176 - 200 of 240
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176 Battin, Margaret P.Age-rationing and the just distribution of health care: Is there a duty to die?The author analyzes the argument that a policy involving distributive justice in the allocation of scarce health care resources, based on the strategy of rational self interest maximation under a veil of ignorance (Rawls/Daniels), would result in an age rationing system of voluntary, socially encour...Health care providers; Death; Euthanasia1987-01
177 Lenart, Joshua BelaThe Blue Castle project: a feasibility study of the proposed nuclear power plant in Emery County, Utah along the Green RiverWith an increasing population in Utah, specifically in the Salt Lake Valley, the demand for energy is rapidly growing each year. Currently, Utah's electric grid is largely produced by burning coal, natural gas, and other fossil fuels. In the past, supplying Utahns with electricity from these forms h...Blue Castle; Utah; Nuclear power plant; Emery County2015-08
178 Smith, Amanda D.Performance modeling and parametric study of a stratified water thermal storage tankThermal energy storage (TES) can significantly increase the overall effciency and operational flexibility of adistributed generation system. A sensible water storage tank is an attractive option for integration in building energy systems, due to its low cost and high heat capacity. As such, this pap...2016-02-13
179 Coley, Phyllis D.; Kursar, Thomas A.Colonization of tropical rain forest leaves by epiphylls: effects of site and host plant leaf lifetimeIn humid tropical regions, leaves are frequently colonized by epiphylls (Richards 1954, Pocs 1978, 1982). Lichens and liverworts usually dominate, although mosses, algae, and cyanobacteria can also occur (Winkler 1971, Smith 1982). The interactions between epiphylls and host leaves have not been wel...Tropical forest; Epiphylls; Panama; Hybanthus prunifolius; Light interception1993
180 Golden, Kenneth M.The lsing model and critical behavior of transport in binary composite mediaWe present a general theory for critical behavior of transport in binary composite media. The theory holds for lattice and continuum percolation models in both the static case with real parameters and the quasi-static case (frequency dependent) with complex parameters. Through a direct, analytic cor...2012-01-01
181 Clayton, Dale H.Experimental test of the importance of preen oil in Rock Doves (Columba livia)Most species of birds have a uropygial gland, also known as a preen gland, which produces oil that birds spread through their plumage when preening. The plumage of waterfowl deprived of uropygial oil becomes brittle and is subject to breakage.Columba livia; Columbiformes; Preen oil; Ectoparasites; Columbicola columbae; Campanulotes compare; Plumage2003
182 Lenart, Joshua B.A Feasibility Study of a Transfer of Federal Lands: Assessing the Triple Bottom LineThis feasibility study identifies various aspects of the proposed transfer of public federal lands to individual states by characterizing the most significant challenges that the transfer entails for civil and environmental engineers.2016
183 Golden, Kenneth M.Laboratory measurements of sea ice: connections to microwave remote sensingThe connections between laboratory measurements and remote-sensing observations of sea ice are explored. The focus of this paper is on thin ice, which is more easily simulated in a laboratory environment. We summarize results of C-band scatterometer measurements and discuss how they may help in the ...Electromagnetic; Radar; Backscatter1998
184 Coley, Phyllis D.Uprooting and snapping of trees: structural determinants and ecological consequencesThe influence of mechanical and architectural properties of trees on growth rates, mortality rates, and relative probabilities of snapping and uprooting were examined on Barro Colorado Island, Republic of Panama. Of 310 fallen trees, 70% snapped, 25% uprooted, and 5% broke off at ground level. Stepw...Snapping; Uprooting1983
185 Carrier, David R.Functional tradeoffs in specialization for fighting versus runningBoth locomotion and fighting are critical to survival and reproductive fitness in many vertebrate species. Yet, characters that make an individual good at fighting may, in many cases, limit locomotor performance and vice versa. Here I describe tests of three functional tradeoffs in the limb muscles ...Greyhounds; Pit Bulls; Australopithecus; Homo; Fighting; Running; Male-male aggression; Limb muscles; Functional tradeoff2002
186 Codding, Brian F.A land of work: foraging behavior and ecologyWork is a core theme in many of the major issues and debates in California archaeology. Work is central in understanding why the first Californians entered the region (e.g., Erlandson, this volume): how thousands of years of work following colonization resulted in the overexploitation of particular ...Human behavioral ecology; Hunter-gatherer; North America: California2012-03-15
187 Davidson, Diane W.Nonnative brome grasses in the new national monumentIncluded within the boundaries of the Grand-Staircase Escalante National Monument are a number of noxious weeds for which the BLM mandates control. In addition to listed weeds are nonnative brome grasses [Bromus tectorum and Bromus rubens), which can potentially convert native ecosystems to biologic...Noxious weeds, Cheatgrass,1998
188 Miller, Jan D.Dimethyl ether - a new synthetic fuel commodity and chemical building blockDimethyl ether (DME) is recognized as a potential next-generation, environmentally benign commodity for energy storage and distribution, as well as a momentous chemical building block. DME can be produced at a competitive price from synthesis gas conveniently generated from a variety of carbon-cont...Dimethyl ether; DME; Energy carrier; Energy commodity; Diesel fuel2005
