Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
176 |
 | Vardeny, Zeev Valentine | Optical absorption in the substituted phenylene-based conjugated polymers: theory and experiment | We investigate theoretically and experimentally the effects of (2,5) chemical substitution on the optical absorption in the phenylene-based conjugated polymers. Theoretically, substitution destroys both the charge-conjugation symmetry and spatial symmetry that characterize the unsubstituted materia... | Phenylene-based conjugated polymers; Optical absorption; Chemical substitution; Coulomb correlated models | 1997-01 |
177 |
 | Gelfand, Donna M. | Preschool assessment of attachment: construct validity in a sample of depressed and nondepressed families. | Construct validity of the newly developed Preschool Assessment of Attachment (PAA) was examined in a sample of depressed and nondepressed mothers and their preschoolers, focusing on attachment related differences in children's general caregiving environments, maternal psychosocial functioning, and c... | Preschoolers; Families; Maternal, psychosocial functioning; Mothers; Children, caregiving; Attachment | 1997-07 |
178 |
 | Varner, Michael W.; Esplin, Michael S. | Progression of pulmonary arteriovenous malformation during pregnancy: case report and review of the literature. | | Arteriovenous Malformations; Pulmonary Artery; Pregnancy Complications; Pulmonary Veins; Pulmonary Artery | 1997-04 |
179 |
 | DeTar, Carleton | QCD thermodynamics with an improved lattice action | We have investigated QCD with two flavors of degenerate fermions using the Symanzik-improvement program for both the gauge and fermion actions. Our study focuses on the deconfinement transition on an Nt=4 lattice. Having located the thermal transition, we performed zero temperature simulations nea... | Wilson fermions; Polyakov loop; Chiral symmetry; Phase transitions | 1997-11 |
180 |
 | DeTar, Carleton | Recent MILC spectrum results* | We report on results from three spectrum calculations with staggered quarks: 1) a quenched calculation with the standard action for the gluons and quarks; 2) a quenched calculation with improved actions for both the gluons and quarks; and 3) a calculation with two flavors of dynamical quarks using... | Staggered quarks; Hadron spectrum | 1997-02 |
181 |
 | Vardeny, Zeev Valentine | Ring microlasers from conducting polymers | We demonstrate pulsed, photopumped multimode laser emission in the visible spectral range from cylindrical microcavities formed by conducting polymer thin films deposited around optical fibers. The laser is characterized by narrow emission lines (~1.5 cm-1), a well-defined excitation threshold, an... | Ring microlasers; Laser emission; Waveguided ring modes; Whispering gallery modes | 1997-08 |
182 |
 | Varner, Michael W.; Porter T. Flint | Risk of preterm birth across generations. | OBJECTIVE: To examine the risk of preterm birth for mothers who themselves were born before term. METHODS: Data were taken from a linked data base of birth certificates composed of two cohorts: 1) a parental cohort of women born between 1947 and 1957 and 2) their offspring born between 1970 and 1992... | Preterm mothers; Pregnancy; Premature; Risk | 1997-07 |
183 |
 | Vardeny, Zeev Valentine | Spin and spectral signatures of polaron pairs in ∏-conjugated polymers | We have studied polaron pair photoexcitations in a variety of p-conjugated polymer films by photoinduced absorption (PA) and optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR). Both luminescent and nonluminescent polymers have been studied. An exchange interaction between polarons broadens their magneti... | Spin signatures; spectral signatures; Photoinduced absorption; Photoexcitation | 1997-08 |
184 |
 | DeTar, Carleton | Thermodynamics for two flavor QCD* | We conclude our analysis of the Nt = 6 equation of state (EOS) for two flavor QCD, first described at last year's conference. We have obtained new runs at amq = 0.025 and improved runs at amq = 0.0125. The results are extrapolated to mq = 0, and we extract the speed of sound as well. We also present... | Phase transitions; Quark-gluon plasma; Chiral symmetry | 1997-02 |
185 |
 | Vardeny, Zeev Valentine | Transient spectroscopy of Frenkel and charge transfer excitons in α-sexithienyl films | Photoexcitations dynamics are investigated in a-sexithienyl nanocrystalline films using transient photomodulation in a spectral range from 0.4 to 2.5 eV and time domain from 200 fs to 50 ms. We identify intrachain and interchain excitations. The former are even parity excitons with ultrafast dynami... | Transient spectroscopy; Excitons; Frenkel exciton; Charge transfer exciton; Transient photomodulation | 1997-10 |
186 |
 | Gerton, Jordan | Triplet s-wave resonance in 6Li collisions and scattering lengths of 6Li and 7Li | The triplet s-wave scattering length of 6Li is determined using two-photon photoassociative spectroscopy of the diatomic α 3Σu+ state of 6Li2. The measured binding energy of the highest-lying bound state, combined with knowledge of the potential, determines the s-wave scattering length to be -21... | | 1997-05 |
187 |
 | DeTar, Carleton | Update on fB | We describe the current status of the MILC collaboration computation of fB, fBs , fD, fDs and their ratios. Progress over the past year includes: better statistics and plateaus at _x000C_β = 6.52 (quenched), β_x000C_ = 5.6 (NF = 2) and β_x000C_ = 5.445 (NF = 2), new runs with a wide range of dyn... | Decay constants; Wilson quarks | 1997-02 |
188 |
