151 - 175 of 2,491
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151 Sobh, Tarek M.Active inspection and reverse engineeringWe propose a new design for inspection and reverse engineering environments. In particular, we investigate the use of discrete event dynamic systems (DEDS) to guide and control the active exploration and sensing of mechanical parts for industrial inspection and reverse engineering. We introduce dyn...Discrete event dynamic systems; DEDS; Industrial inspection1993
152 Organick, Elliott I.ADA to silicon transformations: the outline of a methodThis report explores the contention that a high-order language specification of a machine (such as an Ada program) can be methodically transformed into a hardware representation of that machine. One series of well-defined steps through which such transformations can take place is presented in this i...ADA program; High-order language specification1982
153 Carter, Tony M.Ada-to-silicon compiler study (Final Report 30 Jan 85 - 30 Jun 86)The vision of a system design environment in which both hardware and software components could be designed, tested, and executed was proffered by the late Dr. Elliott Organick1 in 1981. He was impressed by the objectiveness of Ada and the availability of an architecture (the Intel 432) which was sp...ADA language1986
154 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive algorithms for identifying recursive nonlinear systemsABSTRACT This paper presents two fast least-squares lattice algorithms for adaptive non-linear filters equipped with system models involving nonlinear feedback. Such models can approximate a large class of non-linear systems adequately, and usually with considerable parsimony in the number of coeff...1991
155 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive bilinear predictorsThis paper considers an extended recursive least squares (RLS) adaptive bilinear predictor. It is shown that the extended RLS adaptive bilinear predictor is guaranteed to be stable in the sense that the time average of the squared a-posteriori prediction error signal is bounded whenever the input...1994
156 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive filters requiring zero multiplicationsThis paper introduces an adaptive filter structure that requires zero multiplications for its implementations. The primary input signals are quantized using DPCM and the DPCM outputs are processed by the adaptive filter. The sign algorithm. We show that if the parameters are chosen properly, hardwar...1987
157 Cohen, ElaineAdaptive isocurves based rendering for freeform surfacesFreeform surface rendering is traditionally performed by approximating the surface with polygons and then rendering the polygons. This approach is extremely common because of the complexity in accurately rendering the surfaces directly. Recently, several papers presented methods to render surfaces ...Freeform surface rendering; Isocurves1992
158 Cohen, ElaineAdaptive isocurves based rendering for freeform surfacesFreeform surface rendering is traditionally performed by approximating the surface with polygons and then rendering the polygons This approach is extremely common because of the complexity in accurately rendering the surfaces directly Recently?? several papers presented methods to render surface...Freeform surface rendering; Isocurves1992
159 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive lattice bilinear filtersAbstract-This paper presents two fast least squares lattice algorithms for adaptive nonlinear filters equipped with bilinear system models. Bilinear models are attractive for adaptive filtering applications because they can approximate a large class of nonlinear systems adequately, and usually with...1993
160 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive nonlinear digital filter with sequential regression algorithmThe purpose of this paper is to introduce an adaptive nonlinear digital filtering algorithm which use the sequential regression (SER) method to update the second order Volterra filter coefficients in a recursive way. Conventionally, the SER method has been used to invert large matrices which result ...1984
161 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive phase transform processors for time delay estimationThis paper introduces two recursive realizations of the phase transform (PHAT) processor for time-delay estimation (TDE), using a simple one-pole low-pass filter and the least-mean-square (LMS) adaptive filter, respectively. It is shown that these adaptive methods are capable of tracking time-varyin...1993
162 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive polynomial filtersWhile linear filter are useful in a large number of applications and relatively simple from conceptual and implementational view points. there are many practical situations that require nonlinear processing of the signals involved. This article explains adaptive nonlinear filters equipped with polyn...1991
163 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive realization of a maximum likelihood time delay estimatorABSTRACT This paper presents an adaptive maximum likelihood method for estimating the time difference of arrival of a source signal at two spatially separate sensors. It is well-known that the maximum likelihood technique achieves the Cramer-Rao lower bound for time delay estimation error for ce...1996
