork, retirement and women in later lifeResearch on the labour market experiences of mid-life and older women is increasing, revealing new knowledge, but also showing us how much is not yet known. Retirement remains, for the most part, a presumed life transition for men, but not necessarily for women. Despite the growing, but still small ...Women; Retirement; Mid-life; Canada1995
20 Kasera, Sneha K.Exploiting altruism in social networks for friend-to-friend malware detectionWe propose a novel malware detection application- SocialScan-which enables friend-to-friend (f2f) malware scanning services among social peers, with scanning resource sharing governed by levels of social altruism. We show that with f2f sharing of resources, SocialScan achieves a 65% increase in the ...2014-01-01
21 Hibler, Michael J.Microkernels meet recursive virtual machines (draft. May 10, 1996))This paper describes a novel approach to providing modular and extensible operating system functionality, and encapsulated environments, based on a synthesis of micro-kernel and virtual machine concepts. We have developed a virtualizable architecture that allows recursive virtual machines (virtual m...Microkernels; Virtual machines; Operating system functionality1996
22 Seeley, DonnPassword cracking: a game of witsA password cracking algorithm seems like a slow and bulky item to put in a worm, but the worm makes this work by being persistent and efficient. The worm is aided by some unfortunate statistics about typical password choices.Password cracking algorithm; Computer worms1989
23 Mitchell, Joyce A.A medical microcomputer database management systemThe Patient Data Handler (PDH) is a general purpose, interactive, relational database management system (DBMS) which was created to store and retrieve the patient records stemming from a research project centering upon the genetic causes and diagnosis of concomitant deafness and blindness [1, 5]. Th...1985-01-01
24 DuVall, Scott L.Understanding the profile of errors that cause duplicate entries in a patient registryDuplicate records are detrimental to the cost-effective and efficient delivery of health care. Manually identifying and resolving duplicates can cost $60 per case. Patterns have been found in the types of errors that occur in patient registries, suggesting that undetected duplicate records may be ...Duplicate records; Duplicate patient records; Profile of errors; Enterprise Data Warehouse; EDW; Utah Population Database; UPDB; Trapeze Interactive Poster2009
25 Seeley, DonnA tour of the wormOn the evening of November 2, 1988, a self-replicating program was released upon the Internet 1. This program (a worm) invaded VAX and Sun-3 computers running versions of Berkeley UNIX, and used their sources to attack still more computers2. Within the space of hours this program had spread aacross ...Computer worm1989
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