Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
176 |
 | Lindstrom, Gary E. | Using a functional language and graph reduction to program multiprocessor machines or functional control of imperative programs | This paper describes an effective means for programming shared memory multiprocessors whereby a set of sequential activities are linked together for execution in parallel. The glue for this linkage is provided by a functional language implemented via graph reduction and demand evaluation. The full ... | shared memory multiprocessors; Programming; functional language; graph reduction; Demand evaluation | 1991 |
177 |
 | Van Uitert, Robert; Weinstein, David; Johnson, Christopher R. | Volume currents in forward and inverse MEG simulations using realistic head models | Many magnetoencephalography (MEG) forward and inverse simulation models employ spheres, a singular shape which does not require consideration of volume currents. With more realistic, inhomogenous, anisotropic, non-spherical head models, volume currents cannot be ignored. We verify the accuracy of ... | Forward MEG, Inverse MEG, Source localization, Volume currents, Finite element method | 2001 |
178 |
 | Seeley, Donn | A tour of the worm | On the evening of November 2, 1988, a self-replicating program was released upon the Internet 1. This program (a worm) invaded VAX and Sun-3 computers running versions of Berkeley UNIX, and used their sources to attack still more computers2. Within the space of hours this program had spread aacross ... | Computer worm | 1989 |
179 |
 | Mecklenburg, Robert | A dossier driven persistent objects facility | We describe the design and implementation of a persistent object storage facility based on a dossier driven approach. Objects are characterized by dossiers which describe both their language defined and "extra-linguistic" properties. These dossiers are generated by a C+-f- preprocessor in concert ... | Persistent object storage facility; Dossier driven | 1994 |
180 |
 | Cohen, Elaine | Adaptive isocurves based rendering for freeform surfaces | Freeform surface rendering is traditionally performed by approximating the surface with polygons and then rendering the polygons This approach is extremely common because of the complexity in accurately rendering the surfaces directly Recently?? several papers presented methods to render surface... | Freeform surface rendering; Isocurves | 1992 |
181 |
 | Tasdizen, Tolga; Whitaker, Ross T. | Anisotropic diffusion of surface normals for feature preserving surface reconstruction | For 3D surface reconstruction problems with noisy and incomplete range data measure d from complex scenes with arbitrary topologies, a low-level representation, such as level set surfaces, is used. Such surface reconstruction is typically accomplished by minimizing a weighted sum of data-model discr... | | 2003 |
182 |
 | Tasdizen, Tolga; Whitaker, Ross T. | Anisotropic diffusion of surface normals for feature preserving surface reconstruction | For 3D surface reconstruction problems with noisy and incomplete range data measured from complex scenes with arbitrary topologies, a low-level representation, such as level set surfaces, is used. Such surface reconstruction is typically accomplished by minimizing a weighted sum of data-model discre... | | 2003 |
183 |
 | Lindstrom, Gary E. | Backtracking in generalized control settings | Backtracking is a powerful conceptual and practical technique in programming. However, its application in general has been limited to global control over recursive programs. In this paper we explore through several examples the coherence and utility of applying backtracking in more general control s... | Backtracking | 1977 |
184 |
 | Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh | Case studies in symbolic model checking | The need to formally verify hardware and software systems before they are deployed the real world has been recognized for several decades now. This is especially true of concurrent systems that are even more difficult to debug than sequential systems. For example, many of the protocols that get emp... | Symbolic model checking; Hardware verification; Software verification | 1994 |
185 |
 | Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh | Decomposing the proof of correctness of pipelined microprocessors | We present a systematic approach to decompose and incrementally build the proof of correctness of pipelined microprocessors. The central idea is to construct the abstraction function using completion functions, one per unfinished instruction, each of which specify the effect (on the observables) of ... | Pipelined microprocessors; Proof of correctness | 1998 |
186 |
 | Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh | Dynamic reordering of high latency transactions in time-warp simulation using a modified micropipeline | Time warp based simulation of discrete-event systems is an efficient way to overcome the synchronization overhead during distributed simulation. As computations may proceed beyond synchronization barriers in time warp, multiple checkpoints of state need to be maintained to be able to rollback inva... | Asynchronous design; Micropipelines; Dynamic instruction reordering; Time warp simulations | 1992 |
187 |
 | Kopta, Daniel M.; Kensler, Andrew Erin; Spjut, Josef Bo; Brunvand, Erik L.; Davis, Al | Fast, effective BVH updates for dynamic ray-traced scenes using tree rotations | Bounding volume hierarchies are a popular choice for ray tracing animated scenes due to the relative simplicity of refitting bounding volumes around moving geometry. However, the quality of such a refitted tree can degrade rapidly if objects in the scene deform or rearrange significantly as the ... | Ray tracing; Acceleration structures; Bounding volume hierarchies; Tree rotations; Dynamic scenes; Parallel update | 2011 |
188 |
 | Thompson, William B. | Feature-based reverse engineering of mechanical parts | Reverse engineering of mechanical parts requires extraction of information about an instance of a particular part sufficient to replicate the part using appropriate manufacturing techniques. This is important in a wide variety of situations, since functioning CAD models are often unavailable or unus... | Mechanical parts | 1995 |
