201 - 225 of 240
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201 Christensen, Douglas A.Introduction to biomedical engineering: biomechanics and bioelectricity - part IIntended as an introduction to the field of biomedical engineering, this book covers the topics of biomechanics (Part I) and bioelectricity (Part II). Each chapter emphasizes a fundamental principle or law, such as Darcy's Law, Poiseuille's Law, Hooke's Law, Starling's law, levers and work in the a...Biological membranes; Poiseuille's law; Hooke's law; Starling's law of the heart; Matlab2009
202 Farmer, Colleen G.Reproduction: the adaptive significance of endothermyA central theme raised by Angilletta and Sears is that the energetic cost of endothermy is too enormous to be offset by the benefits that thermogenesis could provide for reproduction. Angilletta and Sears suggest that parents would have been better off producing additional offspring with the energy ...Parental care; Incubation; Metabolism2003
203 Codding, BrianConservation or co-evolution? Intermediate levels of aboriginal burning and hunting have positive effects on kangaroo populations in Western AustraliaStudies of conservation in small scale societies typically portray indigenous peoples as either sustainably managing resources, or forsaking long-term sustainability for short-term gains. To explain this variability, we propose an alternative framework derived from a co-evolutionary perspective. In ...2014-01-01
204 Reitze, Arnold W.BiofuelsSnake Oil for the Twenty-First CenturyCongress should slash its subsidies for corn-based ethanol and focus its efforts on research and development efforts to advance the technologies needed to reduce our need for foreign petroleum. We should be working to lower the costs of cellulosic ethanol production as well as working on promisi...2008-12-01
205 Garrett, Timothy J.Observed influence of riming, temperature, and turbulence on the fallspeed of solid precipitationForecasts of the amount and geographic distribution of snow are highly sensitive to a model's parameterization of hydrometeor fallspeed. Riming is generally thought to lead to particles with a higher mass and terminal velocity. Yet models commonly assume that heavily rimed particles such as graupel ...2014-01-01
206 Sansone, CarolImproving the dependability of research in personality and social psychology: recommendations for research and educational practiceThe Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Presidential Task Force on Publication and Research Practices was appointed in response to concerns about the dependability and replicability of research findings in personality and social psychology, a problem that also plagues fields as dive...2014-01-01
207 Davidson, Diane W.Herbivory on planted dipterocarp seedlings in secondary logged forests and primary forests of Sabah, MalaysiaLeaf defences, leaf nutritional quality and leaf expansion rates may vary with resource availabilities to plants. Such variation could affect rates of leaf loss to herbivores, particularly along the steep resource gradients in disturbed forests. Intraspecific and interspecific variation in leaf dama...Danum Valley; Dipterocarp; Dryobalanops lanceolata; Herbivory rates; Leaf damage; Leaf expansion rates; Logged tropical forests; Secondary forests; Shorea leprosula2001-03
208 Hillman, Nicholas WTuition discounting for revenue managementOver the past decade, institutionally-funded financial aid (or "tuition discounts") have been the fastest-growing item within most public four-year college and university operating budgets. One explanation for this trend is due to the changing structure of public colleges' revenue streams, as tuitio...2010
209 Firmage, Edwin B.Religion & the law: the Mormon experience in the nineteenth centuryThe Mormon cases present a fascinating study of diversity and conformity in the nineteenth century United States. From their beginning the Mormons were a gathered people. Almost immediately, from the time of the origin in New York, the Mormons challenged national and state legal systems to protect...Law; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; Nineteenth century; Polygamy; Theocracy1990
210 Firmage, Edwin B.Free exercise of religion in nineteenth century America: the Mormon casesThe Mormon cases present a fascinating study of diversity and conformity in the United States in the nineteenth century. From their beginning the Mormons were a gathered people. Almost immedi- ately, from their origins in New York, the Mormons challenged the legal systems in the nation and the state...Law; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; Nineteenth century; Polygamy; Theocracy1989
211 Davidson, Diane W.Comparative structure of harvester ant communities in arid Australia and North AmericaIn the Australian arid zone, the species richness of ants is greater and that of mammalian granivores is less than in North American deserts. This study aimed to determine if the structure of harvester ant communities differs from that seen in North American deserts, focussing on differences relate...Species; Rodents; Diversity1988
212 Bergerson, Amy A.Outreach and identity development: New perspectives on college student persistenceCollege student persistence continues to pose challenges for higher education institutions, despite over 40 years of research. Although persistence is studied from many different angles, the majority of studies examining the causes of and cures for students' departure from college reflect the import...2014-01-01
