176 - 200 of 967
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176 Liu, FengSelf-organized nanoscale pattern formation on vicinal Si(111) surfaces via a two-stage faceting transitionWe demonstrate a self-organized pattern formation on vicinal Si(111) surfaces that are miscut toward the [211] direction. All the patterns, consisting of a periodic array of alternating (7 X 7) reconstructed terraces and step-bunched facets, have the same periodicity and facet structure, independent...Vicinal Si(111); Nanoscale pattern formation; Two-stage; Faceting transition2002-02
177 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Optical properties of quinolinium tetracyanoquinodimethanide, [Qn(TCNQ)2] and (N-methylphenazinium)x(phenazine)1-x (tetracyanoquinodimethane) [(NMP)x(Phen)1-x(TCNQ)]We present here optical-absorption data of quinolinium ditetracyanoquinodimethanide [Qn(TCNQ)2] and (N-methylphenazinium)x(phenazine)1-x(tetracyanoquinodimethanide) [(NMP)x(Phen)1-x(TCNQ)] for 0.5 <_x<_ 0.6. These materials span the range of electronic structure from commensurate, to commensurate ...Commensurate; Lattice; Electron1989
178 Morse, Michael DavidSpectroscopic studies of jet-cooled AINiResonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy has been used to interrogate diatomic AlNi produced by laser vaporization of a 1:l alloy target in a supersonic molecular beam of helium. Although a large density of states in this molecule prohibits a concise elucidation of its electronic structure, the p...1993
179 Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Ehrenfreund, Eitan A.Amplitude and phase modes in trans-polyacetylene: resonant Raman scattering and induced infrared activityThe resonant Raman scattering (RRS) from the three Ag modes of trans-polyacetylene and the charged-induced ir modes are analyzed with use of the amplitude- and phase-mode theories. It is shown that the observed phonon frequencies and the relative intensities of all modes obtained at various laser ex...Induced infrared activity; Ag modes; Amplitude modes; Phase modes; Trans-polyacetylene1987-07
180 Ogburn, Joyce L.Acquiring minds want to know: cloth - paper-still, an issueAcquiring Minds Want to Know column: "In the last issue of Against the Grain, I presented some ideas about the possible assumptions about obligations that underlie the scholarly paperback market. This article gets a little more practical and presents some figures from Yale for your consideration."Books, paperback; Books, hardback; Acquisitions, libraries1994-11
181 Stevenson, Jeff; Procter, Melinda; Hillyard, David R.Real time PCR assays for the detection of viral pathogens - are they the gold standard?Over the past decade, PCR testing for infectious agents in the clinical laboratory has begun to replace other methods, such as culture. PCR is often now referred to as the 'gold standard' in this field. Further evolution of this technology has seen the introduction of real time PCR, replacing tradit...Polymorphism; Target DNA2003-11-11
182 Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Ehrenfreund, Eitan A.Resonant Raman scattering from amplitude modes in trans-(CH)x and -(CD)xThe three resonantly enhanced Raman vibrations in trans-(CK)x and ~(CD)X are described in terms of amplitude modes associated with the Peierls gap. The dispersion in the Raman-line profiles is explained by inhomogeneity. A narrow distribution of the effective electron-phonon coupling constant is re...Peierls gap1983-12
183 Wu, Yong-ShiDeformed Hubbard operator, bosonization, and phase diagram of the one-dimensional t-J modelWe present an analytic study of the phase diagram of the one-dimensional t-J model and a couple of its cousins. To deal with the interactions induced by the no double occupancy constraints, we introduce a deformation of the Hubbard operators. When the deformation parameter ∆ is small, the induced...Hubbard operator; Bosonization; Deformation; t-J model2002-10
184 Brenckle, J. F.A new polygonum from Garfield County, UtahThe plant described below was collected 6 miles north of Escalante, Garfield Co., Utah, by W . P. Cottam, Sept. 17, 1935. It was found growing in great abundance along sandy ravines on the rocky Navajo sandstone spur which projects southward from the Aquarius Plateau. The type specimen, No. 65 0 7 ,...1940-06-27
185 Ailion, David Charles14N study of the role of N-D---O bonds in the deuteron glass transition14N spin-lattice relaxation-time measurements in Rb0.28(ND4)0.72D2PO4 provide direct evidence for the fast exchange averaging of the "long" and "short" N-D---O hydrogen bonds between the ND4 group and the four surrounding PO4 groups. This exchange and the associated distortion of the ND4 tetrahedron...NMR; Hydrogen bonds; Spin-lattice; Relaxation-time; Deuteron glass1999
186 Jarrard, Richard D.Geophysical properties of oceanic crust at Sites 768 and 770Velocity, density, resistivity, and neutron-porosity logs were recorded in virtually the entire 222-m-thick section of basaltic back-arc crust drilled at Site 768 and through the 106-m section of MORB crust at Site 770. Our analysis of these logs and comparison with measurements on discrete cores pe...1991
187 Morse, Michael DavidSpectroscopy of diatomic ZrF and ZrCl: 760 ? 555 nmThe optical spectrum of diatomic ZrF has been investigated, with transitions recorded in the range from 14 700 to 18 000 cm?1. Many bands have been observed, several of which can be grouped into three band systems. Rotationally resolved investigations are hampered by perturbations that are rampant ...2011
188 Forster, Richard R.Initial in situ measurements of perennial meltwater storage in the Greenland firn aquiferA perennial storage of water in a firn aquifer was discovered in southeast Greenland in 2011. We present the first in situ measurements of the aquifer, including densities and temperatures. Water was present at depths between ~12 and 37m and amounted to 18.7 ± 0.9 kg in the extracted core. The wate...2014-01-01
