126 - 150 of 684
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126 Landesman, Margaret M.Acquisitions preconference 3: the summaryThe Acquisitions for the Eighties Preconference, sponsored by the Association of American Publishers and R.T.S.D., was intended to bring together publishers, wholesalers and acquisitions librarians to explore the issues that will affect acquisitions in the coming decade and to consider ways in wh...1980
127 Digre, Kathleen B.CT and hemifacial spasm.Forty-six patients with typical hemifacial spasm had CT. Thirty-eight (83%) were abnormal, including two with surgically documented tumors. Thirty-six had a characteristic dolichoectatic vertebrobasilar artery, with the convexity pointing to the side of the spasm in 92% of the scans. This study sugg...Hemifacial spasms; Tumors; Dolichoectiatic vertebrobasilar artery1988-07
128 Coley, Phyllis D.Red coloration of tropical young leaves: a possible antifungal defense?Many woody species in humid tropical forests synchronously flush entire canopies of young red leaves. Numerous unsuccessful attempts have been made to explain the adaptive value of this visually striking phenomenon. In the humid tropics, fungal attack is a potentially important source of mortality f...Herbivory; Anthocyanin; Antifungal defense; Atta columbica; Panama; Leaf-cutting ants; Tropics; Young leaves1989
129 Ramachandran, VandanaWeekend effect in internet search advertisingThis paper examines whether Internet search advertising exhibits a weekend effect, a substantial difference in the effectiveness of ad spending on weekends vs on weekdays. We employ a data set from a major hotel chain, consisting of daily spending on search ads for 13 months, across three search eng...2012-01-01
130 Energy eighteen wheelers: the technological revolution within utility restructuring.The electric utility industry, is being de-regulated and restructured. The utilities want to preserve their traditional markets and customers and to avoid stranding their capital investments. Special customer interest groups want to open these traditional markets to new "merchant" providers of elect...Utility Industry; Change; Photovoltaics1997-10-09
131 Landesman, Margaret M.Saving yourself into the poor houseSense and Sensibility column: "Saving yourself into the poor house...Perhaps it might be a good thing, especially when thinking about life four or five years down the road, to look more closely at these tempting small "incremental expenditures" for "Big Deals." "Saving yourself into the poorhouse" i...Acquisitions; Vendors; Publishers; Publisher packages2002-12
132 Anderson, Richard BryanOpen access in the real world: confronting economic and legal realityOpen access to scholarly information is a hot-button issue that quickly triggers heated discussion - especially if the topic arises in a mixed group of librarians and publishers. Sometimes the discussion ends up generating useful ideas and practical solutions to real-world problems; too often, it le...2004
133 Flynn, John J.Antitrust and the newspapers a comment on S. 1312The American newspaper industry, often called "The Fourth Estate," apparently believes it has fallen on hard times. The aristocrats of the Fourth Estate, the daily newspapers, came to the Ninetieth Congress seeking a boon: relaxation of the rigors of antitrust policy as applied to mergers and joint ...Publishers; Circulation; Revenues1968
134 Lenart, Joshua B.The Uinta Express pipeline: a comprehensive research report conducted by students enrolled in CvEEN 3100 technical communicationsThe Uinta Express Pipeline is a proposed common carrier pipeline which would transport waxy crude oil extracted from the Uinta Basin in northeastern Utah to area refineries in North Salt Lake City. The proposed project would consist of a 12-inch, buried, insulated, carbon steel pipeline supported by...Uinta Express pipeline; Feasibility study; Waxy crude oil; Environmental impact assessment2015-02
135 Zick, Cathleen D.Review of the economics of family time useTime is a limited resource. Yet, it is also the one resource with which all individuals are equally endowed on any given day. Why then is there such wide variation in how each of us chooses to use that time? What factors guide our decisions about time spent working versus time spent with family and...1998
136 Mulaik, Stanley & DorotheaNew Texas terrestrial isopods with notes on other speciesIn a previous paper (1 ) the authors reported new records and gave descriptions and figures o f new species of terrestrial Isopods. Further studies of their collections reveal additional material of considerable interest, and some of the findings are recorded here. I t is believed that careful colle...1943-08-12
137 Jameson, Kenneth P.Supply-side economics: a skeptical viewThe current buzzword in Washington--and one presumes in Denver, San Diego, and South Bend as well--is "supply-side economics." Since a significant number of economists seem to be lining up behind its flag, it would be worthwhile to take a hard look at the current rage.Wealth; Poverty1981
