151 - 175 of 494
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151 Normann, Richard A.; Kolb, Helga; Lasater, Eric M.Signal integration at the pedicle of turtle cone photoreceptors: an anatomical and electrophysiological studyThe morphology of the axon which connects the cell body and pedicle of turtle cone photoreceptors was studied by light and electron microscopy. The axon which contains numerous synaptic vesicles, some endoplasmic reticulum, and a few cisternae is basically filled with cytoplasm. The length of the ax...Cone Photoreceptor, Voltage Clamp; Isolated Cells; Input Resistance; Cell Body-Pedicle Coupling1989
152 Silverman, Randall H.First word in lasting impressionsThe creaking lever-action of a Columbian letterpress printing damped, handmade paper with cast metal type is an anomaly in the modern age. What now can be achieved within minutes on an offset press requires hours of meticulous setting, locking up, inking, and proofing to print on a Columbian powered...Columbian letterpress; Clymer; Red Butte Press1993
153 Awate, Suyash P.; Whitaker, Ross T.Higher-order image statistics for unsupervised, information-theoretic, adaptive, image filteringThe restoration of images is an important and widely studied problem in computer vision and image processing. Various image filtering strategies have been effective, but invariably make strong assumptions about the properties of the signal and/or degradation. Therefore, these methods typically la...Image filtering; Image restoration2005-04-15
154 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Atkins, John F.Influence of the stacking potential of the base 3' of tandem shift codons on -1 ribosomal frameshifting used for gene expressionTranslating ribosomes can shift reading frame at specific sites with high efficiency for gene expression purposes. The most common type of shift to the 1 frame involves a tandem realignment of two anticodons from pairing with mRNA sequence of the form X XXY YYZ to XXX YYY Z where the spaces indicate...1 frameshifting; 39 context effect; Codon anticodon interaction; Escherichia coli ; Recoding; tRNALys; XXXY YYZ frameshift motifs2002
155 Hansen, Charles D.; Wald, IngoInteractive ray tracing of arbitrary implicits with SIMD interval arithmeticWe present a practical and efficient algorithm for interactively ray tracing arbitrary implicit surfaces. We use interval arithmetic (IA) both for robust root computation and guaranteed detection of topological features. In conjunction with ray tracing, this allows for rendering literally any progr...2007-09
156 Mattis, Daniel C.Limit model of CuO2 planes: exact resultsWe solve the simplest tight-binding model of electrons in a CuO2 plane with Coulomb repulsion only on the copper ions, by a limiting procedure which retains all contributions 0(t2/U) while projecting out the higher order terms. In addition to the ground state energy we identify a variety of quasipar...Electrons; Particle-hole1995
157 Liu, FengPressure-induced transition in magnetoresistance of single-walled carbon nanotubesWe applied hydrostatic pressure (up to 10 GPa) to single-walled carbon nanotube bundles at low temperature (down to 2 K) to measure their magnetoresistance (MR) in a field up to 12 T. We found a pressure-induced transition in MR from positive to negative in the high-field regime. The onset of the tr...Single-walled carbon nanotubes; Pressure-induced2006-07
158 Mitchell, Joyce A.Retrieval from full-text medical literature: the dream & the realityWhile the retrieval of the full-text of a document might seem to end all the hassle of using traditional retrieval systems, the results of the MEDLINE/Full-Text Project indicate that retrieval from the current full-text databases of biomedical journal literature does not match the dream. During the ...1991-01-01
159 Mattis, Daniel C.Second-order phase transition in a model random alloyWe investigate the existence and stability of long-range order in a simple model of a binary alloy. We find that for electron concentrations in the vicinity of one per atom, in bipartite lattices, long-range order of the atoms exists at low temperatures, and we find that the system undergoes a secon...Phase transition; Random alloys; Quasiparticles; Density of state1973-03
160 Khan, Faisal HabibGenerating isolated outputs in a multilevel modular capacitor clamped DC-DC converter (MMCCC) for hybrid electric and fuel cell vehiclesThis paper presents a new technique to obtain isolated dc voltage outputs from a capacitor clamped dc-dc converter. The multilevel modular capacitor clamped converter (MMCCC) has several key features that make it possible to generate ac outputs (10 kHz) from a dc-dc converter circuit. Using those h...2008-01-01
161 Ameel, Timothy AMicrochannel fluid behavior using micropolar fluid theoryIn this paper, we describe microchannel fluid behavior using a numerical model based on micropolar fluid theory and experimentally verify the model using micromachined channels. The micropolar fluid theory augments the laws of classical continuum mechanics by incorporating the effects of fluid ...1998
162 Morse, Michael DavidPredissociation lifetimes of vibrational levels of the excited ? B? (Ka=O) electronic states of Cd ? H? and Cd ? D? complexesThe experimental rates of predissociation of vibrational levels of the ?B? (K'a-O) excited states of the Cd ? HZ and Cd ? D2 complexes are shown to be consistent with both semiclassical and quantum-mechanical pseudodiatomic theoretical treatments of the process. The ?B? pseudodiatomic potential was ...1992