189 Liu, FengEquilibrium shape of two-dimensional islands under stressWe show that the equilibrium shape anisotropy of two-dimensional islands in heteroepitaxial growth depends on island size, a consequence of the presence of strain. Even in homoepitaxy, in which the island shape has conventionally been equated with the ratio of step energies, a substrate surface str...Two-dimensional islands; Equilibrium shape; Heteroepitaxial growth; Homoepitaxy2000-08
190 Mattis, Daniel C.Tricritical point in random-field Ising modelThe numerical investigation of the random-field Ising model by Houghton, Khurana, and Seco1 has revealed a number of interesting features concerning the three-dimensional Ising model in a random external field Bt. Earlier, Aharony2 had already found that even in a mean-field approximation the b...Random external field; Tricritical points; Gaussian distribution1985
191 Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Taylor, P. CraigExcitation energy dependence of photoinduced absorption in intrinsic a-Si:HWe have studied subgap absorption of intrinsic a-Si:H induced by below- and above-gap photoexcitation. We find very similar photoinduced subgap absorption spectra when excited with 2.4 eV or 1.2 eV light. Both spectra exhibit a power-law dependence on laser intensity ?T ~ 1a, where a is 0.5 and 0.7...Intrinsic a-Si:H; Subgap absorption; Photoinduced absorption; Gap photoexcitation; Photomodulation; Electronic states1998
192 Furse, Cynthia M.Iterative array level optimization of MIMO antennasMultiple-input-multiple-output systems have gained importance in the last decade due to their ability to provide improved capacity as compared to their SISO counterparts. System optimization promises further improvement in the capacity. The optimization can be either optimization of detection algori...2008
193 Armentrout, Peter B.Mechanism of proton exchange: guided ion beam studies of the reactions, H(H2O)n+ (n=1-4) + D2O and D(D 2O)n+ (n=1-4) + H2OReactions of protonated water clusters, H(H2O)n+ (n=1-4) with D2O and their "mirror" reactions, D(D2O)n+ (n=1-4) with H2O, are are studied using guided-ion beam mass spectrometry. Absolute reaction cross sections are determined as a function of collision energy from thermal energy to over 10 eV.Collision-induced dissociation; Proton exchange; Protonated water clusters; Exothermic reactions; Deuterium oxide2004
194 Malloy, Thomas E.; Jensen, Gary C.Emergence of dynamic form through phase relations in dynamic systemsGregory Bateson construes mental process as the flow and transforms of differences in a system. Stuart Kauffman uses NK Boolean systems to model the emergence of order in biological evolution. Because the Boolean base (0, 1) maps to Bateson's idea of difference, we simulate Bateson's epistemology wi...Systems; Psychology; Models2005-10-24
195 Armentrout, Peter B.Activation of methane by gold cations: guided ion beam and theoretical studiesThe potential energy surface for activation of methane by the third-row transition metal cation, Au+, is studied experimentally by examining the kinetic energy dependence of this reaction using guided ion beam tandem mass spectrometry. A flow tube ion source produces Au+ primarily in its 1S0 (5d10) ...2006
196 Gondolo, PaoloSimple renormalizable flavor symmetry for neutrino oscillationsThe recent measurement of a nonzero neutrino mixing angle θ13 requires a modification of the tri-bimaximal mixing pattern that predicts a zero value for it. We propose a new neutrino mixing pattern based on a spontaneously broken A4 flavor symmetry and a type-I seesaw mechanism. Our model allows fo...2012-01-01
197 DeTar, CarletonReggeon calculus as a low-order perturbation theory for the PomeronWe review the foundations of the Gribov Reggeon calculus with an emphasis on the relationship between the energy-plane and J-plane descriptions of the diagrams of the calculus. The question of the "large-rapidity-gap cutoff' for the Pomeron and the problem of signature are treated in more detail t...Singularities; Reggeon calculus; Reggeon field theory; Two-body propagator1975-02
198 Harrison, Reid R.Low-power FM transmitter for use in neural recording applicationsWe present a low power FM transmitter for use in neural recording telemetry. The transmitter consists of a low noise biopotential amplifier and a voltage controlled oscillator used to transmit the amplified neural signals at a frequency of 433 MHz. The circuit is powered through a transcutaneous,...RF telemetry; Transmitter; Neural recording; Low power circuits; Multielectrode arrays; Voltage controlled oscillator (VCO)2004-01-01
199 Armentrout, Peter B.Translational energy dependence of O+(4S) + N2 → NO+ + N from thermal energies to 30 eV c.m.Guided ion beam mass spectrometry is used to examine the kinetic energy dependence of the reaction of ground state atomic oxygen ion with molecular nitrogen. An 0 + (4S) source which produces less than 0.06% excited states is described. Cross sections for the NO+ + N product channel decrease with...Ion-molecule reactions; Translational energy; Threshold behavior; Endothermic reactions; Nitrogen; Oxygen1987
200 Morse, Michael DavidResonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy of jet-cooled tantalum carbide, TaCThe optical spectrum of diatomic TaC has been investigated for the first time, with transitions recorded in the range from 17 850 to 20 000 cm?1. Six bands were rotationally resolved and analyzed to obtain ground and excited state parameters, including band origins, upper and lower state rotational...2010
176 - 200 of 967