138 Goldberg, Robert A.Esther Rosenblatt Landa: her price is far above rubiesDr. Robert Goldberg has been a professor of history at the University of Utah since 1980. His teaching and research field is twentieth-century America with a focus on the American West, social, and political history. He has won five teaching awards and is the author of four books: Hooded Empire: Th...Landa, Esther Rosenblatt1996
139 Ogburn, Joyce L.Acquiring minds want to know: smart systems, smart booksThis article will outline a specific suggestion both to aid some basic acquisitions functions and their management. It will focus primarily on use of vendors, vendor performance and business terms. I have several suggestions for improvement, which were touched on briefly in the first article, based...Libraries; Acquisitions; Vendors1994
140 Mallat, ChibliBeware of Sudan's Secessionist DemonsDemocracy means sorting out problems together, not going ones own way in a separate state every time there is disagreement. Only a miracle can save Sudan from the demons of secession. The precedent set could be devastating for the Middle East and well beyond.2010-09-02
141 Landesman, Bruce M.Decent society (book review)Review of the book `The Decent Society,' by Avishai Margalit.Books; Philosophy1997-07
142 Anderson, Richard BryanIMHBCO (In my humble but correct opinion): not even wrong: Gorman on GoogleThis article critiques Michael Gorman's critique of the Google Book Project.Google Book Project; Digitization; Information2005
143 Flynn, John J.Social, political and economic consequences of corporate sizeCongress has often expressed its concern for fostering the long term values of small business as the cornerstone of a viable political, social and economic system guaranteeing fundamental human freedom, maximizing economic opportunity and well-being, and providing political stability in the world's...Small business; Freedom; Congress1976
144 Silverman, Randall H.First word in lasting impressionsThe creaking lever-action of a Columbian letterpress printing damped, handmade paper with cast metal type is an anomaly in the modern age. What now can be achieved within minutes on an offset press requires hours of meticulous setting, locking up, inking, and proofing to print on a Columbian powered...Columbian letterpress; Clymer; Red Butte Press1993
145 Furse, Cynthia M.; Farhang, BehrouzIntegration of signals/systems and electromagnetics courses through the design of a communication system for a cardiac pacemakerAs students go through a traditional ECE program, they lean a great deal about individual components and tools: transistors, op amps, diodes, resistors, transmission lines, and Fourier transforms. In a traditional lab they build and test these individual units. But when the lab is done, whether or n...2005-04
146 Furse, Cynthia M.; Farhang, BehrouzIntegration of signals/systems and electromagnetics courses through the design of a communication system for a cardiac pacemakerAs students go through a traditional ECE program, they learn a great deal about individual components and tools: transistors, op amps, diodes, resistors, transmission lines, and Fourier transforms. In a traditional lab they build and test these individual units. But when the lab is done, whether or...Biomedical communication; Electrical engineering education2005-04
147 Hillman, Nicholas WThe impact of state appropriations and grants on access to higher education and outmigrationEducation policymakers at all levels of government have long been interested in finding ways to entice more students to go to college. This goal has been driven by the belief that, as people acquire more education, they not only reap personal benefits from their investment in education, but they als...2012-01-01
148 Ehleringer, James R.Responses of boreal conifers to climate fluctuations: indications from tree-ring widths and carbon isotope analysesSpatial distribution and species composition of the boreal forest are expected to change under predicted climate change scenarios. Current research indicates that water limitations control the southern boundary of the central Canadian boreal forest and temperature limitations control the northern b...Boreal forests; Carbon budget; Picea mariana; Pinus banksiana; Carbon isotopes1998
149 Lindstrom, Gary E.Consistency and currency in functional databasesWe consider a hybrid model of databases, in which a functional component T is defined as an extension to an imperative component B. T. is loosely coupled to B through a highly parallel function network N. which provides a simple failsafe test of whether an existing assignment of values to a given vi...Functional databases1982
150 Ogburn, Joyce L.Report and commentary on the Faxon Institute: the second annual colloquium on scholarly communication issuesThe development of electronic means of publishing has forever changed the face of authorship, publishing and library services. Contracts are on the rise, fair use is waning, and this shift in emphasis has profound implications. For effective and economical dissemination of scholarly information to s...Electronic publishing; Libraries; Scholarly publishers1998
126 - 150 of 684