213 Codding, Brian F.Environmental productivity predicts migration, demographic, and linguistic patterns in prehistoric CaliforniaGlobal patterns of ethnolinguistic diversity vary tremendously. Some regions show very little variation even across vast expanses, whereas others exhibit dense mosaics of different languages spoken alongside one another. Compared with the rest of Native North America, prehistoric California exemplif...Colonization of North America; Prehistoric migrations; Human behavioral ecology; Ideal free distribution; Ideal despotic distribution2013-09-03
214 Behle, William H.Birds of pine valley mountain region, Southwestern UtahIt has long been a practice among ornithologists to study the distribution, variation, and ecological relationships of birds in areas characterized by diverse physiographic features. Such studies are motivated usually by the desire to aid in finding solutions for the many problems concerning the dis...1943-08-10
215 Gardner, Reed M.Technology Development Standardization and Evaluation in Pulmonary MedicineBiomedical Informatics1981
216 Sperry, John S.Inter-tracheid pitting and the hydraulic efficiency of conifer wood: the role of tracheid allometry and cavitation protectionPlant xylem must balance efficient delivery of water to the canopy against protection from air entry into the conduits via air-seeding. We investigated the relationship between tracheid allometry, end wall pitting, safety from air-seeding, and the hydraulic efficiency of conifer wood in order to bet...Allometry; Araucariaceae; cavitation2006
217 Rogers, Alan R.; Jorde, Lynn B.Genetic evidence on modern human originsA review of genetic evidence leads to the following conclusions concerning human population history: (1) Between 33,000 and 150,000 years ago the human population expanded from an initial size of perhaps 10,000 breeding individuals, reaching a size of at least 300,000. (2) Although the initial popu...Population history; Mitochondrial DNA; Mismatch distribution; Intermatch distribution; Replacement hypothesis; Population bottlenecks1995
218 Hogue, Michael T.; Keiter, Robert B.; Ruple, John; Uchitel, KirstenAnalysis of Environmental, Legal, Socioeconomic and Policy Issues Critical to the Development of Commercial Oil Shale Leasing on the Public Lands in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming under the Mandates of the Energy Policy Act of 2005This report seeks to identify and evaluate the critical legal and economic policy issues in order to inform federal, state, tribal, and other decision makers, as well as affected citizens, of the likely challenges and tradeoffs inherent in implementing a commercial oilshale leasing program on the pu...2010-01
219 Sekercioglu, CaganThe need to quantify ecosystem services provided by birdsWhat are birds worth-what is their actual dollar value to human society? To most of us in the ornithological community, birds are invaluable. But in these times we need more specific rationales to convince policy makers and business leaders to include bird conservation in land-use and development de...2011-01-01
220 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshVisual analysis of uncertainties in ocean forecasts for planning and operation of off-shore structuresWe present a novel integrated visualization system that enables interactive visual analysis of ensemble simulations used in ocean forecasting, i.e, simulations of sea surface elevation. Our system enables the interactive planning of both the placement and operation of off-shore structures. We illust...2013-01-01
221 O'Connell, James F.A Different Paradigm for the Initial Colonisation of Sahul: Archaeological, genetic, demographic and geographic perspectivesThe questions of when and how humans reached Sahul, the Pleistocene continent of Australia and New Guinea, has remained a central issue of Australian archaeology since its development as an academic discipline in the mid-twentieth century. Additionally, this has been a dominant theme linking Austral...Sahul; Wallacea; colonisation; isolation; genomics; mitochondrial DNA2019-08-20
222 Wang, Yu; Sun, Bindong; Yu, ZhouEqualization or polarization? The effect of the Internet on National Urban Hierarchies across the World, 2000-2018As Internet adoption and diffusion continues worldwide, little is known about its effects on the restructuring of national urban hierarchies across the world. We create a panel data of city population with uniform definitions within each of the 133 countries from 2000 to 2018, using the Pareto index...Internet; urban hierarchy; nonlinear link; channel; transnational; urban growth2018
223 Brown, Barbara B.; Werner, Carol M.Walkable route perceptions and physical features: converging evidence for en-route walking experiencesGuided walks near a light rail stop in downtown Salt Lake City, UT, were examined using a 2 (gender) x 3 (route walkability: low, mixed, or high walkability features) design. Trained raters confirmed that more walkable segments had more traffic, environmental and social safety; pleasing aesthetics;...Guided walks; Walkability; Environmental aesthetics; Urban environment; Incivilities; Salt Lake City2007-01-01
224 Rogers, Alan R.Genetic variation at the MCIR Locus and the time since loss of human body hairThe melanocortin I receptor (MCIR) locus makes a protein that affects the color of skin and hair. At this locus, amino-acid differences are entirely absent among African humans, abundant among non-Africans (especially Europeans), and abundant in chimpanzee/human comparisons (Rana et al. 1999, Hardin...Nonsynonymous; Chimpanzee; Constraint2004
225 Battin, Margaret P.Dying in 559 beds: efficiency, "best buys," and the ethics of standardization in national health careIn The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge, the "heavy, difficult book" begun in Rome during the winter of 1903-4 and not finished until 1910 in Paris, Rilke employs a series of rapid, jolting impressions to express his pervasive concern with death and his distress about the institutional character o...1992
201 - 225 of 240