176 - 200 of 1,196
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176 Regehr, JohnHLS: a framework for composing soft real-time schedulersHierarchical CPU scheduling has emerged as a way to (1) support applications with diverse scheduling requirements in open systems, and (2) provide load isolation between applications, users, and other resource principals. Most existing work on hierarchical scheduling has focused on systems that prov...2001-01-01
177 Miller, Joel StevenPressure-induced phase transition in a molecule-based magnet with interpenetrating sublatticesThe molecule-based magnet [Ru2(O2CMe)4]3[Cr(CN)6] contains two interpenetrating sublattices with sublattice moments confined to the cubic diagonals. At ambient pressure, a field of about 850 Oe rotates the antiferromagnetically coupled sublattice moments toward the field direction, producing a wasp...2010-05
178 Harrison, Reid R.Validation of adaptive threshold spike detector for neural recordingWe compare the performance of algorithms for automatic spike detection in neural recording applications. Each algorithm sets a threshold based on an estimate of the background noise level. The adaptive spike detection algorithm is suitable for implementation in analog VLSI; results from a proof-of-...Spike detection; Neural recording; Ation potential; VLSI2004-01-01
179 Slev, Patricia R.Review: Host genomics and HCV personalized medicineIt is estimated that there are 4.0 million individuals chronically infected with Hepatitis C virus (HCV) in the US. Due to the slow progression of disease, the incidence of HCV has declined in the last two decades. However, it is anticipated that the number of individuals requiring treatment for liv...2012-01-01
180 Harrison, Reid R.Silicon implementation of the fly's optomotor control systemFlies are capable of stabilizing their body during free flight by using visual motion information to estimate self-rotation. We have built a hardware model of this optomotor control system in a standard CMOS VLSI process. The result is a small, low-power chip that receives input directly from the r...Optomotor control system; photoreceptors; Insect visual system; Motion detector; CMOS transistor2000-01-01
181 Normann, Richard A.Functional reorganization of primary visual cortex induced by electrical stimulation in the cat.Compared to the high degree of plasticity observed in a juvenile, mature sensory cortices have long been held to be immutable but, recently, researchers have suggested some plasticity persists in the mature cortex. Cortical reorganization has particular saliency to the development of a cortically ba...Cat; Electrophysiology; Phosphene; Plasticity; Receptive Field; Striate Cortex2005
182 Balasubramonian, RajeevLeveraging wire properties at the microarchitecture levelIn future microprocessors, communication will emerge as a major bottleneck. The authors advocate composing future interconnects of some wires that minimize latency, some that maximize bandwidth, and some that minimize power. A microarchitecture aware of these wire characteristics can steer on-chip ...Microarchitecture; Interconnects; Cache coherence2006-11
183 Regehr, JohnPredictable scheduling for digital audioThis paper presents results from applying the Rialto/ NT scheduler to some real Windows 2000 application scenarios. We report on two aspects of this work. First, we studied the reliability of an audio player application and the middleware and kernel components running beneath it in order to assess i...2000-01-01
184 Hansen, Charles D.Recent developments in parallel renderingUsing parallel computers for computer graphics rendering dates back to the late 1970s. Several papers published then focused on image space decompositions for theoretical parallel machines. Early research concentrated on algorithmic studies and special-purpose hardware, but the growing availability...Parallel rendering; Massively parallel processors1994
185 Sutherland, James ClaytonA comparison of various models in predicting ignition delay in single-particle coal combustionIn this paper, individual coal particle combustion under laminar conditions is simulated using models with various levels of complexity for the particle and gas phase chemical kinetics. The mass, momentum and energy governing equations are fully coupled between the particle and the gas phase. In the...2014-01-01
186 Normann, Richard A.Statistical encoding model for a primary motor cortical brain-computer interfaceA number of studies of the motor system suggest that the majority of primary motor cortical neurons represent simple movement-related kinematic and dynamic quantities in their time-varying activity patterns. An example of such an encoding relationship is the cosine tuning of firing rate with respect...Discrete Distribution; LN Model; Neural Decoding; Neuroprosthetics; Sequential Monte-Carlo Filter2005
187 Hartmann, Donald P.Cautionary note on the use of omega squared to evaluate the effectiveness of behavioral treatmentsEstimating the magnitude of treatment effects has been recommended as a solution to the problems associated with conventional hypothesis testing. In comparison to tradition statistical tests of treatment effectiveness, omega squared (ω2) and related magnitude of effect statistics provide a graduat...Magnitude of effects; Omega squared1981
