176 - 200 of 278
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176 Bernstein, Paul S.HPLC measurement of ocular carotenoid levels in human donor eyes in the lutein supplementation era.PURPOSE: A substantial proportion of the population at risk for visual loss from age-related macular degeneration consumes supplements containing high doses of lutein, but clinical studies to date have shown only modest and variable increases in macular carotenoid pigments in response to supplementa...Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid; Dietary Supplements; Tissue Donors2007-02
177 Bastiani, MichaelLoss of axons in the cat optic nerve following fetal unilateral enucleation: an electron microscopic analysisBetween the 48th day of gestation (E-48) and maturity, the number of axons in the cat optic nerve is reduced by approximately 50%. On the basis of an electron microscopic assay, the axon population of the E-48 nerve was estimated to be 328,000. In contrast, estimates from two normal adults were 159,...Ganglion cell death; Retinofugal projection; Retinal ganglion cell axons1983
178 Gerig, GuidoRegional gray matter growth, sexual dimorphism, and cerebral asymmetry in the Neonatal BrainAlthough there has been recent interest in the study of childhood and adolescent brain development, very little is known about normal brain development in the first few months of life. In older children, there are regional differences in cortical gray matter development, whereas cortical gray and wh...2007-01-01
179 Brown, Barbara B.Residential territories: cues to burglary vulnerabilityNewman's work on defensible space and Altman's work on territoriality were used to formulate a hypothesis that certain design elements enhance or reflect residential territoriality and thereby influence burglars' target selections. Specifically, evidence on the links from real and symbolic barriers...Burglary; Residences; Territoriality; Homes1985
180 Larson, Scott A.Strabismus surgery complications: prevention and managementStrabismus surgery is increasingly becoming a subspecialty domain, especially with cyclovertical muscles, restricted muscles, or reoperations. While is impossible to completely eliminate complications from strabimus surgery, it is possible to minimize their occurrence and significance by proper prev...Malignant hyperthermia; Overcorrection; Strabismus; Surgery; Undercorrection2003
181 McDaniel, SusanWork, retirement and women in later lifeResearch on the labour market experiences of mid-life and older women is increasing, revealing new knowledge, but also showing us how much is not yet known. Retirement remains, for the most part, a presumed life transition for men, but not necessarily for women. Despite the growing, but still small ...Women; Retirement; Mid-life; Canada1995
182 Murphy, Patricia A.Extended and continuous combined contraceptive regimens for menstrual suppressionMany women have medical indications for menstrual suppression or a personal preference to reduce or eliminate monthly bleeding, which can be achieved with extended and continuous regimens of combined estrogen and progestin contraceptives. Combined contraceptives are traditionally administered in a 2...2012-01-01
183 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineMechanism for photogeneration of charge carriers in polyacetyleneIn light of new experimental observations, a mechanism for the photogeneration of charge carriers in trans-polyacetylene is presented. By way of introduction, we discuss the qualitative changes in the picture of charged-soliton photogeneration that are expected due to the inclusion of electron corre...Photogeneration; Charge carriers; Photocarriers1984-07
184 Schmidt, Meic H.Medical applications of space light-emitting diode technology-space station and beyondSpace light-emitting diode (LED) technology has provided medicine with a new tool capable of delivering light deep into tissues of the body, at wavelengths which are biologically optimal for cancer treatment and wound healing. This LED technology has already flown on Space Shuttle missions, and show...Photodynamic therapy; Lutetium Texaphyrin; Lutex; Canine glioma1999
185 Armentrout, Peter B.Reaction of Cr+, Mn+, Fe+, Co+, and Ni+ with O2 and N2O. Examination of the translational energy dependence of the cross sections of endothermic reactionsReactions of Cr+, Mn+, Fe+, Co+, and Ni+ with 02 and N20 to yield metal oxide ions are examined using an ion beam apparatus. Reaction cross sections a as a function of ion translational energy E are reported. With one exception, Fe+ + N20, the cross sections exhibit an energy threshold E0.Metal oxides; Endothermic reactions; Translational energy; Bond energy; Threshold energy1982
186 Petti, Cathy A.Role of the laboratory in diagnosis of influenza during seasonal epidemics and potential pandemicsLaboratory diagnosis of influenza is critical to its treatment and surveillance. With the emergence of novel and highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses, the role of the laboratory has been further extended to include isolation and subtyping of the virus to monitor its appearance and facilitate ap...Antibodies, Viral; Antigens, Viral; RNA, Viral2006
187 Goodwin, Charles CarrollThat briefReply to A. M. Gibson's pamphlet entitled, "Brief in re Senate bill number 10."Latter Day Saints; Polygamy1886-04-12
188 Gerig, GuidoTwin-singleton differences in neonatal brain structureTwin studies suggest that global and regional brain volumes are highly heritable. However, estimates of heritability vary across development. Given that all twin studies are open to the potential criticism of non-generalizability due to differences in intrauterine environment between twins and singl...2011-01-01
189 Shapiro, Michael D.Divergence, convergence, and the ancestry of feral populations in the domestic rock pigeonStringham, Sydney A.; Mulroy, Elisabeth E.; Xing, Jinchuan; Record, David; Guernsey, Michael W.; Aldenhoven, Jaclyn T.; Osborne, Edward J.