164 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive realizations of the maximum likelihood processor for time delay estimationAbstract-This correspondence introduces an adaptive realization of the maximum likelihood (ML) processor for time delay estimation (TDE). Also presented is a modified ML processor, which requires less computations but still performs better than the other when implemented in an adaptive way. Widrow'...1984
165 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive realizations of the phase transform for time delay estimationABSTRACT This paper introduces two recursive realizations of the Phase Transforn (PHAT) processor for tine delay estimation (TOE), using a simple one-pole lowpass filter and the least mean square (LMS) adaptive filter, respectively. It is shown that these adaptive methods are very effective in redu...1984
166 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive volterra filters using orthogonal structuresAbstract- This paper presents an adaptive Volterra filter that employs a recently developed orthogonalization procedure of Gaussian signals for Volterra system identification. The algorithm is capable of handling arbitrary orders of nonlinearity P as well as arbitrary lengths of memory N for the sys...1995
167 Mathews, V. JohnAdaptive volterra filters using orthogonal structuresAbstract-This paper presents an adaptive Volterra filter that empolys a recently developed orthogonalization procedure of Gaussian signals for Volterra system identification. The algorithm is capable of handling arbitrary orders of nonlinearity P as well as arbitrary lengths of memory N for the syst...1996
168 Beckerle, Mary C.Adhesion plaque protein, talin, is phosphorylated in vivo in chicken embryo fibroblasts exposed to the tumor-promoting phorbol esterTalin is a high molecular weight phosphoprotein that is localized at adhesion plaques. We have found that talin phosphorylation increases 3.0-fold upon exposure of chicken embryo fibroblasts to the tumor-promoting phorbol ester, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate.Talin; Vinculin; Chicken embryo fibroblasts1990
169 Symko, Orest GeorgeAdiabatic compressional cooling of He3By adiabatic compression of a two-phase mixture of liquid and solid He3, temperatures below 2.5 mK have been obtained. These are in the range expected for nuclear ordering in solid He3.He3; Adiabatic compressional cooling1969-03
170 McDaniel, SusanAdoption in Canada: A neglected area of data collection and researchFor some decades there has been in Canada, as in the United States, recurrent public interest in adoption. At various times this interest has been kindled by professional concern about unauthorized child placement and by the plight of children made homeless by war and other calamities. More recently...Canada; Adoption; Statistics1981
171 McDaniel, SusanAdoption policy in Great Britain and North AmericaThis paper has two purposes. First, to explore what existing adoption legislation may indicate about the meaning and function of adoption practices in North America and Great Britain. Second, to consider some possible policy implications revealed by clearer understanding of the social meaning of exi...Adoption law; Family; North America1984
172 Miller, Jan D.Adsorption mechanisms in nonmetallic activation systemsAdsorption of lead and ferric iron on quurtz and alumina is presented as a function of pH. Only the hydrolyzed species of these metal ions, FeOHt+ and PbOH', adsorb significantly on each of these minerals. Zeta potentials of quartz were measured as a function of pH in the presence of various additio...Ferric iron; Quartz; Lead; Alumina; Adsorption; pH (Chemistry)1970
173 Hawkes, KristenAffluent hunters? Some comments in light of the Alyawara caseOur recent analysis (O'Connell and Hawkes in press) of plant food collecting among the Alyawara, a central Australian hunting group, shows that the cost of subsistence is sometimes quite high, far higher than the current conven. tional wisdom regarding hunters would suggest. We infer from available ...1981-01-01
174 Gondolo, PaoloAGAPE, a microlensing search in the direction of M31: status reportThe M31 galaxy in Andromeda is the nearest large galaxy after the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds. It is a giant galaxy, roughly 2 times as large as our Milky Way, and has its own halo. As pointed by some of us [1, 2] and independantly by A. Crotts [3], M31 provides a rich field of stars to searc...AGAPE; Andromeda Gravitational Amplification Pixel Experiment; Microlensing; MACHO; Massive compact halo objects1995
175 Battin, Margaret P.Age rationing and the just distribution of health care: is there a duty to die?These lines express a view again stirring controversy: that the elderly who are irreversibly ill, whose lives can be continued only with substantial medical support, ought not to be given treatment; instead, their lives should be brought to an end. It should be recognized, as one contemporary politi...1987
151 - 175 of 2,491