188 Harrison, Reid R.Design of integrated circuits to observe brain activityThe ability to monitor the simultaneous electrical activity of multiple neurons in the brain enables a wide range of scientific and clinical endeavors. Recent efforts to merge miniature multielectrode neural recording arrays with integrated electronics have revealed significant circuit design chall...Amplifiers; Analog integrated circuits; Biomedical signal processing; Low-power circuit design; Neural recording; Subthreshold circuit design; Neural signals; Brain activity2008-01-01
189 Yamaguchi, AyakoRhythm generation, coordination, and initiation in the vocal pathways of male African clawed frogscentral pattern generator; vocalization; parabrachial area; hindbrain; bilateral coordination; motor programs2016
190 Hansen, Charles D.Interactive texture-based volume rendering for large data setsVisualization is an integral part of scientific computation and simulation. State-of-the-art simulations of physical systems can generate terabytes to petabytes of time-varying data where a single time step can contain more than a gigabyte of data per variable. As memory sizes continue to increase, ...Parallel rendering; Volume rendering; TRex2001
191 Boll, Steven F.Improving linear prediction analysis of noisy speech by predictive noise cancellationThe analysis of speech using Linear Prediction is reformulated to account for the presence of acoustically added noise and a technique is presented for reducing its effect on parameter estimation. The method, called Predictive Noise Cancellation (PNC), modifies the noisy speech autocorrelations ...Linear prediction; Predictive Noise Cancellation; Noisy speech; Sppech analysis1977
192 Stang, Peter J.Self-assembly of coordinative supramolecular polygons with open binding sitesThe design and synthesis of coordinative supramolecular polygons with open binding sites is described. Coordination-driven self-assembly of 2,6-bis(pyridin-4-ylethynyl)pyridine with 60? and 120? organoplatinum acceptors results in quantitative formation of a supramolecular rhomboid and hexagon, resp...2010
193 Harrison, Reid R.HermesC: RF wireless low-power neural recording for freely behaving primatesNeural prosthetics for motor systems is a rapidly growing field with the potential to provide treatment for amputees or patients suffering from neurological injury and disease. To determine whether a physically active patient such as an amputee can take advantage of these systems, we seek to devel...HermesC; RF wireless; Low-power; Neural recording; Neural prosthetics; Integrated Neural Interface; Macaques2008-05
194 DeTar, CarletonHadronic deformation energy. II. Two-nucleon interactionThe MIT bag model for hadrons is treated in the static cavity approximation. The adiabatic deformation of a six-quark hadron with quantum numbers of the deuteron is studied in a configuration which permits the separation of two triplets with quantum numbers of the neutron and proton. The energy of...Bag models; Quark bag; Deformation energy; Gluon coupling; Two-nucleon problem; Nucleons; Self-energy1978-01
195 Planelles, VicenteAn HIV-encoded antisense long non-coding RNA epigenetically regulates viral transcriptionThe abundance of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) and their wide range of functional roles in human cells are fast becoming realized. Importantly, lncRNAs have been identified as epigenetic modulators and consequently play a pivotal role in the regulation of gene expression. A human immunodeficiency v...2014-01-01
196 Beckerle, Mary C.; Hoffman, Laura M.; Yoshigi, MasaakiGenetic ablation of zyxin causes Mena/VASP mislocalization, increased motility, and deficits in actin remodelingFocal adhesions are specialized regions of the cell surface where integrin receptors and associated proteins link the extracellular matrix to the actin cytoskeleton. To define the cellular role of the focal adhesion protein zyxin, we characterized the phenotype of fibroblasts in which the zyxin gene...Zyxin; Actin; Mena/VASP2006
197 Eddings, Eric G.; Sarofim, Adel F.; Pugmire, Ronald J.Selection of surrogates for jet fuelsAbstract: A. detailed characterisation of JP fuels is provided based on literature data for the average of 55 worldwide and 4 US Jet-A fuels. These are complemented by NMR analysis of a JP-8 that provides the fractions of the carbon in the fuel that are present as protonated, bridgehead, and non-sub...Jet propulsion fuel; Surrogates; Simulations2008
198 Whitaker, Ross T.A fast iterative method for solving the eikonal equation on triangulated surfaces2012
199 Mitchell, Joyce A.Getting around in a large nomenclature file: browsing SNOMED internationalWe have developed a means whereby we can easily browse a very large (s 30 MB) file of a nomenclature vocabulary. "SNOMED International - A Vocabulary of Human and Veterinary Medicine" is such a file and has been proposed to serve as the basis for controlled vocabularies. The College of American Path...1994-01-01
200 Coley, Phyllis D.Benefits and costs of defense in a neotropical shrubBenefits and costs are central to optimality theories of plant defense. Benefit is the gain in fitness to reducing herbivory and cost is the loss in fitness to committing resources to defense. We evaluate the benefits and costs of defense in a neotropical shrub, Psychotria horizontalis. Plants were ...Cost of defense; Growth-defense trade-off; Exclosures; Field experiment; Herbivory; Panama; Psychotria horizontalis; Rubiaceae; Tannins; Toughness; Tropics1995
176 - 200 of 1,196