190 Seger, JonModels of sex ratio evolutionOur understanding of sex ratio evolution depends strongly on models that identify: (1) constraints on the production of male and female offspring, and (2) fitness consequences entailed by the production of different attainable brood sex ratios. Verbal and mathematical arguments by, among others, D...Fitness; Species; Sex-allocation2002
191 Mathews, V. JohnAn optimal design procedure for intraband vector quantized subband codingAbstTact- Subband coding with vector quantization is addressed in this paper. Forming the data vectors from both between and within the subbands is considered. The former of these two schemes is referred to as interband coding and the latter as intraband coding. Interband coder design is relatively ...1995
192 Armentrout, Peter B.Electron impact ionization cross section of metastable N2(A Σu+)Extensive studies of electron impact cross sections have been carried out both experimentally and theoretically for a number of ground state atoms and molecules.1 In general, as the electron energy is increased, such cross sections rise from a threshold at the ionization potential to a peak at an e...Ion beam; Nitrogen1981
193 Caserta, Michael; Lund, Dale A.Future directions in adult bereavement researchThe primary purpose of this article is to stimulate interest in conducting research related to adult bereavement and provide suggestions for improving the quality of these studies and the application of their findings. Future research needs to generate new knowledge about grief and bereavement but ...1998
194 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineLasing and stimulated emission in ∏-conjugated polymersRecent studies of lasing and stimulated emission in luminescent -conjugated polymers performed by our group are presented. Optical properties of cylindrical high- polymer microcavities are discussed. The emission spectra of plastic microring and microdisk lasers are measured and analyzed. Light-emi...Lasing; Stimulated emission; pi-conjugated polymers; Microcavities; Polymer lasers2000-01
195 Freire, JulianaMetaComm: a meta-directory for telecommunicationsA great deal of corporate data is buried in network devices - such as PBX messaging/email platforms, and data networking equipment - where it is difficult to access and modify. Typically, the data is only available to the device itself for its internal purposes and it must be administered using eith...MetaComm; Meta-Directories; Directory Enabled Networking; Data integration2000
196 Stevens, KennethRelative timing based verification of timed circuits and systemsAggressive timed circuits, including synchronous and asynchronous self-resetting circuits, are particularly challenging to design and verify due to complicated timing constraints that must hold to ensure correct operation. Identifying a small, sufficient, and easily verifiable set of relative timin...2002
197 Regehr, JohnSafe and structured use of interrupts in real-time and embedded softwareWhile developing embedded and real-time systems, it is usually necessary to write code that handles interrupts, or code the interacts with interrupt handlers. Interrupts are indispensable because they use hardware support to reduce both the latency and overhead of event detection, when compared to p...2007-01-01
198 Mishchenko, EugeneZero-bias anomaly in two-dimensional electron layers and multiwall nanotubesThe zero-bias anomaly in the dependence of the tunneling density of states n (e) on the energy e of the tunneling particle for two- and one-dimensional multilayered structures is studied. We show that for a ballistic two-dimensional (2D) system the first-order interaction correction to density of s...Spin-orbit coupling; Coulomb interaction2002-05
199 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshThe 'test model-checking' approach to the verification of formal memory models of multiprocessorsWe offer a solution to the problem of verifying formal memory models of processors by com bining the strengths of model checking and a formal testing procedure for parallel machines We characterize the formal basis for abstracting the tests into test automata and associated memory rule safety p...Formal memory models; Shared memory multiprocessors; Formal testing; Model; Checking1998
200 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshThe 'Test model-checking' approach to the verification of formal memory models of multiprocessorsWe offer a solution to the problem of verifying formal memory models of processors by combining the strengths of model-checking and a formal testing procedure for parallel machines. We characterize the formal basis for abstracting the tests into test automata and associated memory rule safety proper...Test Model-checking; Formal memory; Verification1998
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