189 Maloney, Thomas N.Personnel policy, costs of experimentation, and racial inequality in the Pre-World War II NorthBetween 1910 and 1940, the black population of the northern United States nearly tripled, rising from just over I million to more than 2.7 million, signaling the start of the "Great Migration" of African-Americans out of the South. As black workers entered the North, they sought positions in new sec...Race bias; Personnel policies; African Americans; Employment opportunities1999
190 Sokolsky, PierreAn analog light scattering experiment of hexagonal icelike particles. part I: experimental apparatus and test measurementsAn experimental apparatus to measure the scattering properties of hexagonal icelike particles in the analog manner at the helium neon laser wavelength of 0.633 mm has been designed and built. The instrument consists of an array of 36 highly sensitive and linear photodiode detectors that are positi...1999
191 Ehleringer, James R.Evaluación de la capacidad estacional de utilizar eventos de preciptación en tres especies de arbustos nativos de Chile con distintos sistemas radicularesSe evaluó la capacidad estacional de utilizar un evento de precipitación en tres especies arbustivas con diferentes sistemas radiculares (dimórficos: Balbisia peduncularis, Senna cumingii; profundo: Haplopappus parvifolius) en la Quebrada El Romeral, norte-centro de Chile. El sitio posee un clima...Fuentes de agua; Proporción de isótopos estables; Sistema radicular; Desertificación; Zonas áridas; Chile; Water sources; Stable isotopes ratio; Root system; Arid zone; Balbisia peduncularis; Senna cummingii; Haplopappus parvifolius2002
192 Chamberlin, Ralph V.A descriptive catalog of the Mollusca of UtahIn the preparation of this bulletin an effort has been made to bring together what was previously known of recent Utah mollusks and to incorporate with this the results of the authors' special studies. The form of presentation has been determined by the fact that, in the first place, the paper is in...1929-06
193 Hawkes, KristenHunting and the evolution of egalitarian societies: lessons from the HadzaPolitical hierarchies are common in human societies but absent among many mobile hunter-gatherers. So egalitarian social organizations have been attributed to limits that foraging imposes on wealth accumulation. But male-dominance hierarchies characterize all the great apes, our nearest relatives. ...2000
194 Mcpherson, Brian James; Chapman, David S.Thermal analysis of the southern Powder River Basin, WyomingTemperature and geologic data from over 3000 oil and gas wells within a 180 km x 30 km area that transect across the southern Powder River Basin in Wyoming, U.S.A., were used to determine the present thermal regime of the basin. Three-dimensional temperature fields within the transect, based on...1996
195 Chapman, David S.Thermal analysis of the southern Powder River Basin, WyomingTemperature and geologic data from over 3000 oil and gas wells within a 180 km x 30 km area that transect across the southern Powder River Basin in Wyoming, U.S.A., were used to determine the present thermal regime of the basin. Three-dimensional temperature fields within the transect, based on...Thermal analysis; Inversion; Bottom hole temperature1996-11
196 Torti, Sylvia D.; Coley, Phyllis D.; Kursar, Thomas A.Causes and consequences of monodominance in tropical lowland forestsTropical canopy dominance in lowland, well-drained forests by one plant species is a long-standing conundrum in tropical biology. Research now shows that dominance is not the result of one trait or mechanism. We suggest that the striking dominance of Gilbertiodendron dewevrei in the Ituri Forest of ...Monodominance; Gilbertiodendron dewevrei; Ituri Forest; Understory2001
197 Bowling, David R.Impacts of anthropogenic emissions and cold air pools on urban to montane gradients of snowpack ion concentrations in the Wasatch Mountains, UtahUrban montane valleys are often characterized by periodic wintertime temperature inversions (cold air pools) that increase atmospheric particulate matter concentrations, potentially stimulating the deposition of major ions to these snow-covered ecosystems. We assessed spatial and temporal patterns o...2014-01-01
198 Hawkes, KristenAlyawara plant use and optimal foraging theoryVarious authors have remarked on the importance of seeds in the pre-European diet of central Australian Aborigines. The Alyawara, an Arandic-speaking group, were typical in this respect. They collected edible seeds from nearly half the eighty-five plant species in their traditional subsistence inven...Australia; Aborigines; Foraging; Seeds1981
199 Brown, Francis HaroldPliocene/pleistocene formations in the lower omo basin, southern EthiopiaFollowing a two month geological reconnaissance by one of us (FHB) in 1966, four seasons of fieldwork by members of the Omo Research Expedition has added greatly to our previous, scanty knowledge of the late Cenozoic history of the lower Omo basin in southern Ethiopia. Eduard Suess (in: von Hohnel ...1970
200 Francis, John G.Evolving regulatory structure of European church-state relationshipsIn Western Europe, many contemporary churches have achieved remarkable levels of administrative autonomy and tangible resource support. Yet paradoxically, public participation in the traditional churches appears marginal. In Eastern Europe under Communism, churches experienced varying levels of hos...Regimes; Environment; Regulation1992
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