 | DeTar, Carleton | Which chiral symmetry is restored in high temperature quantum chromodynamics? | Sigma models for the high temperature phase transition in quantum chromodynamics suggest that at high temperature the SU(Nf) X 3 SU(Nf) chiral symmetry becomes exact, but the anomalous axial U(1) symmetry need not be restored. In numerical lattice simulations, traditional methods for detecting symme... | Chiral symmetry; Staggered fermions; Phase transitions | 1997-01 |
189 |
 | Paiva, Marie | 96-97 Final report: ALA/USIA library fellow to ethiopia | The National Library of Ethiopia (NLE) in Addis Ababa requested a librarian to help with staff training, evaluate organizational procedures and processes, and make recommendations to the institution. In order to work on the objectives, Library seminar/discussions were held on various topics for both... | Ethiopia; Addis Ababa university; National library of Ethiopia; Librarianship | 1997-07-07 |
190 |
 | Regehr, John | An isotach implementation for myrinet | An isotach network provides strong guarantees about message delivery order. We show that an isotach network can be implemented efficiently entirely in software, using commercial o-the-shelf hardware. This report describes that effort. Parts of this implementation could be performed much more efficie... | | 1997-01-01 |
191 |
 | Capecchi, Mario R. | Cleft palate in mice with a targeted mutation in the gamma-aminobutyric acid-producing enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase 67. | The functions of neurotransmitters in fetal development are poorly understood. Genetic observations have suggested a role for the inhibitory amino acid neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the normal development of the mouse palate. Mice homozygous for mutations in the beta-3 GABAA rec... | Animals, Newborn; Crosses, Genetic | 1997-10-14 |
192 |
 | Capecchi, Mario R. | Critical role of tissue angiotensin-converting enzyme as revealed by gene targeting in mice | Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) generates the vasoconstrictor angiotensin II, which plays a critical role in maintenance of blood pressure in mammals. Although significant ACE activity is found in plasma, the majority of the enzyme is bound to tissues such as the vascular endothelium. We used ta... | Blood pressure; ACE activity; Enzyme | 1997-03-06 |
193 |
 | Furse, Cynthia M.; Gandhi, Om P. | Currents induced in the human body for exposure to ultrawideband electromagnetic pulses | The frequency-dependent finite-difference time-domain [(FD)2TD] method is used to calculate internal electric fields and induced current densities in a 1.31-cm resolution anatomically-based model of the human body for exposure to ultrawideband vertically polarized electromagnetic pulses (EMP's). Fr... | FDTD; Finite-difference time-domain; Ultrawideband electromagnetic pulses; Induced currents | 1997-01-01 |
194 |
 | | Energy eighteen wheelers: the technological revolution within utility restructuring. | The electric utility industry, is being de-regulated and restructured. The utilities want to preserve their traditional markets and customers and to avoid stranding their capital investments. Special customer interest groups want to open these traditional markets to new "merchant" providers of elect... | Utility Industry; Change; Photovoltaics | 1997-10-09 |
195 |
 | Stringfellow, Gerald B. | Heterostructures in GaInP grown using a change in V/III ratio | A natural monolayer 111% superlattice -- the CuPt ordered structure -- is formed spontaneously during organometallic vapor phase epitaxial OMVPE growth of Ga0.52In0.48P. The extent of this ordering process is found to be a strong function of the input partial pressure of the phosphorus precursor dur... | Superlattices; Alloys; Atomic ordering; Heterostructures | 1997-02-24 |
196 |
 | Capecchi, Mario R. | Hox group 3 paralogous genes act synergistically in the formation of somitic and neural crest-derived structures. | Hox genes encode transcription factors that are used to regionalize the mammalian embryo. Analysis of mice carrying targeted mutations in individual and multiple Hox genes is beginning to reveal a complex network of interactions among these closely related genes which is responsible for directing th... | Abnormalities, Multiple; Gene Targeting; Glossopharyngeal Nerve; Mice, Knockout; Morphogenesis | 1997-12-15 |
197 |
 | Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah | IAIMS Newsletter Fall 1997 | The IAIMS Newsletter provides valuable information about Library activities and resources as well as informative articles related to information technology. | IAIMS | 1997-09-24 |
198 |
 | Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah | IAIMS Newsletter InfoFair 1997 Spring Supplement | The IAIMS Newsletter provides valuable information about Library activities and resources as well as informative articles related to information technology. | IAIMS | 1997-03-19 |
199 |
 | Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah | IAIMS Newsletter Spring 1997 | The IAIMS Newsletter provides valuable information about Library activities and resources as well as informative articles related to information technology. | IAIMS | 1997-03-19 |
200 |
 | Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah | IAIMS Newsletter Summer 1997 | The purpose of the IAIMS Newsletter is to keep the campus community informed on all aspects of computer and information technology as well as on the services provided by the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library. Articles on computer and information technology events, applications, services, edu... | IAIMS | 1997-06-17 |