189 |
 | Chatterjee, Prosenjit; Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh | Formally specifying memory consistency models and automatically generating executable specifications | Memory ordering properties of shared memory multiprocessors are more subtle and less well understood than cache coherence. These properties tend to be processor or platform specific and are not always formally specified. It is difficult to compare even those platforms whose memory ordering propert... | Computer memory; Memory consistency models; Memory ordering; Shared memory multiprocessors | 2001 |
190 |
 | Awate, Suyash P.; Whitaker, Ross T. | Higher-order image statistics for unsupervised, information-theoretic, adaptive, image filtering | The restoration of images is an important and widely studied problem in computer vision and image processing. Various image filtering strategies have been effective, but invariably make strong assumptions about the properties of the signal and/or degradation. Therefore, these methods typically la... | Image filtering; Image restoration | 2005-04-15 |
191 |
 | Sikorski, Christopher | The method of generated solutions for numerical verification of ICE code | Method of Manufactured Solutions (MMS) is a widely used technique to verify convergence and possible coding errors in numerical algorithms. This method involves designing analytical solutions satisfying the governing equations that are solved by the numerical algorithm. The solutions investigated... | Method of Manufactured Solutions; MMS; Convergence; Verification; numerical Algorithms; ICE code; Numerical verification | 2007 |
192 |
 | Henderson, Thomas C. | Monte Carlo sensor networks | Biswas et al. [1] introduced a probabilistic approach to inference with limited information in sensor networks. They represented the sensor network as a Bayesian network and performed approximate inference using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). The goal is to robustly answer queries even under no... | Monte Carlo sensor networks; Markov Chain Monte Carlo; MCMC | 2005-01-20 |
193 |
 | Yang, Yue; Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; Lindstrom, Gary E.; Slind, Konrad Lee | Nemos: a framework for axiomatic and executable specifications of memory consistency models | Conforming to the underlying memory consistency rules is a fundamental require- ment for implementing shared memory systems and writing multiprocessor programs. In order to promote understanding and enable automated verification, it is highly desir- able that a memory model specification be both ... | Nemos; Shared memory systems | 2003 |
194 |
 | Fujimoto, Richard M. | On synthesizing systolic arrays from recurrence equations with linear dependencies | We present a technique for synthesizing systolic architectures from Recurrence Equations. A class of such equations (Recurrence Equations with Linear Dependencies) is defined and and the problem of mapping such equations onto a two dimensional architecture is studied. We show that such a mapping is ... | Recurrence equations | 1986 |
195 |
 | Lindstrom, Gary E. | The schema coercion problem | Over the past decade, the ability to incorporate data from a wide variety of sources has become increasingly important to database users. To meet this need, significant effort has been expended in automatic database schema manipulation. However, to date this effort has focused on two aspects of this... | Schema coercion; Database schema manipulation; Schema integration | 1997 |
196 |
 | Fujimoto, Richard M. | Systolic array synthesis by static analysis of program dependencies | We present a technique for mapping recurrence equations to systolic arrays. While this problem has been studied in fairly great detail, the recurrence equations that are analysed here are a generalization of those studied previously. In a n earlier paper (14] we have showed how systolic arrays can b... | Systolic array synthesis; static analysis; program dependencies; recurrence equations | 1986 |
197 |
 | Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh | Towards a verification technique for large synchronous circuits | We present a symbolic simulation based veri cation approach which can be applied to large synchronous circuits A new technique to encode the state and input constraints as parametric Boolean expressions over the state and input variables is used to make our symbolic simulation based veri cation... | symbolic simulation; verification | 1992 |
198 |
 | Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh | Towards a verification technique for large synchronous circuits | We present a symbolic simulation based verification approach which can be applied to large synchronous circuits. A new technique to encode the state and input constraints as parametric Boolean expressions over the state and input variables is used to make our symbolic simulation based verification... | Verification; symbolic simulation | 1992 |
199 |
 | Subrahmanyam, P.A. | TRACIS: transformations on Ada for circuit synthesis a report on the methodology for a silicon compiler | This report describes in detail, the ongoing design and implementation of a transformation system, for compiling specifications of integrated circuits into silicon. There are many levels in this process, and the area that we focus on produces target specifications of asynchronous and synchronous con... | TRACIS; transformation system | 1983 |
200 |
 | Lindstrom, Gary E. | Type-safe composition of object modules | We describe a facility that enables routine type-checking during the linkage of external declarations and definitions of separately compiled programs in ANSI C. The primary advantage of our server-style type-checked linkage facility is the ability to program the combination of object modules via a s... | object modules; ANSI C; Type-safe; type-checking | 1994 |