163 Parker, Bradley J.The upper Tigris archaeological research project: a final report from the 1999 field seasonDuring the summer of 1999 members of the Upper Tigris Archaeological Research Project (UTARP) conducted archaeological excavations and surveys at two sites in the upper Tigris river region of southeastern Turkey. This article presents the results of that research. At the site of Boztepe excavations ...2002-01-01
164 Harrison, Reid R.Versatile integrated circuit for the acquisition of biopotentialsElectrically active cells in the body produce a wide variety of voltage signals that are useful for medical diagnosis and scientific investigation. These biopotentials span a wide range of amplitudes and frequencies. We have developed a versatile front-end integrated circuit that can be used to amp...Biopotential; Neural recording; Electrodes; Amplifier2007-09
165 Farmer, Colleen G.The provenance of alveolar and parabronchial lungs: insights from paleoecology and the discovery of cardiogenic, unidirectional airflow in the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)Birds and mammals evolved greater aerobic abilities than their common ancestor had. This required expansion of the cardiopulmonary system's capacity for gas exchange, but while directional selection for his expanded capacity resulted in extremely similar avian and mammalian hearts, strikingly differ...2010-07
166 Voth, Gregory AlanThe multiscale coarse-graining method. VI. Implementation of three-body coarse-grained potentialsMany methodologies have been proposed to build reliable and computationally fast coarse-grained potentials. Typically, these force fields rely on the assumption that the relevant properties of the system under examination can be reproduced using a pairwise decomposition of the effective coarse-grai...2010
167 Jewell, PaulGeology and geothermal potential North of Wells, NevadaThis report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency Thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, ...Tertiary sediments; Siltstones; Conglomerates; Lithologies; Well logs; Aquifers; Step faults1982-01-01
168 Vardeny, Zeev ValentinePhotogeneration and recombination processes of neutral and charged excitations in films of a ladder-type poly(para-phenylene)We introduce a version of the cw photomodulation technique, measured far from the steady state, for obtaining the quantum efficiency, η, of long-lived photoexcitations in p-conjugated polymers. We apply this technique to films of a ladder-type poly(para-phenylene) [mLPPP] for studying the photoge...Photogeneration; Recombination process; Neutral excitations; Charged excitations; Ladder-type poly(para-phenylene)1999-08
169 Morse, Michael DavidThe ?IIou ?X ???g band system of jet-cooled Ti?A band of jet-cooled ??Ti? has been located in the near infrared by resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy. Rotational analysis has shown the band to be an ?? =O* ???=1 transition, which is consistent with the 3??g, ground state proposed by Bauschlicher ef al. [J. Chem. Phys. 95, 1057 ( 1991)]...1992
170 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshSome unusual micropipeline circuitsWe present a few unusual Micropipelines (Sutherland, CACM, September 1989) that employ the Muller C-ELEMENT or an extension of the C-ELEMENT called LOCKC (Liebchen and Gopalakrishnan, ICCD, 1992). We first describe two variations of the two-dimensional Micropipeline structure realized using ordinary...Micropipeline circuits; Micropipelines1993
171 Morse, Michael DavidRotationally resolved spectra of Pt?High-resolution laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy has been used to investigate the 18 163 cm21 band of Pt2 in a supersonically cooled molecular beam. Rotational constants of the ground and excited states were extracted from the rotationally resolved spectrum and determined to be B0'=0.031 754(...2002
172 Regehr, JohnEvolving real-time systems using hierarchical scheduling and concurrency analysisWe have developed a new way to look at real-time and embedded software: as a collection of execution environments created by a hierarchy of schedulers. Common schedulers include those that run interrupts, bottom-half handlers, threads, and events. We have created algorithms for deriving response tim...2003-01-01
173 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Evidence for solitons in conducting organic charge-transfer crystalsMagnetic susceptibility of (N-methylphenazinium)x(phenazine)(1-x (tetracyanoquinodimethanide) [(NMP)x(Phen)1-x(TCNQ)] shows the formation of defect states for 0.5<x<0.54. Diffuse x-ray scattering and g-value studies indicate that these defects are solitons formed in the highly correlated quasi-one-...TCNQ; X-ray scattering1982
174 Balasubramonian, RajeevStaged reads: mitigating the impact of DRAM writes on DRAM readsMain memory latencies have always been a concern for system performance. Given that reads are on the criti- cal path for CPU progress, reads must be prioritized over writes. However, writes must be eventually processed and they often delay pending reads. In fact, a single channel in the main memory ...2012-01-01
175 Hansen, Charles D.Parallel volume rendering using binary-swap compositingExisting volume rendering methods, though capable of very effective visualizations, are computationally intensive and therefore fail to achieve interactive rendering rates for large data sets. Although computing technology continues to advance, computer processing power never seems to catch up to th...1994
151 - 175 of 494